Mitharus wrote:
Blender has always been able to export as OBJ format. The *text* OBJ format anyway (vertex, face layouts, etc...). If you want one of the specific binary obj formats, well, there have been lots of different scripts written for importing, and if you're lucky, exporting.
Blender's OBJs had some issue with Maya 2011 (then again...EVERYTHING had an issue with Maya 2011. lol), and for 5 full months I had to do crazy go-arounds with collegues who were modeling in Blender while the main animation was done with Maya. :/
Thankfully, Maya 2012 is nicer to Blender this time around~ (Blender wasn't too nice about importing into ASCII files for some reason with Maya 2011)
Mitharus wrote:
Hrmm... I never had a problem with ZBrush. I haven't every done anything *major*, but comparatively ZBrush would handle a few million polygons fine on a 2GB system (Can't remember exact graphics card, but it was some older nVidia Quadro with 1GB RAM). The same model in Mudbox would crash my system (or just make it unusable).
I run off 6GB RAM with a GeForce GTX 570 Graphics Card (graduation gift w00t!), and I have to be careful with sculpts that go over 1 bil polys....which is a medium-to-large sized sculpt in Game Modeling (I'm a freelance animator). :/
Mitharus wrote:
Hrmm... never heard of either. For UV shells, I'll a lot of times use ZBrush and the UV Master script. Other times I just fight with Blender and pin the UV layout that way.
I mean really, where's the fun if you don't bang your head against a wall when doing UV's?
OMG 3D Coat was a life saver for this one project I had! If you want to retopo any model you make, I recommend it or ZBrush. TopoGun is good for retopology, but it's more slow-going than ZBrush, but just a tad faster than Maya.
Pfft, I had a couple projects where I was working as a texture artist and I got some crappy models with hilariously bad UVs. When you're in a time crunch, Roadkill was my saving grace!
I can't afford to bang my head against the wall. xD Efficiency with the best possible product is my thing. ;D