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Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N?
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TOPIC: Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N?
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Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
Lately I've been stumbling across a lot of Inu-Miko Kagomes on (I've been going to a random page and going up from there) so of course it activates my writer-brain-cells.
The problem here is that I've always tried to be impartial to Inu-Miko stories, but sometimes it's just a real turn-off for me. True that it's the writer's choice, which will always be respected and loved, but it's one of those things that really put a stopper in your plotting. None of my Inu-Miko ideas have gotten very far b/c of it or b/c of the plot itself going downhill, but it still bothers me a bit.

So what I'm asking is your opinion on the matter; is Inu/Any other Youkai - Miko a turn off or does it really not matter to you?

*I'm not talking about the Inu-Miko stories where Kags is turned into a youkai b/c of mating w/ Sess; I mean being born an Inu-Miko and having it sealed/compressed/"cursed"/Shikon-No-Tama-Wished/etc.

My farthest plot basically was Kags being captured for some reason or another, being put in some kind of dark, creepy jail cell/dungeon, and being forced to be chained by a new, specific miko-torture tool. Basically the tool has a powerful youkai sealed into it and since the chain is clamped onto you, you're forced to be in close contact with an unstable youkai, therefore making your Miko powers rise to the challenge. The youkai will be provoked and then start hurting you/fighting against you/etc.
In my mind, the youkai that was trapped would either be Inupapa/Sess, and b/c it's a new tool that hasn't been tested, something goes wrong (the youki would seep into her soul/body/something like that), therefore turning Kags into a temp/perma Inu-Miko. At some point they have a compromise, so they're no longer in pain when Kags is trapped in the dungeon, but the strong powers of colliding auras make it so the guards can't approach the cell, so Kags is safe from other torture-tactics if/when they find out the sealed youkai and the prisioner miko have made nice-nice.
Depending on who's trapped inside the chain, there could be a few divergences... Mostly ending with either Kags being trapped an Inu-Miko forever or it only being temp. and she can go back to being a regular human Miko. [Either way, it's still SessKag]

That's basically how far I could get with it b/c I was still doubting the logic behind an Inu-Miko (mostly because sometimes its a major turn-off for me depending on the plot-line), so that's why I'm asking for other people's opinions that haven't been turned against one choice/another b/c of running into a handful of Inu-Miko stories from the past few days.

Edit: Oh geez, I'd totally love to add a lemon to that, seeing as it would be in some way fitting, but I'm horrible at writing with them... ;X (No exp/practice writing lemons/limes whatsoever)
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Last Edit: 2010/10/28 00:42 By RenderedReversed.
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Miss Anna
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 15
Personally I have no idea really...

I have read a few random stories that have turned Kagome into a number of youkai with her miko powers still intact. I couldn't write a story involving that really because her body would be housing two powers that are supposedly to be at war with each other but than again I do like the plot behind your story so I hope to be able to read it sometime in the future.

I wish ya all the luck!
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
Miss Anna S wrote:
Personally I have no idea really...

I have read a few random stories that have turned Kagome into a number of youkai with her miko powers still intact. I couldn't write a story involving that really because her body would be housing two powers that are supposedly to be at war with each other but than again I do like the plot behind your story so I hope to be able to read it sometime in the future.

I wish ya all the luck!

Thanks for your reply~

--Yeah, that's basically what I'm having an issue with. In my plot, the chained youkai (either Sess/Inupapa) have made nice-nice w/ Kagome, but if she's unchained and their youki is still residing in her w/o the rightful owner to control it... ;x <---Exactly why I'm having doubts.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
Darling Vonne!

I think I'm one of the bigger "turn kagome" or "start her off as..." author's out there. I think i have roughly 15 fics where she ends up no longer human. Not just in a since of "lives forever and thus is not human" but actually for one reason or another is just no longer human. I adore it.

My reasoning behind making kagome non-human has nothing to do with an easy cop-out as i've seen some authors call it, but more to do with logical outcomes.

While i do adore that Sess could overcome Kagome being human, them having kids/pups and all that happily ever after crap, the logic behind it is that if she remains human, that she WILL die in the Feudal era, or Modern era eventually due to time, if you make the fic realisit. Something seems far too tragic in the idea that you find you one great true soulmate love, as some authors make it, only for you as an immortal --or as close to one as you can get, to lose her within the short human life span. Not only that taking away the fact that her inate born powers are the exact opposite of your own, if you DO somehow defy logic and have kids/pups they would be hanyou. You would outlive not only your love but any child she would be able to give you.

Personal I cant start off a fic knowing that's the outcome even if i dont write it. There's a lot of people that just like to write the story of them coming together, and well I've read enough of them to understand that, and kinda like the idea of them actually living. THAT being said, i just cant even emotioanly think about the fact that she's going to die as a human long before Sess even ages one year by looks. Not only that, if she REALLY is Kikyo's reincarnation, then there's nothing to say that the next version of her will even be remotly like the woman he fell in love with. As we all know kagome is NOT kikyo in any way save the soul.

either way, I'm up for the change because it gives them the possibilities of forever. As for the inu-miko thing. I think it depends on how its written.

I've read a few where her miko powers actually harm her once she becomes a demon, i've read too many to count where they just co-exist next to know another, and a lot where they jsut up and vanish except some how she as a youkai can still purify the jewel.

I dont want to get this thread started into a rant, b/c I'm already guilty of starting one of those last week, and this topic has been known to get some people hot and bothered, WHY i have no idea, but in the long run i think you just need a solid outline, and to write it out. The story is all fiction, its all how much you make US believe, as well as yourself that what you have to write is workable. ^_^

I'm all up for it, and seriously if you ever write that fic, I'm s0o0o0o0o gunna stalk it! >:3

yEy DemonMikoKaggie!

PS. O_o i do have issues when she starts to become:

InuMikoFairyImpDevilAngelDragonElfGoddess...Smurf. Something else that has no real baring on the fiction because you've already made her like 18 different things. only for her to somehow still be weaker then Naraku in the end. seriously. that does get on my nerves =x
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
r0o, I can never help just smiling whenever I read your responses to something... xD

If I ever do get everything sorted out (under influence of other responses to this thread/other communities/etcetc), there's still a possibility for this fic to become a fic either way the opinions go.

Geez, just your response is making ideas go *POP* inside my mind O.o

You have a very good point with the humanity of things if Kags stays human like in most fics, but I've honestly always been in debate with myself over her race in plenty of more random plots that never made it out ;X I've seen stories where she's reincarnated with her memories and ends up finding Sess, but I think that defies all her other incarnates before her. Humm... what a difficult situation.

I'm really going over my head this time, but if there's an even slightest chance that I could make everything go smooth logic-wise, I'll have a potential story on my hands, even if Kags can't stay Inu-Miko... ohh, that just made me get an idea. >D
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
seriously, based on my own thoughts abotu her humanity i made a oneshot, its probably one of my most depressing one's ever too, abotu how he's burying the last of their hanyou offspring, with his single full demon offspring that he had b/c he was forced to.

i think i made myself so sad with that one that i actually went on a "i must have icecream or c0okies to make this better" binge for like a day.

anyway that's how i see it, so i usually make her something else or some kinda jewel happy miko that lives foreva!
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
I'm definitely in the "dubious but hopeful" camp for inu/miko stories. Much like sugar0o, I don't like the idea of Kagome eventually dying post-happilyeverafter, so the idea of her transforming into something is appealing to me (though more than anything, I prefer the stories in which the mating/whatever causes some of Sesshoumaru's youki to enter Kagome, thus extending her life and/or allowing her to take on youkai traits).

The problem I have with these fics though is that there is a tendency for them to not be very realistic (especially not taking care of the warring energies issue), for Kagome to turn out as a Mary Sue, and for characters in general to be out of character. I'm a picky reader and after being disappointed by quite a few of these when I first started, I've gotten to the point that if something about a fic like this irritates me, I'll immediately stop reading it. I have come across quite a few that have made me happy, but they tend not to be of the "hidden youkai princess who just happens to be a miko" variety.

That being said, I find your idea very intriguing. I don't think I've ever come across one with Kagome having youkai powers temporarily, and I really like the idea of her and the youkai "making nice"--an interesting take, and a very believable one; and from your summary, it doesn't look like ooc-ness will be a problem. I really hope you do decide to write it, I'll definitely read it!
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
@Sugar0o- That sound so depressing ;-; I've read stories with sad endings before and b/c they're on, sometimes they're not listed as Tragedy and instead Angst. Always, always have a tissue box on stand-by before going on

@darkmousey- Yeah, I'm always constantly scared that I might make her a Mary-Sue or have her too OOC (the Mary-Sue being extremely unlikely, but hey, these things sneak up on you...) It's true that only RT can make her truely IC, but I like to get as close as I can get. Your comment about never seeing a fic have Kagome make nice w/ the youkai is starting to get ideas grinding... Hmmmm.

At first I got the idea of two warring powers making peace from a fic on called History Lessons by Echo Hunter (who just updated about months ago). There's this one scene where Kagome has to calm down the youkai side of a hanyou child born from a Miko+Youkai pairing, and I thought it was really neat and sweet :3 (Shameless promoting...)

In addition to that, Kagome's job is really to 'make-nice' w/o so much violence, so I guess in a way it really is believable that she would tame a sealed, unstable, powerful youkai. This fic, if made, would probably not be Canon or divergence... Probably just a Feudal AU b/c if Sess is the one chained, I'd have to change too many things. Inupapa, on the other hand, I could manage to make a divergence from, but I'm sorta leaning towards Sess-chain now b/c I really like to have a nice character developement... Darn, but Inupapa would be soo awesome to have in it ;X

'Kay, completely off-track here.

Some hidden youkai princess stories are actually believable, no doubt b/c of the skill of the author, but there's always some lose ends that are hard to tie after you start b/c of the plot you want and the plot-line you probably have to take for logic/flow/question/storyline sake.

Gahh, I knew I could count on Dokugans to tell their opinons and why. -Love-
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
I know I've read a couple that I've liked, but they're not in my bookmarks/favorites, so I can't recall which ones they were. But yeah, I do think that this particular aspect of the inumiko plot, for whatever reason, is one of those that is just really difficult to reinvent and avoid certain plot devices.

And thanks for the rec! Once RL leaves me alone, I'll sit down and read it.
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
So...I'm usually against the whole Kagome becoming a demon thing just cause most of the ones I've read I didn't like the way it was explained.

That being said this thread gives me ideas...doh.
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Re:Inu/Any-other-youkai Miko...Y/N? 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 6
@darkmousey: Yeah, it's one of the harder over-rated fragile plots out there. In a way, it'd be really awesome to go and prove everyone who dislikes Youkai-Miko stories (or at least tend to not be impartial to them) that there are writers out there who understand the pain of your daily stereotype stories. I absolutely worship the writers who have already done that ^_^

@Aura: Haha, feel the wrath of idea-overload! Really, I blame it all on History Lessons for making my fleeting thoughts more than a never-return-again-plot. Then again, it could also be the fault of many other fanfics I've read in the past few weeks...

Thanks for sharing your opinion! Pretty much everyone has a specific overdone plot line that really makes them wary before they click. You just have to find the right stories to read

Edit: On top of this, if this idea really goes full-out, I think I'll need some driving muse to help me along. Maybe a collab? I'm not quite sure. A long time ago I was doing a collab with one of my colleges, but it never actually hit the publish line. Hmm... More complications ;X
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Last Edit: 2010/10/28 22:13 By RenderedReversed.
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