I'm new here. I'm young. And I need a beta.

My story has not yet been published. I'm doing some tough rewriting of the first three chapters that I thought I was done with, but now I can see they need a lot of work.
When I'm done, I need another person editing them.
I don't want it to be edited in a way where the concept is changed. I just want grammar correction and some addition of 'flavor'.
What do I mean by flavor? Easy to answer: my first language is
not English; it's Spanish -- and since I've been 'away' from my native language, I can hardly write something interesting in Spanish. So, with this, I find it somewhat hard to express and describe certain circumstances in either four languages that I've learned.
In brief, my beta should be willing to help me describe certain scenes that I've mentally pictured but have not yet been able to find the exact words to set them on paper.
PS. my nickname is Krazy4Fluffy but you can call me KrazyRunya or just Krazy. Side note: I don't know how to pick a beta that suits me, but I hope you will enlighten me on that part...