sacre' bleu! you evil migiet computer you! you'll get yours!!! as for the rest of you...
I heard it was Mr Maru in guise as The r0o who was impersonating Lady F who was impersonating r0o was leading the dokugain castle take over, it was like some scary Sc0oby d0o tv thingy with the masks and the bad guy and medling kids and all...., anyway....b/c even though he pimped the purple he still rocked the pink underneath, he was upset that he was being accused of looking like a
Kleptomaniac. This sentiment was further compounded as he heard someone in the thread snickering about "Barney."
r0o loves you,
you l0ve r0o,
you still l0ok like a klepto t0o,
with a dokugan fangirl h0t on your trail,
aren't you glad that we made bail......this of coarse referring to the mass murdering of Jaken in this thread, or so r0o heard.