The story you are referring to is "Trust" by Demonlordlover. As far as I know, it is only posted on the Demonlordlover2 Yahoo!Group, along with a couple other stories that aren't posted anywhere else, like "Conversations With A TaiYoukai," and "Finding You."
If you are a member of the Demonlordlover2 Yahoo!Group, you can find the stories by clicking on "Files." If you aren't already a member, it's VERY easy to join - primarily because I'm the mod!

Just click on the link below:
Go through the process and, VOILA! You have access to some of the most talked-about stories in the Kag/Sess community!! The site is restricted because of the mature content of some of the stories. Because we are in constant moderation (meaning messages are pre-screened), we don't spam the membership with tons of stuff (or fill up your inbox!). You can UNsubscribe at any time as well, no questions asked.
So... check it out, okay? And, ENJOY!