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Story Research Assistance
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TOPIC: Story Research Assistance
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Story Research Assistance 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 52
Hello everyone, I'm doing some research for an upcoming story, one that involves some role reversal for a recently completed story of mine, and although I do have some ideas in mind for a few chapters, since I'm male, I'm asking the female population here to help me out a little bit.

If you don't mind, please PM (Private Message) me what you would do to a guy that made you very very angry. It can be something done to him physically, verbally, or emotionally, just keep in mind it shouldn't involve him dying physically.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Story Research Assistance 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 216
would this be set in modern times as if we were Kagome in Japan, dealing with Hojo, or set in Feudal times and she's dealing with miroku/inuyasha/kouga type stuff?

B/c if it's for a fic and Say I were to say, Leaving the Toilet seat up and it's set in Feudal era... well that's not going to help, and that does make me very very angry.

*shifty eyes*

If you do that, learn to stop i dont know a woman that likes that ever!
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Re:Story Research Assistance 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14
I don't honestly care about the toilet seat thing but, I'll agree that it really does depend on the time period and other factors.

"What you would do to a guy that made you very, very angry" is rather vague.

There is a huge difference between a pet-peeve like toilet seats and folding towels wrong or something major like lying about not being employed anymore or having an affair.

I don't mind helping but perhaps you could be more specific? How major is the offense? Is the guy in question a love interest or someone the girl is attracted to? Is the guy in question a relative or someone older? Is the girl in question someone who is hot-headed and easy to anger or typically more mild? Do either party hold some sort of authority over the other?

All of these things can affect how a woman responds to different social situations.

You don't have to say it here, if it becomes too specific, feel free to pm me and I will be happy to help if I can!
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Re:Story Research Assistance 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 1
If you could clarify the level of offense, It would be easier to answer that. 'Very very angry' is a bit too vague to go off. It may ruin the surprise, but perhaps you could tell us what we're angry over?
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