knifethrower wrote:
What, exactly, is a flame? I am uncomfortable with words I don't have an exact definition for. What differentiates a negative review from a flame?
Though some times it can be hard to tell the difference a negative review, while the reader is not happy with the story, they tend to try and mention how something could be fixed to improve the writing. Also they will tend to use 'I think, I believe, I would/would not'. Which is always a clear indication of it being their opinion.
For a flame they will tell you what you did wrong, not their opinion they will usually write it as if it was a fact, without offering any way to correct the problem. You can usually find cuss words and insults within flames.
This is an example of a review that maybe hard to tell if it's a flame or a negative review. I'll break it down a bit so you may better understand. (By the way, this is from chapter 7 of the void, so some of his complaints may not make sense as they were answered in later chapters.)
I was just thinking. They are in a void for weeks, without water or light. And for no reason at all they start to "make love". I dont know, but somehow the picture I got was dirty, stinky sex. Ewww. Was Kagome a virgin? What did she drink? Humans cant go on for more than a few days without water. Otherwise good story. The rating is off though. Its T, not M. No sex and hardly any violence. I still cant figure out how Jaken managed to smother Miroku. Jaken is a toad youkai. Small. And Miroku wasn't even sleeping. Its just impossible.
First thing he says 'I was just thinking.' Tells you right away that he's referring to his opinion. 'What did she drink? Humans cant go on for more than a few days without water.' He asks a question and explains why he's asking that question. The part about the rating it a bit iffy, because he doesn't say 'I think' however, he uses 'its, the' rather than saying 'my rating' or 'you should have put it T, not M'. 'I still can't figure out...' 'Its just impossible.' Though the second can be a bit iffy, they are both opinions and he states them as such. Overall I count this a a negative review because he never outright attacked me or my work. He simply didn't understand or agree with certain things and questioned them.
Hope that helps ya, if not hope I didn't confuse you more

knifethrower wrote:
Why do people try to get other people to stop writing? Why does it matter to them? Are they failed writers themselves, or miserable in their real life? Any ideas?
While this can be for any number of reasons, I find the most common is simply they do not like your story or style of writing and lack the maturity to understand how to appropriately tell you. Instead of leaving negative feedback, they flame which does no good for you or them. If someone tells you you shouldn't write, simply ignore them. If they tell you how to better your writing, in regards to grammar and such rather than storyline, take it as a learning experience.