Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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sempai19 (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

When are they going to catch up with Kagome?! Ahhh!!! Funny ending though. I hate waiting....

ashley (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

I love this story so much! Update soon!!!

Samantha (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

My GOD antoher killer chapter!  I just can't wait I was just dieing to read more this piece of fanfiction my send me to rehab!  Please update you are by far the best writter I have ever read!

knifethrower (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

I love this...

momoe (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

so inu yasha is the dish that run away with the spoon or tetsusaiga? the cat is hisoka, kagome the fiddle? the amused dog, sessh?
i really don't get this riddle. could you explain it? is it that hisoka took kagome, so sess should not worry and just be amused or happy, because hisoka will take kagome back to the stupid dish?

love your stories!!! they make me think and wonder...

please update soon, can't wait and if you can post longer chapter it would be very much appreciated it! 

Eve (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

I love this !!!!!!  Ow ii   more please more please!!!!!


Darrakk (Chapter 46) - Tue 11 May 2010

So. Good. Need. MORE.

ashley (Chapter 45) - Mon 10 May 2010

I'm very pleased and surprised at how well you keep such a young sesshomaru in character! It's very rare that I find an author like you who has such well rounded original characters as well. I hope you update soon!

Darrakk (Chapter 45) - Sat 08 May 2010

So. Much. Win!


Please give us more! We need it! Love this story do much, though I don't like where the Hisoka thing might be going.

loveyaa (Chapter 45) - Sat 08 May 2010

Ohhh...she got him to promise for Ah-Un using the term half brothers, but does that have him applying his promise to Inuyasha. Kagome is clever because she secretly got Sesshoumaru to protect Inuyasha too or just to step in for the final battle. Anyway I can't wait to see what happens and the only thing that has me not worried about Hisoka-sensei is that he is in the future. I can't wait til next time and the next little snippet of the past and present.

shelltastica (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

....uh uns Sesshoumaru's half brother?? whats going on here? lol love the story!! can't wait for the next chapter =]

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

Could you explain how Kagome's promise was a clever one? What does the promise have to do with Sesshou joining the final battle? That wasn't very clear... And I look forward to finding out what happened to Kagome. Did Sesshou remember Kagome as Higurashi when they met for the first time in the Feudal Era? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Samantha (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

I did a silent scream when I saw that you updated!  Please update very soon words can not express my love of this story.  I check daily that is how in love with it I am!

LM Bluejay (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

LOL...that was too cute! Looking forward to your next updates! ^_^

Sena (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

What a clever girl that Kagome is! Looking so forward to the next installment!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

Kagome is not the only clever woman involved in this story! Each chapter is like a perfect pearl you string on the necklace! And I love Kagome's trick to get Sesshoumaru to promise to protect Inuyasha. Clever, indeed!

Hesunohana (Chapter 45) - Fri 07 May 2010

well, I didn't understand the joke this time. (tears) I'm so supid !

Patricia (Chapter 44) - Mon 03 May 2010
I may have said this before, so forgive the repeat. I find it charming. (that's NOT an insult) Poor Sess. Coming to terms with the fact that Inuyasha's Kagome is his Higurashi. And what the heck happened to her? And is Sess's mom invoved? And what will Inuyasha do when he finds out Sess wants his Higurashi Back? *facepalm* Sorry. I'll just wait for updates and watch with glee as the story unfolds. Keep up the greatt work.

Alexis Lundy (Chapter 44) - Mon 03 May 2010

I'm so glad you updated and can't wait to see what happens next!

sakurachan_1 (Chapter 44) - Mon 03 May 2010

every time i read your new chapters i just feel compell to keep on reading...

it just keeps my hopes up for good writers and good stories...

your stories are very original ...



update soon!!!

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