I am actually looking for a beta for my story "Limerance". The only trouble is that my writing style sometimes involves things that aren't necessarily grammatically correct. These are placed in my writing for emphasis or just as a part of my own personal "signature" I guess. I'm not sure if that would be ok with you or not (I hope it will be!).
I am currently minoring in English, so I don't need as much grammar help as I need someone to check my chapters over for typos. I type super fast, and I can get so excited about posting that I don't notice my errors until it's too late. I know that I can always update the errors later, but - as a reader - I find typos incredibly distracting and I would rather not have them in the final presentation at all.
I would also love you long time if you could give me some input about my writing before I post it

Two heads are better than one, right?
Is there any way that you could check out my story and let me know if it's something you would be interested in beta-ing? (is that a word?

Even if it isn't something you would be willing to proofread, I still wanted to say thank you for putting yourself out there to help people. I really respect that.
Thanks so much!