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Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands
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TOPIC: Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands
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Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 279
What Are They and Why Can’t I Make Them?

What Are Review Demands?

The short answer would seem fairly obvious. Unfortunately, given the limitless ways one might go about “demanding” reviews, the real answer is more complicated.

A Review Demand is any way in which you make your reader feel that they MUST review your story or you will not continue it. Or you will not update it. Or you will make your readers wait for updates. Any time you pressure your readers to review with threats of not continuing, or not updating promptly, or not updating at all, THAT is a Review Demand. In short, Review Demands are THREATS.


You may not tell your readers that you will only update if you get reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you won’t update until you get a certain number of reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you will discontinue or delete your story if you don’t get reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you will update more quickly if you get reviews.

These are a few examples of Review Demands. If you have any doubt that what you are saying to your readers might be misconstrued as a Review Demand, please be sure to contact a Site Administrator. You will receive ONE warning when found to be issuing Review Demands. If not corrected, your story will be deleted.

You MAY tell your readers that reviews help you with your ideas. You may tell readers that reviews are the “fuel” that drives your writing. You may tell readers that you will get more ideas for the next chapter if you get some feedback, but you cannot make it seem as though you will abandon the story if you don’t.

This is one site where Review Demands are taken very seriously and dealt with harshly.

Just. Don’t. Do. It.

PS - As usual, if you have the slightest inkling that you may have said something that resembles a Review Demand in an Author’s Note, please review it and correct it BEFORE I issue a warning. It will be greatly appreciated!!
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Last Edit: 2012/03/30 01:04 By wiccanmethuselah.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 279
Kae wrote:
Are incentives considered a review demand? I've seen them before. for example: "If you review, I'll give you a cookie!" I always find these cute, but if they are against the rules I feel I need to know so I don't do it.
Thanks for these tutorials. they are very helpful and informative.

Virtual cookies, doughnuts, and other virtual "bribes" are NOT against the rules. Those are just being fun, and we all know it.

Demands are anything that makes the reader feel PRESSURED to leave a review for fear that a story won't be continued, or in order to receive the next chapter.

EXAMPLES: "I'll update after I get five reviews." OR "I can't update this story unless I get some feedback." OR "I need your reviews in order to update."

See? Just avoid telling your readers that you won't update (or continue) unless they review, in any way, shape, or form, and you'll be fine!

So.... if I read and review your work, I get cookies too?? I LUV COOKIES!

PS - I'm glad that you felt my tutorials were helpful!!
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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
Are incentives considered a review demand? I've seen them before. for example: "If you review, I'll give you a cookie!" I always find these cute, but if they are against the rules I feel I need to know so I don't do it.
Thanks for these tutorials. they are very helpful and informative.
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
Just to be absolutely clear, asking for reviews, no strings attached, is perfectly okay?

IE: "Reviews are the spice of life! Please, let me know what you think!"
OR: "Criticism, critiques... anything you wanna say, please say it! REVIEW!"

I've personally written things like this many times... it's verging on a demand sometimes, but I dont think it violates the rules. Will you please confirm that for me?
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Riasha Riley
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
Yes <_< . . . not to be speaking for Wiccan or anything .. . . .>_>, but yes, simply asking your readers to review, or trying to encourage them to do so with simple statements or requests like saying how much you enjoy reading them, or that they light up your day are fine. 1)Threatening the readers with stopping the story if you don't get reviews or you don't receive 'blah' number of reviews 2) holding the next chapter hostage if you don't get reviews or if you don't receive 'blah' number of reviews are what this Rule is talking about.
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
Thank you for confirming that for me! Authority or no, I'm almost sure I can take your word for it. xD I mostly needed a second opinion after reading the tutorial! ha ha ha

ALSO your sig made me lol.
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Riasha Riley
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Beat Cop
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 29
Freya is correct. Here it is, specifically cited as Wiccan says it:

You may not tell your readers that you will only update if you get reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you won’t update until you get a certain number of reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you will discontinue or delete your story if you don’t get reviews.

You may not tell your readers that you will update more quickly if you get reviews.

Virtual cookies, doughnuts, and other virtual "bribes" are NOT against the rules. Those are just being fun, and we all know it.

Demands are anything that makes the reader feel PRESSURED to leave a review for fear that a story won't be continued, or in order to receive the next chapter.

So its fine to request reviews or ask for specific feedback (I do this when I'm not sure if I've conveyed something well, or if I'm trying a new technique that I want to better myself on. I'll ask specifically "does the flow work in this scene or is it moving to fast?" etc) You just cant make demands.
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 279
My dear Freya is right on target. The only thing I would add is that we also frown upon saying:

"I'll update faster if you review," or

"Reviews equals faster updates,"

or things like that.

Anything that says:

Reviews = story continuation

Reviews = faster updates

Reviews = specified results


Thanks so much for asking... I appreciate how hard our authors work to stay in line with our somewhat strict site rules!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
Thank you. ^^
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Riasha Riley
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 279
Riasha wrote:
Thank you. ^^

You are MOST welcome. Remember, the only truly stupid questions are the ones that didn't get asked!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Freya Ishtar
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Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: Review Demands 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
ARG! I knew I missed a part of my explanation -_-. Thank you Wiccan.

Riasha wrote:
ALSO your sig made me lol.

You mean the anger issues thing? Or the canon pairing defiance thing?
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