Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

Oh, I love that last line!!! It's going in my favorite quotes of all time!! EEEPPP!! Loved it, simply beautiful and wonderful imagery!! I can just picture it. I think I may cry!! Brava!!! I really loved it!!!

Snowfall (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

Aw, how sweet.  Sesshoumaru made a public commitment to Hisoka and Kagome.  And, I'm sure he'll never forget the promises either.  ^_^  That was a nice long chapter.  I think Kagome was right to think that Hisoka likes her.  He didn't have to take her up onto the wall.  He's a nice kitty.  Hehehe.  I think I forgot to mention...ripple, ripple, ripple concerning Sesshoumaru's choice of clothing.  ^_^

Karli (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

Aww the song is so cute, and it inlcuded Kagome and The Cat.

Yohko (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

REALLY NICE!!! Love it!

nogooddeed (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

Another great chapter please update soon!!

Addy (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

:D  Cute update!  I'm glad I got to read this.  :3

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 39) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

awww that was so sweet! It brought a tear to my eye with how fluffy it was lol. As always you do a wonderful job Forthy, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Alexis (Chapter 38) - Mon 05 Apr 2010

So far the best story I've read this year! But this sneaky thought has slipped into my head at the conclusion of this chapter and more towards the ending of chapter 30. Is Kagome's presence in the past inadvertently affecting the future? Is her presence the reason why the Inu no Taishou gives his heart to another? A human to be more exact!? I'm getting giddy at this story and I luv ya for it!!! Keep it coming :)

Lauren (Chapter 38) - Mon 05 Apr 2010

That was sweet. Sesshomaru is adorable. ^o^ I cannot get over him like this. I wonder how Kagome'll be accompanying Sesshomaru to these occasions, though. Poor thing, hanging out with "freaks". Hope you won't torture Sesshomaru too much. Great chapter. Looking forward to the next one.

Kawaii Girl

Karli (Chapter 38) - Mon 05 Apr 2010

Hey I have a Question

Whats the Go with the checking behind the ears, I remember reading it in an earlier chapter, with Hisoka.

Still loving this story i only picked up on the ears checking due to rereading it. Hope you update soon mate.

Cheers Karli

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 38) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Awww, this was such as great chapter! I loved the interaction between Kagome and Sess at the end! Please update soon! :)

Exxie Valentine (Chapter 4) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

So sweet!

It's making me want to cry Forthy ^^

Little Sessh is such a cuttie, keep it up *hugs*

Hesunohana (Chapter 38) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

I loved the boat passage ! really. Sesshoumaru is such a sweety, caring for Kagome and all. and the ears stuff... too funny !

luckily, Kagome can handle the little lord. (laugh)

No (Chapter 38) - Sat 03 Apr 2010
Please update! I hate having to wait for new chapters, I'm the impatient type....but this story is so well-done I guess it's worth it. Please update!!!!!!!!!!

Lexie (Chapter 38) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

naaaw! young sesshy is so sweet!

please update!!

Melly (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

1, 2, 3... AWWW...!  I loved it.  You're such a talented writer and this was such a good chapter. ^_^

GreyEcho (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010


The end left me a little shocked/surprised. Especailly after Kagome's dream. Really interesting chapter. Can't wait to see how things go during the festival! :D

M (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

I have loved everyone of these! This serious, little sesshoumaru is just adorable in every thing he does.

knifethrower (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

I continue to adore this story.  I can't get enough of this version of Kagome and Sesshomaru. 

Karli (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010


Hey Hey

Another great chapter Mate. Jst think Ssshomaru is a little cutie in this one. *sigh* She cant stay there forever


Cheerys Mate



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