Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 13
Hey guys.
I've been searching for a beta for a long long long while now.
So, i'm requesting someone who:
+ is definitely patient. I sometimes will not ( can not ) update for 2 weeks at a time, sometimes a month.
+ will actually keep beta(ing) after 1 chapter.
+ can keep up with my grammar mistakes.. Lol my grammar stinks.
(need a beta who has great grammar, and spelling..)
My most important one:
+ understand the concept of my story.
Because, my story, As A Courtesan is... very.. hmm.. what's the word?
Well it's a very ironic story in ways, combining best of both cultures into
a culture of society for Sessh and Kags.
It's very descriptive sometimes, because it's needed, for the plot. And to set the tones of each chapter(s).
AAC is a combination of Renaissance Courtesans with Japanese Women ( high ranked ) in society. Yes, two clashing roles. That's the whole point!
Well yes, i'm very long winded, and i need someone who "sort of" understand.
Post or PM if Interested.
There's a quick link to my story: As A Courtesan
Oh, on fanfiction.net, chapter 4 is already up. I'm not planning to update anytime soon on Dokuga unless i get a good beta... Quick Link: As A Courtesan, FF.Net
PS- i'm really sorry if i demand too much. It's all good...
Last Edit: 2008/12/12 03:36 By MiserablySweet.
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 8
I'll beta for you!
I usually have the link for an example of what type of work I do, but I don't have it handy on this computer. I'll post the linkage later. If you want to contact anyone I beta for, you can get a hold of Fluffy Lady (FL), DestinyTears, ITL (inu_tiger_luver), or Akasha.
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 13
Thank you Mikaela-sama, your effort is greatly appreciated!
I trust you are very experienced already if you take up my offer.
But i warn you, it can get pretty confusing at some points.
Chapters 2-4 is already up on Fanfiction.net, you can read it through there,
copy and paste, and email me at " angelszanime@yahoo.com" when you're done...
or would you like me to email the chapters to you?
It's soley up to you, which ever you like!
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 8
docs.google.com/View?docid=dghmzhgr_28gvf2q5xz&pageview=1&hgd=1&hl=en << Link I was talking about earlier.
You should probably just send me your chapters, since it's more likely I'll get to them that way then reading them off of FF.net. And don't worry about confusion, I'll eventually figure it out. And if I don't, that's always a sign that you should probably reword or change it. It's better to spell something out for a reader than to confuse them out of their poor little minds 
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 13
Great great great!
*jumps for joy*
Also, would you mind if i asked you to Beta another one of my stories?
It's a new one that i'm going to write, and i've made the Story Cover already.
And i would like you to be the first to see it...
So, how about it Mikaela-sama?
BTW, i've checked your policy, and i agree 100%
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 8
Once I beta one of your stories, I pretty much consider you, as an author, one of my "bosses." You can send me anything you want.
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 13
So tonight or tomorrow night i will send you a brief summary of the new story,
along with full cover
I'll be sending you 4 attachments of As a courtesan, 4 chapters.
You have no idea how happy i am ^_^
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 8
XD Looks like I've got some work coming my way. By the latest, hopefully, you should get everything back by Christmas
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Re:Need a Beta =) 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 13
oh no problem ^_^
I'll send you the copy of the cover now,
i really couldn't finish it in time.
Anyway, you should have it in about.. 15 minutes!
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