You sound wonderful

..Im actually in the process of producing my first chapter to a knew ( feels like an epic) story. Im approaching college finals at the moment -so im not churning out chapters like I would want to- and I am a little rusty at writing at the moment since I havent attempted it in so long. (but when an idea strikes its hard to ignore it)
My story is about Kagome being stuck in the Fedual Era training as a regular village miko when sesshomaru busts into the scene to kidnap her under the threat of over throwing his domain. (its complicated). She is captured and under his care when she learns of a few horrible secrets. It's a race to see if she can help sesshomaru save his kingdom or forever loose it. (Yes there is gore so this will be a Mature story) Kagome is no pushover in this story..though at the begining it feels like she might be, she will definantly grow through out the story. At the end its a dramatic finish ( if I could only describe it right

Your help would be greatly appreciated and Im not afraid to work with your ideas -if inspriation hits

- (I welcome your input as a beta!)
If you feel like this is something you are willing to beta just send me an email at (removed by administration. please do not share private information in the public forums of this website. thank you) ...thank you for your time. (WELCOME TO THE SITE BY THE WAY!)