Hey! So I'm in need of a beta. I've never had one before, so I have no idea how to go about it
I mainly post on FF.net but have decided to post on here now as well! I had a big break (about a year) when the pandemic struck, I lost all passion for my writing

But now I'm working again I'm so eager to get back into it!
Spelling, punctuation and grammar is never usually an issue for me but these mistakes may crop up sometimes.
I mainly struggle with laying out my sentences/paragraphs. I always type out a storyline for my fanfic's and outline what I'd like to include yet I've had reviews from some readers that my stories are sometimes quite hard to follow. After re-reading them I have noticed that I tend to 'babble' and this takes away from the scene I'm writing and affects the feel of the story. All I'd like is for another pair of eyes to take the 'nonsense' out and hopefully help me with my structuring! I think sometimes when I'm writing I just type out everything I'm thinking and with only me there to proof read, I obviously don't pick up on my own mistakes!
If anyone would be willing to help please let me know! I want to upload every Friday, so my readers can have something constant after waiting so patiently for me

I'd just need to know how long you'd need, so I can have the chapters ready
Thank you!!