r0o is startled to think that you all would think r0o would allow video of anything she did to be put to any use, really you all know me so little, though The LC was correct r0o is plotting. muwhahaha. anyoleh0ot....
r0o heard that before anyone knew what was happening, between the gropes and the shots of jello, she found all the video camera's there were in the forum, and put untapable tapes in them all, she also got a hold of all of your debit and credit cards and ate them so that you could buy no more.
While r0o doesn't mind blackmail in the least [at least in this forum] me thinks we can come up with something better then simply video taping everything. We're on page 39? we've seen it enough.
I heard that Sesshomaru only agreed with the r0o so she didn't pounce him, and so she'd get rid of all the tapes of him nudie as well.