I was going over my story Sons of Heaven and I was thinking to myself,
"wow, I wonder if that sentence really is good outside of my head... and is this idea well-explained? This part could probably use some work, but I'm not sure..."
And then it hits me;
Get a beta, dummy!
And so here I am. I am looking for someone who has at least a pinch of grammar and spelling skillz-- I mean, I do
try to edit it on my own, but heaven knows there is always something you miss, and really my spelling skillz are at about 34 % (

)-- who can re-direct the flow of a wonky sentence/paragraph, or at least suggest when one is going wrong, and is a semi-good sounding board for ideas.
I hope this isn't too much to be looking for-- it's been a while since I've had a beta, and I've never actually
advertised for one before, but we'll just see how this goes.
So, any takers?