Re:Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 18
I view her as human. To me the abilities she has is akin to magic. Many think in the olden times magic was more powerful, thus why it is noticable 500 years in the past and not so much in her time. It would be something moderately rare that does set her apart from the run of the mill but not so much as to make her inhuman. It is a part of nature and a skill she grows with practice and time. Just as a warrior that trains for 20+ years can do more than the run of the mill but still remains human.
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Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
I was talking to a friend about Kagome and if, let’s say in real life, we encountered someone with the power to purify, heal, and erect barriers would still be considered human as opposed to just well...inhuman.
So my question is...should Kagome really be considered a human?
Ignoring her mortality, her powers alone seem to be otherworldly and something that NORMAL humans would not have. To say that she is human and to stick her in a category with other villagers just seems wrong. My friend argued that it could just be some sort of magic or a “rare ability” but honestly if I seen someone shoot a regular freaking bow that was engulfed in a pink fiery flame and exploded on contact, I wouldn’t think oh what a cool “ability”!
It’s just hard for me to call her human, when she, Kikyo, and Midoriko can take on youkai, heal the injured, etc
What are you guys thoughts about it?
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Re:Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 52
At best, human but a spiritually gifted one and at worst, half-human (similar to Inuyasha) but with her other half being celestial instead of demonic.
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Re:Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Ariannani wrote:
I view her as human. To me the abilities she has is akin to magic. Many think in the olden times magic was more powerful, thus why it is noticable 500 years in the past and not so much in her time. It would be something moderately rare that does set her apart from the run of the mill but not so much as to make her inhuman. It is a part of nature and a skill she grows with practice and time. Just as a warrior that trains for 20+ years can do more than the run of the mill but still remains human.
So you would for lack of better word consider her like a witch maybe? Not in the same sense but more like a person who builds on “power” or magic gifted to them? I mean I understand what you’re saying, and the time gap can definitely play a part of her still being viewed as human, but I guess I just want her in a different category lol. Inhuman may have been too far of a stretch but I don’t know. If I look at it like a talent -i.e. Some humans are able to sing where as others can’t etc- then yea definitely human. However, because of what her power is...I’m still less inclined to believe she’s just human
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Re:Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Half-human is what I’m leaning towards! Like she obviously has human traits and whatnot but I can’t view her as JUST a human.
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Re:Is Kagome really human? 6 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 31
I think the reason that this is even a question is looking at the modern world she came from. Clearly, demons and spirits still have an effect on the world, as seen in two of the episodes, but there doesn't seem to be others that do the same as she can. This is probably just do to the "modern world is dull, past is way cooler" thing, but still. There isn't enough development in the modern era we see to know if Kagome is the only one like this. We do see other miko in the past that have abilities other than the main three, such as the dark priestess and the one taken over by Naraku. We also have Miroku which, even without his wind scar, clearly has some ability.
If there had been more development, there may be more understanding. As it stands, It may be that the Shikon no Tama may have had an effect that took her regressive power traits and upped the anti for all we know.
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