OK So it has been a very long time since I picked up a pencil and paper or much of anything when it comes to writing utensils for my story. Hwoever in the past day and an half or so I have forced myself to actually sit down and write as much as I can to get rid of this mountain that is standing inside of my brain called writers block, and now I find my self in need of two things/people/who knows what it is. Better to describe it as this:
One: I need someone who can help me bounce some ideas around for my stories, Divine Retribution and a couple of others that I am working on but have not yet had the time to post.
Two: A beta, or as I referred to my former one, my grammatical savior. Spell check can only do so much, I need someone who can not only say, "yah this and this is good but it could be better if you do this etc type of thing." I had a great beta but it seems that she has stopped working for a while, and I haven't heard from her in a long long time.
Time spent on this: Honestly it wont be very much, I don't have internet at my house yet so it will only be once or twice a week or so, whenever I go over to my boyfriends house to post and check my email, if even that much considering how my writers block has been affecting me as of late.
So if anyone is up to the job let me know, or if even more than one person has some ideas it would be very helpful. Thanks!
~Taiyoukai's Lady