Hi All.
I am DNogitsune. DN for short.
I have been an avid reader of fanfics for... years. Heck, I am not even sure when I started. I have even written some (under a different name). Reading fanfics is my stress-reliever and my time to relax.
I was an English Teacher overseas for 10 years until I decided to change my job.
I want to become a Beta reader. I have seen multiple fics, where it had a fantastic premise that was interesting BUT, it wasn't readable, hard to read because of sentence structure. Or repeatedly using the homonyms or homographs that change the sentence's meaning, probably not the one the author intended (easily missed because they were spelled correctly but weren't caught). I had to stop reading them because it stressed me out a bit, and I couldn't make sense of it even though I wanted to continue.
I taught ESL to kindy - middle and University students in South Korea. A majority of the students knew next to no English to very little outside a normal greeting. If I could get through and decipher their writings, I should easily get through anything.
It wouldn't take me long either, since I am used to doing it because as a teacher, I had to read thru my student's stories and essays all the time for a class of 12-20+ students. I have it down to a science.
I'm a writer, too, and I write fanfics once I get the idea straight in my head. I also have a beta reader because I am aware I auto-correct in my head and don't see the errors. I haven't written for this site... yet.
I hope this post doesn't come off as rude. That is not my intention. English was my 2nd language (1st was German, but it has faded from lack of use). English is the main language I speak now, but sometimes my mind does revert to other languages I used to know and faded from lack of use.
It is the reason why I have a very straightforward way of speaking/typing.
I love this site and the writers on it. I am just offering my services to have more to read and send the links to my friends.
...this wasn't supposed to be this long.