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Sin (Chapter 15) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

Oh... my God. This chapter was awesome! It made me laugh so many times. Is the reason that the baby is growing so slow because is Sessy's and demon babies grow slow? Anyway, I love what you've done with this story and I can't wait until you update. PLEASE do so soon!

GreyEcho (Chapter 15) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

"Another servant clapped and bounced energetically. “I understood what milady said.""


gah, poor kagome, being stuck there. Does she realize who's baby it is? Is that why she has the barrier up? Well can't wait to see what happens. :P

Ameire (Chapter 15) - Thu 04 Feb 2010

I've really like this story and have been following it for a while, but I find this  very confusing keeping other chapters in mind.

With Sesshoumaru, It was easy to imagine she was outmatched. Are the samurai more skilled than the warrior monks? She took one at least three of the sensei's before, and yet she falls to two samurai (quickly too) . Three if you count the lord who really didn't participate all that much.

All that aside, why didn't she use her power reserves and escape. As I recall she's very adept at escape, and that was with barriers as the major deterrant despite the temple of warrior monks.

Putting all that aside, why not simply use the necklace? Call upon chisa's fang, or jiji's fang? Did it simply not occur to her to use, or is there a reason she cant use them? Because if she wee saving them for something special, I'd assume getting out of lord taisho's castle before getting 'married' to him would be an acceptable use.

Her whole personality up until now looks like it's done a one-eighty. From her allowing Taishi to her bed to her half-assed resistance and escape attempts.

I'm gunna stick with it, because I like the sory and am pretty damn curious if there's more to it that I've failed to see.

I realize it's your story, and as such, your free do to whatever you want with it. I'm not saying change this, or how dare you (if it's your story you're damn well entitled to dare all you want). I'm just saying I'm confused as hell and if you please, an explanation or a little clarity would be much appreciated.

crazygirlunleashed (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

your story was amazing as usual i can't wait for the next chapter ^^

cbrendible (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

AW MAN!!! I surely hope we start seeing more fluff time... the more I read about this Taishi character the more murderous intents I have for him even daring to touch what is Sesshomaru's. I hope he dies a horrible painful death by Kagome soon with Sesshomaru helping. On another note, I wanna know what the Killing Perfection has been doing since the three day sexcapade. I wanna know more about his thoughts on the whole matter. I can't wait for the next chapter! oh... btw... the length of the chapters are excellent!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

Silverchan...please hurry with the next update. I have to know..what happens next. It's Sesshoumaru's baby..isn't it? Please..hurry.

InuAngel (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

Hi I haven't reviewed for awhile, I don't do it much.  I had to!  I love this chapter, I love how Kagome keeps in as much control of her situation as she can.  I don't think the baby is Taishi, I think it's Sessy's baby and she is hiding it's aura behind her barrier without thinking about it. and I think Shippou knows as well.  The chapter when she was caught by him, I had a feeling she was pregnant with Sessy's child.  I don't understand with her powers and strength why can't she get away from him?  he can't be stronger than Sessy and she put up a really good fight with him.  I know some of his guards are deomns they cannot be nearly as strong as Sessy.  Is Kagome planning to set the demons free in the dungon, that would be what Taishi gets.  I understand why she dosen't run now being pregnant, is Sessy going to come get her?  I guess I have to wait and see.  Don't worry about reviews if you got that many people taking you in as their favs, your doing damn well!  Write because you want to you don't need stink'n reviews.  At lest you know people are reading and sticking with you who cares what they think, I know it helps a bit but you don't need any.  Have faith in your work you seem to be really enjoying writting this story!  Worry if you notice your being deleated from favs or you are getting no hits.  Can't wait for more.  Write on!

chevonne knowles (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

why is the story going this way. and what happened to Sin.

I thought that she was looking for the god.

This is so very good. I look forward to the next chapter.


Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

I totally have a guess at what's gonna happen :) But then again, I did before and it totally turned out to be wrong so I have no guarantees. But if it does happen whats his face is totally gonna blow a gasket when he finds out ::wink wink:: great story, looking forward to hearing more, and until next time, author-sama.


Dark Phoenix (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

I love your fix! I would bow down at your feet and call you a kami if you would update soon. Please Kami-sama update soon! *grovels*

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

As the chappie is right now, I think it is very amusing that Kagome only has violent tendencies toward Taishi. Although, I sometimes wish I could kill the idiot myself. And is Kagome pregnant with Sesshou's child? Will you try to change this chappie to better fit in with the current story you have set up? I look forward to the day that Kagome gives birth and Taishi realizing that "his" child isn't really his. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

stars (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

please updata

FairQueen (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

hehe i wonder who's baby this is.  but this could be a problem when Kags delivers.  but i have to laugh it's such a funny chapter.   Hubby is scared of Kags. i think a divorce would be less pain for  him, but i think Sess should  * help* with the parting of the way for Kags and her hubby..........please. keep updating  :)

sesskagfan343 (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

I love your story. Is she pregnate with Kuro. I have just started following you and stayed up all night to read your work. Brillant

kotainuchan (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

Wow that was loooong, Awesome! I can't wait to see what happens when the baby is born...... gosh I wonder whose it is??? Haha great work, and please update soon.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

okay i have no idea what's up with FF so i'll review here. but omg amusing >:3 i really like that this story is so well thought out and detailed. i do know that its just amazing. I kinda want , and hope that Sess knows about the fact that kagome's preggers, or that he shows up at the birthing. kinda instinctually there but i dunno. i love that kagome threatened that monk in a second though i wonder if Kagome needs to eat demon meat. I think shippo should go out and get her seomg b/c maaaaaa i bet that babe needs some, and i bet she'd like it. i know she cant use the orb to talk to jiji but i do wonder when he'd going to find out that she's been taken as wife. i kinda feel sorry for her.


her first time was with Sesshomaru in a mate or die situation then she gets kidnapped and turned into an unwilling wife. Realyl i cant see why he would continue to keep wanting her when she has so obviously made it known that she hates him. i cannot wait for another update! this fic is just too awesome ^_^

Nelita (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

I just read some other comments, you know I forgot this is a SesshomaruxxKagome story, I just enjoy reading this that much.WOW!!!

Nelita (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

Lord have I been waiting for this chapter, I read on fanfiction also. I have been with you since the start, when you thought it was not going to work out, and I will be here til the end. Please update soon. Why is Taishi keeping her anyways, knowing she is crazy, which I absolutely adore, and how is Jii-Jii....I miss him....

TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Wed 03 Feb 2010

She can't be pregnant by him, can she? tell me that is Sess' baby. It must be! Taishi needs to die, or come very close to it. he's getting on my nerves now. She has got to escape somehow.

cbrendible (Chapter 14) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

Very intense!!!

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