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Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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shinkonokokoro (Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

Aaahhhh!!!!!! Puppy Sesshoumaru! SO CUTE! Lol, I totally agree with Kagome on this one. I don't know if there was a way to preserve anyone's dignity. Puppy paws that are too big for a puppy are adorable. And I would definitely agree that it would be an apt description to say that that is how Ah and Un feel. :) Very cute chapter. I really like it. And Inu Yasha definitely favours Inu no Taishou. Keep writing!

Sala (Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

I bet Sesshoumaru was simply ADORABLE as a puppy!  I hope someone does some fan art of this section. :)

(Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

This was great!. I especially loved the last 1/3 of the story, so CUTE!!!

Yohko (Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

So cute... I want to see a puppy Sesshoumaru

Ruriame (Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

I like the back-to-back segments and how it all connects so nicely. Sesshoumaru is such an adorable child. And the last drabble was SO CUTE! The description os Sesshoumaru as a huge puppy was great :)

Lauren (Chapter 51) - Mon 31 May 2010

Another classic! I like the vague allusions to Old Mother Hubbard in this installment. And I appreciate the fact that this was much more upbeat than the rhyme. Poor Sesshomaru will be going through enough soon enough. Oh, question! Was there a double meaning in the surprise that Kagome felt when the Inu no Taisho startled her, or is that just me over-thinking again?

Sesshomaru was so polite (not that he isn't always such) in this chapter. Such a little gentleman, that one. And I'm sure he was horribly adorable with his oversized head and paws and baby fluff. *o* Humoring children can be too much.

I love these multi-sectioned chapters you do. There's something very sweet and sing-song-ish about them...

Thanks for the quick updates. Have a happy Memorial Day!
Kawaii Girl

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 51) - Sun 30 May 2010

Oh gawd I love this story so much. it just keeps getting better and better. I can only imagine how adorable Sesshomaru would be as a huge puppy. :P

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 51) - Sun 30 May 2010

awe that jsut makes me giggle! though it did seem as if Kags was gunna pop papa for a secbefore she realized who it was :3 then again that last line had me in giggles!

kagomesirene (Chapter 51) - Sun 30 May 2010

>.< awwww.meeeeee tooooooooooooo..........want to cuddle sesshouamru as well...sigh...well i'll just have to go and cuddle my dog...he isn't that fluffy but super cute as well...i cannot wait to read more soon...

Banana (Chapter 51) - Sun 30 May 2010

omg that was adorable. so so cute. Reminded me of my mom's german shepherd puppy lol


lucky kagome lucky lucky kagome.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 50) - Sat 29 May 2010

Awww, Sesshy pup is just so adorable!!! ^_^

Lauren (Chapter 50) - Sat 29 May 2010

So sweet, baby Sesshomaru going out of his way to make Higurashi happy. You gotta love puppy love...

Melly (Chapter 50) - Sat 29 May 2010

Thooooo thweeeeeet!  I love this story and I'm so glad we get to spend more time in the past with Kagome, Hisoka and little Sesshomaru.  I like him at that age... ^_______^

kurojin (Chapter 50) - Sat 29 May 2010

Great chapter, yet again! I can't wait for more. I just adore your portrayl of young sesshomaru. He is so cute and dignified, lol. I can't wait for more. This story is so enthralling. I'm always ways so happy to see an alert for a new chapter in my email. I'm wondering when if ever anyone will discover that Kagome is a miko. There also seems to be a bit of foreshadowing that maybe something might happen between Kagome and Inu no Taishou. I wonder if Kagomes presence in the past spurs Inu no Taishou to have a human mate in the future. Thank you for writing this story, it brings me much enjoyment.

GreyEcho (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

aw...that's sweet!

Noelle (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

A welcomed update!  Hope to see another one soon please!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

To quote the kids: Forthy, you are awesomesauce! This is so wonderful a chapter, so many under and over currents running through it and so many questions to be answered!

Samantha (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

That cracks me up!  I can clearly see a love loss between the parents.  They seem to strive to ruffle each other feathers and defy each others wishes!  Perhaps the influence that Kagome has on Inu no Taishou is that she is warm, loving, and full of life making him realize what he might desire in a mate and find lacking in his current.  Perhaps that is what he was seeking with Inuyasha's mom thinking it is a human trait and so there for decides to seduce one!

loveyaa (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

Such a tease but I quite enjoyed it none-the-less :) Waiting for the next showdown whether its between Sesshoumaru's parents or Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha or hopefully the teacher and a much matured Sesshoumaru.

KEdakumi (Chapter 50) - Fri 28 May 2010

I just love this story.  I really can't wait for the rest of it.  It's torture!  Thank you for writing such a good story.  Keep it up!  :)

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