Reviews for Toy of the Gods by Fortunesque
lunaticneko- Mon 11 Feb 2008
I can't wait to see the reaction to the energy drink. And good luck with your classes.
tilayha- Sun 10 Feb 2008
I am going to have to reread this one to give you a real idea how much i am enjoying it. I hope you get the chance to update soon.
knife thrower- Mon 22 Oct 2007
all of your work is so great!!! You are so funny! and such a good writer! please don't slow down, I can't wait for you to write more!
Kai- Sun 29 Jul 2007
WHEEEE! X3 I can't wait to see what trouble Sesshoumaru is going to get himself into. Such a lovely foreshadow! I hope it doesn't wreck anything between them...or maybe it'll help them move along in their non-existant relationship. I cross my fingers for the latter. And I can't wait! And picturing Sesshoumaru as a groggy morning person is just too adorable! LOVE IT!!! XD
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
and then I realized there wasn't a next chapter... and I cried! nooooo.... I hope you have time to update soon... I love this story!!
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
oh no... Sesshoumaru and Redbull... the possibilities (or rather calamities) are endless!
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
wow, that was intense.
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
oh how the romance blooms! well done! I can't wait to see where this goes :)
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
oh ho! Sesshoumaru thinks Kagome is easy... little does he know.
Oh, and did anyone else pick up on the fact that Kagome's arousal was colored blue (like Kagome's eyes) and gold (like Sesshoumaru's)... hmmmm what an interesting combination... a little bit of forshadowing?? ;)
Oh, and did anyone else pick up on the fact that Kagome's arousal was colored blue (like Kagome's eyes) and gold (like Sesshoumaru's)... hmmmm what an interesting combination... a little bit of forshadowing?? ;)
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
oh Kagome!! I can see how the current room assignments would be convenient. But daaamn, that girl needs to get laid. ;)
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
haha I love this chapter!! Wow, Kagome is sooo daring!! ;) Me thinks that speaks a lot for how daring she will be in bed... ;) Poor Sesshoumaru... he wasn't even awake for it... Kagome will just have to do it again later for the demon lord's full pleasure. :)
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
Ah-Un know what's wrong, but they can't say as they have only been gifted with the ability to shit anywhere... hilarious!!
So, Sesshoumaru is about to cause some hell... hmmmm I can't wait to see what that is!
So, Sesshoumaru is about to cause some hell... hmmmm I can't wait to see what that is!
Kanazawa- Sun 29 Jul 2007
beautiful first chapter!! I love how this begins!! I can tell things are going to heat up from here on out. I wonder how Sesshoumaru is going to react when he finds out... hehehe
demon13o- Tue 10 Jul 2007
Please hurry and update really soon!
Ja Ne!
Please hurry and update really soon!
Ja Ne!
sweetkijo- Mon 09 Jul 2007
I read your one shots on AFF and really enjoyed them so here I am reading your story. I really like it, just the way it is. Its funny...really funny. I am enjoying it. Have fun in Madrid. Be safe!
:]- Mon 09 Jul 2007
I love this. Update soon. I've stayed up all night reading this. Seriously, its amazing. UPDATE.UPDATE.UPDATE. Haha.
darkmoondarklight- Sat 07 Jul 2007
Dude!!!! I love your Sesshoumaru characterizations. They give a different ciew on our favorite Fluffy. In Toy of the Gods he's a sex fiend, thouroughly addicted to sex. In Kagome's Number One Fanboy, he's obsessed and completely crazy (LOVE that story by the way), not something we see in fanfiction. And in Hot Salsa, we see him in pain and doing his best to fill that pain. Definitely the most original and the best characterizations I have read in a long time. Thank you for your continued work and please update regularly.
Raceen_Ecstasy- Sat 07 Jul 2007
You don't know how I felt when I read the last three chapter, my favorite line so far has to be:
"What do you feed that thing?"
Sesshomaru's character is so sinfully good, I cold almost see the real Sesshomaru like this.
Great story!
"What do you feed that thing?"
Sesshomaru's character is so sinfully good, I cold almost see the real Sesshomaru like this.
Great story!
demon13o- Fri 29 Jun 2007
wow, nice chapter!
I hope you update soon!
Ja Ne!
I hope you update soon!
Ja Ne!
Arryelle- Tue 26 Jun 2007
Well that was amazing keep it up hon, this fic is just WOW. detail and plot, sex and just wow update soon please
Cosmos Writer- Sun 24 Jun 2007
This is a well thought out story. I think that the perfect song for this last chapter would be Carrie Underwood, I Just Can't Live A Lie.
Sola- Thu 07 Jun 2007
Love this, it is so witty. Sorry bout your bum bum, but updates soon.
karla- Thu 07 Jun 2007
haha! oh... the poor horny sesshy is going to get a big surprise when he finds out kagome is a virgin and she;s not inuyasha's! haha well, I have to say I agree that all men are morons! *cough* I did not say that well please update soon! I am loving this story!
Lady Symoné- Thu 07 Jun 2007
AIIIEEEE!!! I am SO glad you updated! I was checking the site almost everyday to see if you had updated!
I love this story! It makes me laugh, and is so naughty... :D I read the last chapter and I was like, 'what the heck? What happens? *strangled computer* WHAT HAPPENS NEXT????!!!' Well, this chapter is just as good as the last- I am one happy camper.
I hope you write some good smut *heh heh heh* I also hope Kagome is a little more...*ahem* assertive. :)
Over all, your story is humerous and fun to read. Keep up the awesome work!!!
I love this story! It makes me laugh, and is so naughty... :D I read the last chapter and I was like, 'what the heck? What happens? *strangled computer* WHAT HAPPENS NEXT????!!!' Well, this chapter is just as good as the last- I am one happy camper.
I hope you write some good smut *heh heh heh* I also hope Kagome is a little more...*ahem* assertive. :)
Over all, your story is humerous and fun to read. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Sirinya- Sun 03 Jun 2007
OMG! I need another chapter as soon as possible! Its really good. And who thought Kagome could be so naughty. lol
karla- Sat 02 Jun 2007
naughty naughty kagome dreams! lol. I wouldn't regret it...shit In would rape his fine ass then high tail it back to the future.. lol well that puts a new spin on the movie! lmao! well as we can all see, I need some sleep before I get anymore insane! so please update soon! and keep up the good work!
Tere- Fri 01 Jun 2007
DUDE. I LOVE YOU. YOUR MIND IS ONE OF THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD. Sadly....I can so relate to Kagome, save for a year in age....going after an older guy? Course mine isn't like....a few hundred years old, it certainly seems that way sometimes. But yes, your fanfic start is so great and I love the way you twisted it and gave both Kagome and Sesshoumaru do you say...realistic feel instead of the fantasy feeling.
karla- Thu 31 May 2007
hahaha! naughty kagome! groping an unconscious sesshoumaru!... ah but what sane girl wouldn't?? haha i would have raped his fine ass... right there on ah-un! lol
keep up the good work! and if you have an email list for updates.. could you add me?
keep up the good work! and if you have an email list for updates.. could you add me?
miyu224- Thu 31 May 2007
i relly hope that u continue this
mortefille- Thu 31 May 2007
SHIT!! Kagome is a naughty girl. Damn look at her taking advantage of someone who isn't even conscious. lol. Please update. ^.^
swasdiva- Thu 31 May 2007
Freaking GREAT. Freaking HYSTERICAL. Loved every satiric, witty word of it. Such naughtiness! Such debauchery!!! Such...FABULOUSNESS!!! Oh yes...more of this fic, I say!
hope-is-4ever- Wed 30 May 2007
Um...I'm not sure how Kagome is in character if you're adding her doing all of those things, things she certainly never did (nor to my knowledge was hinted at) in the anime or manga.
And not quite sure how you're going to make this story believable, but as you haven't put up many chapters, that still remains to be seen.
And not quite sure how you're going to make this story believable, but as you haven't put up many chapters, that still remains to be seen.
MB- Wed 30 May 2007
*snrk snrk snrk*
OMG. You have NO idea how badly I needed to laugh. And I was sitting by my mom. And grandmother. I'm a bold one, eh? Reading raunchy fanfics at the dinner table? I almost snorted cranberry juice into my sisters chicken cordon bleu.
Hmm, naughty naughty Kagome...though I wouldn't say no to an hour or so of...quality time...*snigger* with our favorite Taiyoukai...*drools*
Molesting? Oh my. That was what really set me off laughing. I seriously almost died. And of course my niece wanted to know what I was reading. Oh dear. I have discovered I can lie fantastically well when put on the spot.
OMG. You have NO idea how badly I needed to laugh. And I was sitting by my mom. And grandmother. I'm a bold one, eh? Reading raunchy fanfics at the dinner table? I almost snorted cranberry juice into my sisters chicken cordon bleu.
Hmm, naughty naughty Kagome...though I wouldn't say no to an hour or so of...quality time...*snigger* with our favorite Taiyoukai...*drools*
Molesting? Oh my. That was what really set me off laughing. I seriously almost died. And of course my niece wanted to know what I was reading. Oh dear. I have discovered I can lie fantastically well when put on the spot.
sesshous_girl- Tue 15 May 2007
wow that was very interesting.
Kanazawa- Wed 09 May 2007
ahhh!! Oh no! I totally thought there was going to be a second chapter, so when I clicked the 'next chapter' button and the author's note came up I almost cried. The first chapter was soooo good... This story promises to be wonderful. I hope you have time to update soon. :)
sesshous_girl- Fri 27 Apr 2007
wow that is totally original and awesome
Kiska- Thu 26 Apr 2007 much potential.
Very realistic and sexy too. Can't wait to see another chapter.
*secretly hoping that Sesshomaru overheard Kagome hee hee hee*
Very realistic and sexy too. Can't wait to see another chapter.
*secretly hoping that Sesshomaru overheard Kagome hee hee hee*
sesshie- Thu 26 Apr 2007
i like this, kagome isnt the real innocent girl everyone thinks her to be. but how are you going to get sesshomaru into this? update soon.