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[one-shot] A/U Taisho Sesshomaru finds that his star student, Higurashi Kagome, wants more than the average high school education. She wants him, and when Kagome decides that she wants something, nothing will stand in her way.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 03-26-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 10 - Words 4,218
Rating MAY go up -- Exert: "I don't know how I feel about him Sango, it's just every time I see him I feel like there are millions of butterflies flying around in the pit of my stomach." I know it's stupid but ever since that day I always felt I had to prove myself to them, it's been four years since that day and still I hadn't changed, that is until the new exchange student walked into the room and as our eyes met I blushed for the first time since that day.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 04-17-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 4 - Words 513
***New Summary, Same Story*** 'It's been a month since the divorce with InuYasha. It's been a month since the judge told me I needed a job with a steady income in order to see my boy. And it's been a month since I've been working at The Player's Club' Kagome thought. "Come on Kagome or we'll be late!" Sango yelled, snapping Kagome out of her thoughts.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 07-29-06 - Chapters: 9 - Reviews 10 - Words 33,951
Just like the title says. Sesshomaru's thoughts on his time alone with Kagome. My first one-shot. give it a try/ see if you like it.This is a thank you to all that continue to support me.... Please see note at the end.
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 11-27-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 677
do i want to be cinderella?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-26-08 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 705
Kagome caught her fiance InuYasha cheating on her with ehr own sister, none other then Kikyo(Betcha didn't see that coming, did you? Huh? Huh?) Anyways, she runs to ehr best friend's, Sesshoumaru's, room a knife in he rhand. What will happen to poor Kagome? What will Sesshoumaru have to do about it? What does InuYasha want to say? rnYoukai exsist in Kagome's normal time, just to tell you. >.<
Rating: G - Universe: Alternate - Genre: General
Updated: 03-07-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 6 - Words 804
A sexy new guy comes to Kagome's school, and EVERBODY likes him. Kagome, being the rebellous teen that she is, does not go for him, thinkin he might be a total jerk, but what will happen if he changes her mind?? Will she fall for him?? Will he fall for her???
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 09-17-05 - Chapters: 4 - Reviews 5 - Words 4,328
*final chapter up!* Kagome and Sango have left their hometowns to save those closest to them. Due to some freak accident they have adapted the name, 'The Elementals', the superhero duo. Sesshomaru and InuYasha have just come to America, after centuries of being the undisputed, they suddenly find their selves as 'the damsels in distress'
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 03-09-07 - Chapters: 6 - Reviews 21 - Words 24,545
Kagome is fed up with Inuyasha always bouncing between Kikyou and her so she's going to get down and dirty and use tactics you never thought sweet little Kagome would use. After everything is all said and done and a new love interest appears will Kagome go back to Inuyasha?
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 11-04-04 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 1,360
Sesshoumaru had liked to be touched, but if it were the miko doing the touching he just might make an exception.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 07-03-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 11 - Words 1,293
Kagome is bonded to two persons; Sesshomaru and Koga, by unknown person;and that's not all somehow she turned in to youkai!rnThis is Rated NC-17 because upcoming lemons, adult things etc!rnPlease, R&R and NO FLAME!!!! Humor/Romance/Hentai
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Romance
Updated: 06-29-04 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 3 - Words 9,801
Is about a new Kagome living a life that she cannot turn back now that two of her friends died fighting the evil of Myka Noshima.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 11-10-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 1,903
InuYasha has broken Kagome down one to many times. After several amounts of abuse, she eventually turns to the least likely person for help.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-15-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 963
A hundred possible situations, a hundred scenarios...romance, friendship and soulmates. A Sesshoumaru/Kagome one shot and drabble collection - for the LJ community Iy_no_Kakera
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 03-27-08 - Chapters: 8 - Reviews 17 - Words 8,243
Vixen by FLY    Reviews
Sesshomaru goes to a local club to meet up with a friend when he spots a sexy vixen eyeing him. Later he soon finds out that this is no ordinary sexy vixen. *One Shot* Sess/Kag... of course!
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 05-06-05 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 2 - Words 5,921
It's a Cinderella story drastically changed to fit my liking. rnFINISHED... sorta... I still need to write the epilogue... ..... read it if you haven't yet....
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-11-05 - Chapters: 13 - Reviews 0 - Words 21,224
Kagome Higurashi has never been able to keep a relationship alive. Too nice, too clingy, too much like mother. With the help of a new ally, in the form of her new boss, she plans to show them just what they are missing.
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 03-05-08 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 3 - Words 1,875
Kagome saves Inuyasha... Inuyasha falls in love with Kikyo... Kagome loves Sesshoumaru.
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 0 - Words 859
this is just a poem for my other fic Faded Memories read if you liked the fic
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 05-10-08 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 175
I am Kagome Higurashi. This story is mine...its real. Everything that I say is true, nothing is fabricated or twisted. It is something I have finally found the courage to write and tell all of you. It is the story of how I fell in love...and what happened to me before it. The things that helped lead up to it. These are the love chronicles of a sixteen year old high school student. These are my stories.
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 03-31-08 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 14 - Words 9,124
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