Hello! It be me 'I Agree.'
I'm in need of a Beta, since it's becoming increasingly clear to me that I'm not going to do it on my own. Urg, laziness.

And I would just respond to the posts that are put up in this forum, but unfortunately there's kind of a problem. With me that is.
I get offended and defensive when people correct what I write. I shouldn't, I know, it's stupid, but that's the way I am. I'm not confrontational about it, but if I don't like what a person has done to correct my story, I honestly won't post it in its 'corrected' form. If someone Beta'd my story they'd have to explain why they made the changes they did. A short explanation would be fine as long as I knew the person knew what they were talking about.
Also, I would prefer the beta to have more experience than I do (not saying much to be honest), to be older than I am (currently 20), and to be able to kick my butt into gear when he/she thinks I'm being pigheaded or putting off my writing.
I didn't just want to respond to a post without being able to warn the person volunteering their services. That would be horrible of me. So if someone who was brave enough could please Beta for me, that would be completely and honestly wonderful. I'd love you forever.
Please Regard Me Kindly,
I Agree