Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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kagomesirene (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010're back...skippes over to the JN *crosses fingers* maybe your next drabble is already out

Dark Phoenix (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

OMG she's coming back tomorrow?! Yay! I'm going to miss lil Sesshy but I really want to see what happens when they see eachother again =) Although you are probably going to leave it a cliffy when they set eyes on eachother *glares at author for future cliffy!*

♥Love this fic!!!!!♥

LM Bluejay (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

OMG!!! This story is so freakin awesome!!! Please Update soon!!!

Samantha (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

OOOOOhhhh My heart sped up reading this one had to re-read it I read it so fast.  I love this story soooooo much such a cliff hanger that one was please update soon you are a fabolous writer!

Melly (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

Ooohh... it's gettin' real good.  Great chapter and I can't wait to find out what happens next!  Something with blue buttoned betrayal...  Update soon!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

I finally had the chance to sit down and read this little story and I must say, it's WONDERFUL!  To see the Sesshoumaru of his youth, so endearing and yet, so him....don't you just want to pinch his little cheeks?

Anyway, I love what you've done with this, and look forward to how things transpire in the future with the elder TaiYoukai.

Looking forward to your next update!

azulsky (Chapter 41) - Fri 16 Apr 2010

Awe! Update soon! Love the story

theunknownchild (Chapter 40) - Thu 15 Apr 2010

Yay! Some more foreward progress. Great job as always!

88pieces (Chapter 40) - Tue 13 Apr 2010

giggles cant wait for the next one. 

Mariposa (Chapter 40) - Tue 13 Apr 2010

YAY!!! Sess from the feudal era is looking for some answers!! Please Please Please Update soon!!

I cant wait to

Please! I'm dying of curiousity here!


Lauren (Chapter 40) - Mon 12 Apr 2010

Dundundunnn~! ^o^ DX Great chapter. Boo for cliffhangers! *throws a cookie and a tomato* Well that was... devastating news? Will he be angry? Ashamed? It's obvious Sesshomaru is floored by Miroku's admission because he "checked", but the question is "why?". And where are the three of them going? Back to the keep?? I doubt you'll have him tell Inuyasha and Miroku anything about Kagome's trip to the distant past, but either way, this will be very interesting. *waits impatiently*

Kawaii Girl

lady_myth (Chapter 40) - Mon 12 Apr 2010


cryingcarebear (Chapter 40) - Sun 11 Apr 2010

LOVE this story can't wait until the next update

LM Bluejay (Chapter 40) - Sun 11 Apr 2010

WOAH!!! Nice one! I was a lil confused at first but remembered to check the first Do please update soon!!!

Melly (Chapter 40) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

Ok, I've been waiting for a chapter like this for what seems like forever.  The future rivalry possibility is intensely intriguing... and now I want to know WHAT Sesshomaru checked!  Gah!  The mini cliffies associated with short chapters and word limits are... effective and frustrating at the same time.  Hrumph.  Update soon, pleaseeeeeeee...!!!  You're an awesome writer. ^____~

Eve (Chapter 40) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

OMG!!!  I do LOVE all of these!  Please keep them going!!  I love all these young stories!!!!

Your on my fav list !!!


Thank You!!!


Kiri Kyohaku

nogooddeed (Chapter 40) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

awesome yet again please update soon!

Yoru-101 (Chapter 40) - Sat 10 Apr 2010


GreyEcho (Chapter 40) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

oooooo... I wonder what he checked for. This is interesting, so he never realized it. So that means he doesn't learn her name back then. ;_;  oh well. At least he doesn't seem to hate her. I like how you protrayed his disbelief/shock. I could just picture his stunned face. Good job.

allegorypuck (Chapter 39) - Sat 10 Apr 2010

This chapter is so beautiful it made me cry! (which is a massive feat) Thank you so much!!!

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