Hello, The name's Ivy. Nice to meet cha

I'm currently in the process of writing my first fan fiction about my favorite anime couple. And in doing so, I've released I'm in way over my head with questions, ideas, and jumbled nonsense that i wish to force out coherently into story form. With this realization comes this message to all of you mystical magical betas out there!
I need some help. My ideas are all in this wonderful ball of fun, and creativity bursting at its seams but they are lacking a certain, how do i saw this, finesse? To which I'm hoping one of you will be gracious enough provide. I'm writing an adventure of two ride or die best friends, whose firecracker personalities and pretty little faces find them stumbling into a demonic subculture. The two girls battle wardrobe choices, assassination attempts, and love affairs all while trying to be granted amnesty. Yes,Yes Kagome and Sesshomaru are paired in this. Of of those love affairs *nudge nudge*

But on a more serious note i do need some help so please feel free to reply. And even if you don't want to be my beta but have some advice, i would love to hear that too so feel free to leave some comments or opinions.
Thank you so much for your wonderful time!