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Wedding....err Mating Ceremony??
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TOPIC: Wedding....err Mating Ceremony??
Angelic Memories
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Re:Wedding....err Mating Ceremony?? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 27
You both bring up valid points. I personally believe it would depend on the setting and universe the story is placed. If he is indeed the same cold,stoic self then I definitely agree Sesshomaru would probably stick to mating. Of course how you go about the concept would be completely up to the author.

With alternate universes I think whether he remains in character or out of character would decided which of these to choose. (Of course if he's human in the story he would obviously choose wedding). Personally, if he's in character then he would most likely be more suited to a small ceremony like you suggest. Kagome being who she is would most likely want a small wedding and I doubt Sesshomaru would deny the idea just for spite.

I Agree, you bring up a perfec point, as long as it flows well I don't care what is chosen. I for one have many variations of what goes into the stories. There have been a couple where they get married and mate, most stick with a some version of mating though, since they are all canon universes and I like Sesshomaru to keep with his animalistic beasty nature. But it does depend on where the story is going and what sort of ceremony will make it flow better.
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I Agree
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Re:Wedding....err Mating Ceremony?? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
You bring up valid points, though you have to remember that different people give different nuances to Sesshou-Maru's personality. Because in the cannon he is so cold and unemotional, he is the perfect character to mold into a story of an authors choosing.

For example, using your mating/wedding example, in some stories I have read, Sesshou-Maru is a bit more domineering and wouldn't dream of doing a fancy or huge affair. He'd just go ahead and mate Kagome (or whomever, though I use Kagome since this is a fansite for Kagome/Sesshou-Maru), to hell with what anyone else thinks including Kagome. In those stories it'd just be against his nature to do something so common as a ceremony. However, in other stories I have read, he cares enough for Kagome to do whatever she wants, be it a small shindig or inviting half of Japan (just an example, I really never read anything as crazy as that), though generally he still doesn't care how others view him.

All are valid ideas that, with the tweaking the authors make, fit perfectly with Sesshou-Maru. It just depends on the authors veiw of our favorite inuyoukai.

For me... it honestly depends on how the story goes. So long as it fits well with whats going on, I think it's just fine.
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Wedding....err Mating Ceremony?? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 9
Errmmm it just occured to me whether in the modern setting or cannon setting how do you think Sesshomaru and Kagome would finalize their "marriage"/"mating?"

If in the cannon setting after giving it much thought I've come to the conclusion that Sesshomaru probably isn't one for big grand ceremonies (or even if he wanted one at all) He'd probably prefer a small and private wedding/mating ceremony to honor Kagome's prefernce for a nice wedding celebration. Although I'm thinking Sesshomaru to be one whose just "mates" someone one day without the hoop-la about the mating ceremony, tradition, and the beast's acceptance of his chosen female as is the craze I've noticed in just about every story I've read so far (even my own....but I'm slowly trying to jump off the band wagon when it comes to grand ceremonies and Sesshomaru's beast because it's getting overrated really fast)

Now if it was in the modern times I think it would just be a small celemony with Kagom'es family (her mom, her granfather being the priest to perform the ceremony, Souta, and a few of Kagome and Sesshomaru's friends that they've met over the years) at Kagome's family shrine. The wedding would be small but classy. The reception I imagine would be in the courtyard of Kagome's family shrine where there would be tables of food, a string of paper laterns hanging in the trees, and music accompanied by dancing.

What do you all think Sesshomaru and Kagome would do for a wedding/mating ceremony?
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PROUD Inupapa fangirl

"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo

"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo

I support a problem with that?
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