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"Go and live your life with people of your breed... Sayounara, Kagome."His body morphed into a large Inu after muttering those few words, his aura expending and his scent reaching the near by village.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 05-09-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 7 - Words 782
One night I had this dream. I was great. At some moments I cried and some I was happy. I thought it was great so I added some details and gave it life in the world of internet fo you to enjoy.
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 06-13-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 258
Something's wrong, but Kagome won't let anyone in to help
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 10-07-05 - Chapters: 4 - Reviews 1 - Words 1,773
Kagome has a run in with the law. One Shot.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 03-02-08 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 24 - Words 2,362
Sesshoumaru is a highschool English teacher, and Kagome is a senior with promising writing skills. Will sparks fly? Read and find out!
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-24-05 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 1 - Words 17,217
Sesshoumaru and Kagome were only together for a little while, then she had to leave. After a few months something amazing happened, but she couldn't get back to him. ( I want to dedicate this story to my very best friend Lexie, who has always been there for me when I was down... )
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 05-05-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 209
Those who can convince thier mind that they have all the time in the world gain a certain grace all others have forsaken. He had that grace and I envied him for it, but that was back when I still believed he existed. I have long since gotten over my childhood fancy (although it has only been about 5 years). Yet a part of me persists, saying he did exist, I wasn't making him up. Sure I have thought about that possibility, but have deemed it impossible. Afterall he was a demon...and demon's don't...
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 07-17-05 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 1 - Words 3,651
Born into a family of acrobats, she was raised to become a star. Born into a family of wealthy business people, he was told to do what he wanted. One night, two children, and a collision of two souls. She lost her wings, now he'll have to help her find them again.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 07-16-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 8 - Words 3,879
Updated!!!! Chapter TEN is UP!!! InuYasha has been raping Kagome. She tried to kill herself. Running away the hunter believes he killed her, but wait. Sesshomaru was watching. Will he save her and help her? Possibly could he become a friend or something more?....Chapter 8 is finally up! R&R
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 05-30-08 - Chapters: 10 - Reviews 20 - Words 11,833
Kagome comes to terms with her feelings about Inuyasha. Live goes on after the jewel is complete. Kagome is in college and is offered a job to participate with a team of archeologist on the western coast of Japan. Why doesn't her boss know who he is? What happened to him? Sess/Kag all the way!
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 7 - Words 16,758
Just a little squiggle I wrote. -shrug- ONE-SHOT.
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 09-13-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 579
How dare he? He'd bought her, the jerk! Paid off her mother *knowing* she couldn't refuse the money and all he wanted in return was to marry her daughter. It sounded innocent - it wasn't. If that wasn't bad enough her betrothed was a beautiful, but heartless man who had no interest in her and regarded her, loosely, as his property.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 07-18-04 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 4 - Words 28,437
Kagome and sesshomaru are mates. Kagome goes home one day to celebrate her little brother's birthday. while she's gone and sesshomaru is taking care of his lands, some one destroys the well and then seals it, so kagome couldn't come back. now how will kag, sess, and everyone else take this horriable news?, i don't know if this is good... hey kag is preg!? does that make it better? and it's a...a.. well i don't wanna tell you yet!
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 01-17-05 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 0 - Words 2,969
One Shot I had this here before. Kagome and Sesshomaru get sucked into the jewel.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-25-08 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 4,430
After Inuyasha's betrayal and kagome is forced to kill him. she turns into a powerful demon. shesshoumaru hears rumors about a very powerful demon and decides to look for himself...
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: General
Updated: 06-22-05 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 0 - Words 3,055
Not really a Sess/ Kag. It's just a bunch of things that the Inuyasha cast will NEVER SAY...
Rating: G - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 04-23-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 1 - Words 267
Complete!! Sesshoumaru's got a crush on Kagome, but won't tell her about it. A little unwanted push from a meddlesome cat demoness will change all that. See what happens to our favorite couple.
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 05-20-05 - Chapters: 18 - Reviews 4 - Words 32,667
[one-shot] A/U. After a battle, InuTaisho gifts his son, Sesshomaru, with a prisoner, Kagome, to relieve his stresses
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 03-27-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 29 - Words 4,824
Kagome is finally 17 and she doesnt know.She just see's things that are starting to scare her and the whole group is getting worried. But she has already defeated Naraku but how is this stuff happen? She goes forward to her life and is still scared and whos this wierd spirit thats everywere? Is it bad or good?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 03-06-04 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 543
What if Inu decides to leave Kikyo for Kagome but Kagome thinks he can't?And what if Inu's mother wasn't his real mother and his real mother was a time traveler just like Kagome?The plot thickens as it leads up tjo Sesshy.PLZ,R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R&R!!!!!
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 10-31-04 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 0 - Words 1,634
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