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Sesshoumaru is dying, and he tells Kagome his feelings through a poem.
Rating: PG - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Poetry
Updated: 03-25-08 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 1 - Words 529
Kagome is good at everything she does, no matter what it is. But what happens when the one girl shes always beat in everything steals her boyfriend away, how with Kagome and her enemies dumpy react and banned together or just sit and watch what happens?? pairings...K/S
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 10-02-05 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 1 - Words 2,964
"life is but a day in the vast eternity of the soul" rn" he was wandering, going nowhere in particular. " rn" She lay there peacefully, undisturbed by everything around her." rnthose were snitbits of the story.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 11-26-04 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 0 - Words 2,032
Kagome discovers an ancient scroll. Sesshomaru has a troubling secret. The hero's of the past come to light. Not everything is as you think.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 07-28-08 - Chapters: 21 - Reviews 35 - Words 59,284
Sesshomaru is in agony, unable to even come close to whom his beast has chosen. Another point of view of how his mind works.
Rating: G - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 11-12-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 592
Kagome and Sesshomaru had fallen in love. But can Sesshomaru get over the fact that his Kagome is still just a human girl from the future? What can he do when the wrong words roll off his lips? Kag/Fluffy ONE SHOT and a very OOC Sesshoumaru
Rating: PG - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-03-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 4 - Words 1,907
Inuyasha breaks up with Kagome first, which was UNACCEPTABLE. So an all out war of upstaging each other insues. And amongst the war a battle rages on between Sesshomaru and Kagome while he tries to have her body mind and soul. Losing the battle couldn't be all that bad right? NOT A PARODY. Just humor.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 04-28-07 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 8 - Words 5,420
kagome was never normal even as a child she had an obsession with the dead and truth sh always new there was more to life then what met the eye little did she know she was right rnTHERE WILL BE LEMONS
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Romance
Updated: 09-05-05 - Chapters: 15 - Reviews 1 - Words 13,880
Summary: living back in the Edo period, a young women risk her life to avenge her father's death, on her journey she meets a young man with orders to follow her too her leader. Knowing that she is different for having a skill to fight when she has a disability, with the talent of the dance you would think how she would be able to be a well-trained flying dagger. Come and learn the tale of the blind dancer that fall in love with the government, demon prince.
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-21-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 5 - Words 1,286
( This one is for my best friend Lexie Molinaro. Rock on girl! )Kagome had a child with Sesshoumaru, but she doesn't want to tell him. She takes her kid to her time, only to be disowned by her family. All except her brother. She buys and apartment and starts her new life.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 12-02-04 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 142
It is Inu Yasha's worst fear- he has killed the one he loved when he turned into a full youkai. Full of regret, he goes to his half brother with a silent plea. But will such a heartless lord help?rnChapter 12: Village MIkohe shell opened her bruised eyes, taking in the thirsty sight of a silver monster, who stood on the edge of her place like an end. A step into the field, hair blown upon the wind, across red eyes. The ravenous red eyes gleamed like a memory, beckoned to her, buryin...
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 08-20-05 - Chapters: 11 - Reviews 0 - Words 26,806
What if the Inu's father didn't die? Well in my story he doesn't! Cool eh? Well, transfer yourself to five hundred years into the past, where the boys are living with their father. Sesshomaru finds Kagome instead of Inuyasha finding her! She meets Inuyasha's mother and sees Sesshomaru's great dislike for her. They'll learn soon enough of how in another world or dimension Inuyasha's mother is dead, Sesshomaru hates Inuyasha and Kagome loves Inuyasha! And why is Kagome a demon? She isn't in the ot...
Rating: G - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 05-15-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 2,817
Summary: Sesshomaru has been alone all his supernatural life, by his own choosing, because of his unpleasant past. But when he finds an innocent girl lying on death's doorstep, will he be able to contain his own primal desires for her or will she be caught in an inexplicable twist of fate?
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 08-03-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 1,106
Life... isn't how they know it anymore. The world is turned upside down when Naraku takes control of the Shikon. The hanyou terrorizes the world, and all that is left are a few survivors, the Resistance. How will the turn their lives around?
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 04-06-08 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 2 - Words 4,588
The story of how they do, or possibly don't accept the ways of life. Demon and human. Cold-blooded killer and protecting priestess.
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 1 - Words 3,334
All of Kagome's friends (Sango, Shippo, Miroku and Inuyasha) has died in a bloody battle that the 4 spirits of the Shikon Jewel set up. Kagome almost is killed by Kikyo. Sesshoumaru takes Kagome home to take care of Rin. Rin is told by a spirit of the hikon Jewel. Rin then tries to tell Kagome and Sesshoumaru, but the other spirits have plans for Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Now those two must save the world.
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 0 - Words 3,222
The pull of opposites attracting, and the realization that as time passes. The one you love is killing the perfection that you see in them.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Poetry
Updated: 01-01-07 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 5 - Words 492
Kagome is given a gift by the northern lord on that leads her on a unique journey to find a missing somthing most belive is nothin but a legend. She has to team up with Sess as he is the only one who knows anything about it. Rated for later chaps and for violence. My first fic so pls be nice and RR!!
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 04-17-05 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 0 - Words 6,709
*my first story please go easy on me.* I don't have a summary as of yet, so just read it and tell me what you think.
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 07-14-07 - Chapters: 6 - Reviews 2 - Words 4,182
Kagome, Sesshomaru, Kikyo and Naraku are leaders of their own famous bands and trying to gain the number one spot. Betrayal, love, other rival bands and lies are bound to happened and who will have the number one spot and who will be together in the end?
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 05-04-06 - Chapters: 4 - Reviews 0 - Words 5,997
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