Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: -5
Im not tring to start anything i just want to know what happened.
I asked texanlady why she stopped posting here and she wrote back adn while she wasnt mean she made it clear she didnt want to be asked about it. She said she didnt think she was compatible with the site and had left and asked me not to bring it up again that everything was over with adn there was no pioint talking about it. I'm not trying to drag anything up I just want to know what happened. She said a few things about it in some authors notes but I cant find the 'argument' that started it all. Can someone tell me where it is? not wanting to start a fight I just want to see what happened for myself.
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Re:Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 14
Honestly, I have no idea what happened, but take it from someone who knows... sometimes it's just better to NOT know. Internet drama can suck you in quick and it's just better to float away from it.
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Re:Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 19
We (the Mods and Admins) do not wish to discuss the drama that happened with TexanLady. It would be greatly appreciated if you drop the subject.
with most thanks
And my wonderful Icon was made by the equally wonderful Danyealle Myst
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Re:Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: -5
I dont understand. According to the rules anyone can discuss anything as long as their respectful and dont post anything obscene or spam. Im not in violation of the rules asking this question. Do the rules only apply to those the Moderators think it should? If that is the case thats pretty hypocritical. Your rules state;
We have some important ground rules to ensure this feature isn't abused. Please respect them, as they are only in place to make the Dokuga experience as drama-free and fun as possible.
1. Respect others
When you don't find something offensive, that doesn't mean others won't. Keep this in mind when posting humor or other information that could potentially inflame others.
2. Respect the opinions of your fellow posters.
At some point, this board may gravitate toward controversial issues. Please remember that people tend to have vast differences of opinion on those topics that comes from background, age, life experiences, eduction, etc.,
3. No Spam!!!
You may post a link to your blog, to work you have done, or to something you feel is cool or interesting. You may not post a link for a free IPhone, cheap Viagra, or anything else that would involve you collecting money from posting to this forum.
4. Pictures
Do not post pictures that include nudity or disturbing imagery. Some people watch this site at work. Upload it to an image sharing service and provide a link with a 'NWS' (Not Work Safe) warning.
Where am i in violation of this? I'm asking a simple question. Thats it. All I want to know is what happened and where to look for it. I asked texanlady to tell me and she said if i really wanted to know to visit this site and read the posts myself bcuz she was thru discussing it. All i want to know is where they are so I can read them for myself. Im curious as to what was said that made her want to leve. If thats offensive to you thats sad but as #2 states controversal issues might be brought up. Im not asking you to discuss anything with me just tell me where I can read it for myself. So it comes down to whether this sight is hypocritical or not I guess.
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Re:Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 696975
You're not in violation of the rules. However, we had put the situation to bed and we want to maintain the peace. That is all. The drama that had occured was between us and Texanlady. Texanlady would like to maintain the peace on her end, else she would have answered the question. We're simply respecting that decision and doing the same thing here.
I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Re:Can someone tell me what happened? 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Texanlady didn't want to discuss it, and we don't want to discuss it that should be the end of it, and this should be respected.
I am locking this thread so it doesn't get out of hand. If you need to discuss this, pm me.
Last Edit: 2009/01/26 00:53 By .
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