Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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nogooddeed (Chapter 44) - Sun 02 May 2010

LOVE IT!! Please update soon!!

nogooddeed (Chapter 44) - Sun 02 May 2010

LOVE IT!! Please update soon!!

Koi (Chapter 44) - Sun 02 May 2010

What a wonderful story! I wonder what happened to kagome? I hope the cat knows what happened to kagome!! Great story!

Snowfall (Chapter 44) - Sun 02 May 2010

Oh wow!  These last two chapters have had me on the edge of my seat!  I hope they can find Hisoka.  Whatever happened in the past must have been a big deal.  I loved the interaction between Sesshoumaru and his mother.  She's such fun.  ^_^  Heh, Miroku, ever the smooth talker.  I'm surprised that he so easily gave up Kagome's secret.  Inuyasha's concern and behavior is really cute.  I'm glad that you portray him without malice.  Thanks.  ^_^

GreyEcho (Chapter 44) - Sat 01 May 2010

That was tense. I can't wait to see the reaction when they do meet again. >.< My mind keeps going over how thing might have gone down before she left, and what might happen in the future. I just glad that it looks like when they do meet up, it won't be on bad terms.

loveyaa (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

And the puzzle pieces are slowly being put together...I never had the patience for puzzles though :) I can't wait til next (but Im torn between wanting to know whats going on in the present but also the past and how Kagome is getting along and why Sesshoumaru is the way he is).

Fox (Chapter 1) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Wouah ! J'aime vos histoires tellement Forthy, mais vous savez déjà cela. Je ne souhaite pas les chapitres aient été plus longs, je pensent qu'ils sont absolument parfaits. Vous mettez à jour quand vous le sentez nécessaire et ce sera le temps parfait.


Amour, Fox

Connie (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

ahaha so cute "his higurashi" :P

Lauren (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Arg. The tension~ I can' take it! T^T Poor Sesshomaru. He's so conflicted. ...Looking forward to the next installment.

Kawaii Girl

Sena (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Such a short but telling update!!

You have me on the edge of my seat.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Whoa! You can't stop it THERE!!!!! *Whine* I need to know mooooorrrrre. Pleeeeaaase? Pretty Please...

Diane (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

I'm really liking this & am looking forward to seeing where this goes & if they think to talk to Bokusenou. Umm, slight correction, in the tomb Inuyasha was wearing his firerat, it was Tessaiga that Kagome had at the time & that saved her from Sess's poison, unless of course her powers saved her & Tessaiga was just a coinsidence.

Eve (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010
OH I LOVE this!!!! I can hardly wait for the next! and thank you for having the un cut versions that are longer!!!!!!!

Kat (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

NOOOOOOO!!!! You can't leave us with that sort of cliffhanger! It's just not right! I love this fic and I can't wait till you update the next chapter, I hope we go back to the past so that we have some sort of clue as to how Kagome ended up with Hisoka-sensei without mini-Sess. I'm all aquiver with curiosity.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

oooooooooooooooooooooooooo tease. @_@ but i love the possessive puppy!

LM Bluejay (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

More! More! ^_^

Hesunohana (Chapter 44) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

discussion between the brothers : what'll happen next ?


a little cliffhanger at the end : what did Hisoka-sensei do ?

ToWriteLoveOnAPage (Chapter 1) - Tue 27 Apr 2010

So, I have been reading all this time and haven't left a review yet. Why? Well, I'm not really sure, maybe it's because I'm a jerk, or possibly because I'm illiterate, or perhaps the reason is because I don't speak English. This is actually entirely in Spanish - congrats, you're bilingual.

Ok, so obviously I'm joking, I'm just really lazy and decided I should remedy that because I LOVE YOUR STORY (see, I love it so much that I write run-on sentences. Extreme!). It's just - for lack of a better word - awesome. I love Hisoka, he's so sarcastic and subtle, it makes my day. There are a slew of other things that I love too, like the fact that you actually know how to write and do it WELL, but I won't bury you in praise. If I did, your head might grow to unworldly proportions, and then how would you see the computer screen to write more? Hint, Hint.

Always, ToWriteLoveOnAPage

Sena (Chapter 43) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

Man, I'm just dying to see what  will happen next! Such a great update!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 43) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

Goodness, do I love Sesshoumaru when he is stating his claim on what belongs to him! Please, please hurry with the next update, I love when Sesshoumaru is like this. He is soooo SEXY! Want him! Please give him to me.

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