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Help with Characterization please!!!
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TOPIC: Help with Characterization please!!!
DN Silence
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Help with Characterization please!!! 10 Years ago Karma: 12
So I have been trying to write a chapter for my story, but the mild writing block, coupled with some uncertainty about characterization kept me from continuing it.

First thing first, I believe almost everything they said in horoscope. I used horoscopecompatibility a lot to keep watch of my immature sisters. As some of you might have known, they like to say that there are two ways a person lives through his/her life. He or she can either think or feel through life. And I would say that it is quite true. I feel through life (I'm cancer, I cry and get emotional real easy), while my bff thinks through life (she's libra, all about justice and logic), and my mom thinks through life as well (she's aquarius). They all agree with me.

Okay, so the deal is, if you kind of understand or see my point. I need your opinion and assessment on whether or not, it is in predominant in their nature that, Sesshoumaru would feel through life while Kagome would think through life... (contrary to the obvious, where Sesshoumaru mostly thinks, and Kagome mostly feels.)

I'm sorry if I confused you... One can easily get emotional, but it doesn't mean that he or she is brainless or illogical. I know that we do both, but I'm sure that one of those two ways is more instinctual to us. What do you think? Am I making sense.

Thanks <3
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Help with Characterization please!!! 10 Years ago Karma: 60
Perhaps I can help.

I understand what you mean about horoscopes and how it can define a person’s character. I have seen people who are very much like what their sign is, yet I have seen the opposite, as well. Also, I believe everyone interprets their horoscope to make it ‘fit’ them, basically, they convince themselves that it is right, and they act such a way because of their sign. That being said, a person’s character is subjective, in my opinion.

Now, concerning characterization. I believe I have a firm grasp on this particular subject, so I feel confident that I can give you some measure of assistance in your dilemma. Depending on your story: if it follows canon, then Sesshomaru and Kagome (as well as every other character) already has a set characterization.

Sesshomaru: He is logical (as you said), cool—even cold at times, he’s arrogant, and prideful. And yet, he shows small signs of compassion and affection. Lastly, though he is far from emotionless, he hides his feelings pretty well, and has difficulty expressing them. He’s a man of few words, and he speaks in an arrogant, often condescending manner.

Kagome: She’s loud, headstrong, emotional, but also kind, loving, and caring. She’s strong, independent (usually), and talkative. And yet, she has insecurities, fears, and is self-conscious, even innocent.

So, if you are following canon, you have to make subtle, slow changes in their character through the progression of your story to make it believable that they fall in love (if that is your aim). It’s hard to change who you are, how you act, and think. It doesn’t happen quickly.

Now, if your story is AU, then you can give them totally different personalities if you so choose. This way, you can believably use the horoscope theory you mentioned. Characterization is just as important in a story as the plot.

I hope this has helped.

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Time Traveler
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Re:Help with Characterization please!!! 9 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 57

I follow horoscopes on occasion, but find them too general, too broad, or too vague in nature to be relevant in everyday life.

As for Sesshoumaru and Kagome in terms of characterisation, it's simpler to know/understand them if you analyse what you already know.

Sesshy is:

  1. A youkai Lord with lands, resources, and a title.

  2. Has likely led a privileged life with the best of everything i.e. tutors, trainers, access to libraries etc.

  3. He's likely literate, something that was unheard of for the less privileged five hundred years ago. Remember not everyone knew how to read and write.

  4. He has a personal retainer in Jaken and a rare and likely highly trained and intelligent mount in Ah-Un.

  5. He wears silk clothing all day everyday, even into battle - something that would ordinarily be for ceremonial use because of it's exorbitant expense. That silk is also minimally decorated showing that Sesshy favours quality and comfort over function and formality.

  6. He also wears armour, minimally, not a full-suit which shows both arrogance and confidence in his own fighting ability.

  7. He also has and has had several youkai-smithied weapons in his possession (i.e. Tenseiga, Tokijin, and Bakusaiga) which would all be rare and incredibly valueable, something no human-being for example would even have an opportunity to have. This again shows that Sesshy favours quality, especially if it guarantees power and prestige (and flaunting it is a bonus too).

  8. Sesshy also shows how very young he is in the way he acts at times. He has an air of command, which means he likely expects others to obey when he barks an order. He also has moments of sweetness when he for example shows his worry over little Rin. He also takes things overly seriously as he rarely laughs or smiles, so he doesn't mince words. What he says is what he means, so he's not prone to emotional out-bursts nor does he express himself in overt ways like humans with a handshake, or a smile, or a friendly wave 'Hello'.

Sesshoumaru to me is the exact opposite of Kagome, not because of his attitude or even his personality, but because he's so straight-cut, so staid and reserved, and so very controlled in all that he does.

Kagome in comparison is:

  1. A modern human girl.

  2. Well-educated for her age i.e. she's literate and has some understanding of basic mathematics, philosophy, the arts, language etc.

  3. She's open and exuberant always smiling, laughing, and being carefree.

  4. She freely expresses her emotions without thought or consequence.

  5. She's from humbler origins than Sesshoumaru being from a family that lives and runs a Shrine, but she also doubly has a childhood likely steeped in traditional beliefs.

  6. She's young being a teenager, who is also from a time where youkai have receded and humans reign over the world in terms of technology and population.

  7. Kagome is also fairly ignorant of youkai mysticism. She's likely learned about them from her Grandpa and family, but likely never met one in person until Inuyasha, and later her various encounters on the other side of the Bone-Eater's Well, so she's inexperienced or very green too.

In consideration of the above, dependent on the nature of your story, you could customise their backgrounds accordingly. Just keep the basic principles in mind. Everyone expects Sesshy to be arrogant, it's an inherent part of his character. Everyone also expects Kagome to be innocent or good in some aspect of her personality.

I think often too many authors fail to remember the difference primarily between them based on the society and time in which they live.

Literacy for example for a woman in the Feudal Era would have been unusual, as would Kagome's choice of clothing, it's very revealing, medieval people tended to be more conservative, and also more pragmatic. Cotton pleats won't keep you warm in winter or dry in torrential rain.

Sesshy also as a Lord or prince-equivalent would have been given deference by others automatically based on his caste and birth-status. He's high-born not a peasant. The rest, like respect and even fear or admiration, would have come later as he grew based on his fighting prowess, ruthlessness, and political influence or focus too.

Personally I think Kagome makes a nice antithesis to him. She's open and carefree while Sesshy is controlled and restrained. I agree with BelovedStranger on Sesshy being more logical, he's a fighter, so he knows how to deconstruct a threat physically and mentally. He's all about power and influence.

Kagome is fairly innocent, ignorant, and naieve which is evident in her easy acceptance of Miroku - a known lech, and Shippo, a kitsune cub whose people are infamous for being tricksters. This shows that she does go by feel, as in how she reacts emotionally to the suffering of others. She could almost be a bleeding-heart with her empathy. She feels for Shippo being made an orphan. She feels for Miroku being the son of a line of men stricken with Naraku's curse, one that is inheritable by all male descendants, i.e. would be inheritable by Miroku's son or sons.

Kagome is compassion and love all wrapped up in green pleats and white socks. The very essence of what it means to be truly humane.

Notice that I haven't even touched on Sesshy's mystical youkai-ness or Kagome's destiny as the Shikon Miko. These for moi are merely additional facets of their characters rather than being milestones upon which their personalities are based.

~ Pyre.

P.S: How you interpret their characters is entirely up to you as an author. If you can display Sesshy and Kagome in a way that makes sense without causing confusion for the reader than you've succeeded. It just makes things easier if you consider the base aspects of their backgrounds as you go. Saves thinking up extra stuff when you can just conveniently pull stuff from canon like Sesshy's penchant for wearing silk, an expensive commodity.
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Last Edit: 2015/03/01 23:30 By Pyre.
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