From the subject I think it safe for me to assume you know what I'm looking for and if not then I'm not looking for you. Sorry:(
Please, I really do need a beta though. I don't think it'll be that hard to beta for me. My grammar isn't too bad, its just that most of the time I'm to lazy to read over my on work and I know someone eles would be able to spot one of my mistakes far better than I can. And most importantly, I need someone to give me a honest opinion. I had my friend do it for my first story and it didn't work too well. God bless her heart but she mainly told me what I wanted to hear.
Please and I can't stress this enough, if you're interested, please be comfortble reading lemons and smut.

I like to write those things much and it'll be nice for someone to tell me if I'm going overbroad or something when writing them.
But I need an honest opinion and if you got that you got me

if you think that's you please email me at