Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Yohko (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010 cute and sweet...sess making kagome happy... great chapter!

Darrakk (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

Love this story, wish there was more little Sess and Kagome interaction. Keep up the good work!

loveyaa (Chapter 49) - Thu 27 May 2010

I quite enjoyed the little ending. I giggled a little since it is truer thatn many know. It just made me wonder how you come up with these little tidbits each chapter for us all to feast on. Keep up whatever is providing these. I can't wait to see if we stay in the (further) past and see how things continue to go for Kagome and Sesshoumaru and keeping up his image or if we return to the "present" (less in the past) and how Shippou plays a role :)

Elizabeth (Chapter 49) - Thu 27 May 2010

Eee!! I haven't reviewed this story in practically forever.. if I ever did.. can't remember.. but either way I have still definitely been keeping up with it! It is like one of the few stories I always make sure I check is updated. I love how it is written and how the characters are and ohhh I can't wait to find out what is happening next! Amazing job, as always. :D

Snowfall (Chapter 49) - Thu 27 May 2010

So, did Hisoka belong to Inu no Taisho the same as Kagome belongs to Sesshoumaru?  That's what it sounds like.  If so, that's probably a very interesting story.  Uh oh, I wonder if there's a particular person that has Hisoka worried concerning taking notice of Kagome.

Congrats on the awards!  Even with Sesshoumaru so young, you've kept him in character from the very beginning.  Every time I think of him telling Kagome that she wasn't doing a very good job at drowning herself, I have to laugh.  Then there's 'Imperceptible' where he allows her to fall when she gets a rock in her shoe.  I'll never forget that.  You do a great job with his characterization.  Even where there aren't large battles, you manage to give a feel of action to your stories.  There's never a dull moment.  Hm, I think it's time to go back and read some of 'Impercepible'.   ^_^

BTW, I've always wondered if he had a good look up her skirt when she bent over to find out what was making the ripples in her tea.  LOL

Noelle (Chapter 49) - Thu 27 May 2010

Love this story, please please continue!

Melly (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

This story is fantabulous as is every single chapter in it!  I like the little bit of competition between Sesshomaru and Hisoka sensei brewing, at least, what appears to be competition.... *squee!!*  I can't wait for the next chapter.  Kepp up the marvelous work!

Eriean (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

hey hey hey now!!! I need MORE!!! LIKE A LOT MORE!!!!! sooooooo can you PLEASE UPDATE AGAIN??!!!! TODAY??!!! POSSIBLY????!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

*giggled* Sesshomaru's cat and his human =x awesome ^_^ i cant wait to find out what happens from here!

Passionate Crow Rat (Chapter 1) - Tue 25 May 2010

That was so sweet. I love how you wrote little Sesshoumaru. So cutteeee!

L-desu (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

a hearty congratulations well-earned and well-deserved!  this is such an amazing story.  i can hardly wait for the next installment.

Lauren (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

Great chapter. This installment was a nice introduction to a, no doubt, fantastic multple chapter climb to Unspoiled's climax. Then comes the confrontation, right?? *giddy* I cannot wait!!!

Congrats on the awards! *throws confetti* As if there were any doubt.

Happy Memorial Day!
Kawaii Girl

KEdakumi (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

Congrats on the awards.  I love this story.  Can't wait for more!

Yohko (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

Yes! An update! Great chapter! I really want to know what happens to Kagome soon. Hope to hear from you soon!

Samantha (Chapter 49) - Tue 25 May 2010

Gosh this story is getting good excited to be back with young Sesshoumaru perhaps the time is coming soon when she makes her journey back!  Can't wait personally!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaasan (Chapter 48) - Tue 25 May 2010



 This is just splendid. I've been following one of your other stories on, but I only discoverd this one today while perusing the award winners here at Dokuga. I'm certainly glad I did because I love your writing and this is a wonderful read. You always do such a fantastic job with the characters - I'm especially fond of Hisoka.

I only wish I didn't have to wait for the next chapter, haha. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this though. It's been a great pleasure reading. Keep up the tremendous work!



Janey-jane (Chapter 47) - Mon 24 May 2010

so I just about died when I got to the "your mom" bit. I think i cried a little I was laughing so hard.

I really enjoyed this chapter (pssh, as if I don't enjoy EVERY chapter)

shinkonokokoro (Chapter 48) - Mon 24 May 2010

Oh my.... Brilliant newest chapter! I love Miroku's patient implications in his conversation with Inu Yasha... :) I can't wait to see what happens next! It's all so complicated, but it's coming together nicely! Keep writing! I want to know what happens next, and I want to see where Kagome ended up!

Lauren (Chapter 48) - Sun 23 May 2010

I liked this chapter. It was both reaffirming and insightful. Not to mention, "we" recieved some words of wisdm from out trusty monk. I'm just dying to find out what Hisoka's been up to and who that boy is. ...Or will be.

Oh! Hope you'll enjoy your Memorial Day weekend (if you're here in the States *checks*)! Eat lots of burgers and corn on the cob~ ^o^

Great chappy as always,
Kawaii Girl

aiko (Chapter 48) - Sat 22 May 2010

love it, as allways.... hope for more...*smile*

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