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The Way We Were - Author's Note
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TOPIC: The Way We Were - Author's Note
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The Way We Were - Author's Note 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Okay this is an Author's Note. *Hides behind her laptop* I know, I know! You are all wondering where the new chapter is – well it is coming I promise.

I have not forgotten about this story nor am I going to abandon it. I have worked way too hard and put in way too many hours to just give up. Writer's block be d*mned. It has taken me a lot longer to get it typed up then I expected but I am working on it and I have been pushing through my writer's block so hopefully it will be done soon.

To my reader’s- I just want to thank you all for sticking with me and for liking my story as much as I do. If I could I would give you all poky. Thank you all again!

As for the story I have some Ideas outlined for future chapters but I would very much like to know where you guys want to see this story go. What do you want to see more of or whom do you want to see more of? What do want to happen in Sesshoumaru and Kagome's relationship or Malakai and Sesshoumaru's Relationship? What about Kagome/Sesshoumaru/Malakai relationship in general? What do you see happening there?

So many questions but I really want to know what you think. I can't wait for all of your responses and thanks for reading and responding ^.^
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