Hello, I am Lady Sianna. I am in the process of writting two stories and editing an additional story. A few weeks ago, I came up with a story that I think will be my greatest story yet. I have never used a beta before, but I think this one story definitely deserves one.
I will hopefully be starting on the story in the next few weeks or so. I am hoping to finish at least one of my other stories first. This idea won't leave me alone, so I may be forced to start on it early.
Anyway, I consider myself an above average writer, I simply need an extra set of eyes to catch the errors that I may miss.
Also, I need someone who will be with me for the long haul. I believe this will be my longest story yet, and I would like a beta who will stay with me from start to finish. Also, I am not the kind of author who updates once a month. I am doing three stories right now, and I usually am able to update once a week. I do understand, however, that as I will be relying on another person, I may not be able to update as often as that, but, I would like to be able to update at least once every other week.
If you are interested, please let me know.