Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Sugabelly (Chapter 42) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Oh snap!!! They're going to see Sesshy's Mom!!! OMG! OMG! OMG ! OMG ! OMG! OMG ! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren (Chapter 42) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

...A castle? Oh! The festival! ^o^ What better way to see the moon, then from the sky? Right? So I wonder who's in the castle. Sesshomaru's mother? Hisoka-sensei? Hmm... The mystery.

Have they really been traveling for only a week? It seems like Kagome's been in the past for longer than that.

Hazzah for updates! More uncertainty has been uncovered. I love it. Looking forward to the next one. Hope all's well on your side of the computer!

Kawaii Girl

GreyEcho (Chapter 41) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

That's so sad. I'm glad that he talk with shippou though. so the last one being the betrayal?  Is it cause she leaves? *is now filled with her own wonderings of what happens*

loveyaa (Chapter 41) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

Im excited to hear Sesshoumaru's tale!! Can't for the story to told next time :)

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 41) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

Beautiful! I love how its coming together.

Tal (Chapter 41) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

*gets ready to make a run for it*


I wanna know what's happening in the past!

I wanna know what's happening in the Feudal Era!

I wanna know everything!!


*runs from forthy*


:P  I do love you, forthy... you're an amazing writer, and I shall be on pins and needles until you update next Frida.  Well, actually, I'll probably just be in my desk chair.  ^_^

Ruriame (Chapter 41) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

It's getting really juicy now that the current Sesshoumaru knows who she is in the present. I'll be waiting for the next update in the utmost anticipation :)

Anonymous (Chapter 41) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

wow. launch to the future then back again eh?

loving this story!!

please update!!!

taixi (Chapter 41) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

awww, that is so bittersweet. I love the idea that he has held onto these small mementos for what is probably centuries.  (so I guess he's not angry that Kagome disappeared after all...which is what I'm still hoping has happened, as opposed to her just dying in his time, that would be rather anticlimatic).

Raina (Chapter 41) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

I am truly deeply in the with this story!I can't wait for the next drabble so please do update soon!

lady_myth (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010





*settles down with small electric stove, sleeping bag, and the complete Dark Powers Trilogy to await next newest release*


I don't care if i have to wait an eternity....MUST. HAVE. ANSWERS!


You rock, too.

Mariposa (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

I hate you...but then I love you! Damn!

Thank you for updating and my gawd you are amazing! this update was so short yet so sweet...and I cant wait untill i can read some more! You are awesome!

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010


But I loved it! <3

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

o0o0o0o0oh! That was great... Sesshy's finally figured it out! I can't wait to see what happens next!

sakurachan_1 (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

its so much fun to read your story...

you never know whats going to happen...

i like that

keep up the good work

update soon !!!!

ShakeyShaman (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

I really love your story. Everytime I check out Dokuga your story is the one I look for. When I dont see it, im totally disappointed. Love love love it. :)

88pieces (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

EXCITED  so good cant wait for the next one  i hope he tells and she finds a way back or something extra kool comes up

Lauren (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

X_x What a place to stop! I like this chapter. And that we've gotten to the point where the two parties have met (thanks for not rushing this), but this sounds as if it'll end worse than I'd previously thought. Betrayal? How severe? And is it really betrayal, or just a child's betrayal? Because they're very different. And the button. Have we seen it before? *anxiously goes back to check*

Kawaii Girl

Sena (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

Very exciting! What will sessh do to get Kagome back? Can she be brought back? Inuyasha wont like this lol

Sala (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

Ahhhh!  These new chapters are equally adorable and frustrating.  Adorable because of adult Sesshoumaru's thoughts and actions; frustrating because I have to wait for the next installment! :)

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