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Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, is betrothed to a miko with a dark side. When Sesshoumaru declares in front of the wedding party that he doesn't love the miko, she curses him. Fast forward to 2003, when Kagome is driving home from work. She accidentally runs over a pure white dog with golden eyes. She names him Chance, after being given another chance at life. Will 'Chance' finally get the life that was taken away from him in hatred?
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 04-16-08 - Chapters: 37 - Reviews 417 - Words 236,712
Kagome is having a hard time lately. Inuyasha is just being stubborn, Sango is stressing over her wedding, Miroku is trying to de-stress Sango and Shippo is just confused. But what happens when Kagome gets the feeling she is being watched. And everything gets worse when she starts to receive mysterious gifts of white lilies, the death flower! (NOTE: The poor rating is mainly due to a test posting that I did, and some person felt the need to bash me for it and yell at me and rate me at all z...
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 09-23-07 - Chapters: 3 - Reviews 8 - Words 4,704
Rin has gone missing! Sesshomaru is on a desperate hunt to find her but finds something else instead. (shesshomaru is a little out of charecter)
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 03-31-07 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 2 - Words 1,186
Sesshoumaru fights Inuyasha for the tetsusaiga and is almost killed. His bad childhood flashes before his eyes... Can Kagome save the demon that she secretly loved before its to late? UPDATED!!
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-06-04 - Chapters: 11 - Reviews 3 - Words 5,486
Sesshoumaru has a that he will take to his grave. Kagome is in love...and not with a Hanyou boy. The Land of the West has two generals, who will both give their all to make sure their Lord is happy. There are four teenagers out of their element who are happy to lend a hand. Two seperate people, one love, and a few troublemakers--what could go wrong?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 04-29-08 - Chapters: 5 - Reviews 17 - Words 5,193
Kagome comes to terms with her feelings about Inuyasha. Live goes on after the jewel is complete. Kagome is in college and is offered a job to participate with a team of archeologist on the western coast of Japan. Why doesn't her boss know who he is? What happened to him? Sess/Kag all the way!
Rating: R - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 7 - Words 16,758
"Don't spill a drop dear/ Let me kiss the curse away/ Yourself in my mouth/ Will you leave me with your taste?" - The truth of what lures the Beast (warning, may contain disturbing ideas) * based on the song by the same name... (repost)
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Romance
Updated: 07-02-07 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 42 - Words 11,017
When Kikyo shows up on Kagome's doorstep with a secret to hide from their mother, Kagome has to go to extreams to help and that includes sueing Naraku. With Sesshomaru's help.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 02-08-04 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 1 - Words 486
Kagome thaught nothing mattered any more....her perents and grandpa being dead.All she has has now Souta, her sister Sango and her friends . Will she open to her dead love...but what will Sesshoumaru do with it?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action/Adventure
Updated: 01-17-08 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 2 - Words 700
this isn't really a story persay, it's kind of like kagomes diary/poem note book mixed with a bit of a plot and some dialog, mostly inu and sesshy fighting and cusing each other out.. ^-^;
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Poetry
Updated: 09-26-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 528
*Yeaah! Ch 20 up!* Kagome and her friends are in a famous band called Eternal Angels (or EA for short). They had it all. Fame, fourtune, fans...but noone to share it with. Their lives are soon turned upside-down when the girls' manager tells them that they'll be going on a world tour with three other bands! BOY bands at that! Between three idiots, two iceblocks, a phycopathic bitch, an overpossesive wolf, a gender-confused homosexual, and a pervert,this is gonna be one hell of a ride!
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Humor/Parody
Updated: 04-20-08 - Chapters: 21 - Reviews 184 - Words 36,161
Summary: Kagome learns her bother is dying of cancer. He only has a couple of weeks to live. Desperate, she turns to a source that will give her the one wish she seeks. Even if it is at a great price. *This is a repost from the House Of Lemons*
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: General
Updated: 05-29-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 7 - Words 5,637
Who knew that Mystery book stores could be so magickal? Or that friends could be in so much danger right under your nose? The newest chapter of The Dream. The Car. The Race. Delves into a darker twist in the story with a bright shining part about a beautiful bookshop. A Sanctuary from it all. A/N New Chapter out in few days!!
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 04-30-08 - Chapters: 10 - Reviews 15 - Words 47,092
Kagome is grown-up and is a famous lawyer. She gets assigned to a murder case that she thinks she is ready for. That is until she finds out who is being charged for murder. The person is being accused of killing Hojo, Kagome's husband (now she is a widow) and Kagome can't believe it. She wants to talk with the person to see if they are innocent or not. But when Kagome's dark secret from the past is discovered everyone is shocked. Read more to find out who is the defendent and what's Kagome's se...
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Canon - Status: On Hiatus - Genre: Romance
Updated: 08-13-04 - Chapters: 11 - Reviews 0 - Words 2,901
Kagome comes to this field to clear her mind Sesshoumaru comes to this field to keep Kagome's mind fogged up!rnHe questions her about everything she says,does, and puts up with, especially when it comes to his halfling brother, Inuyasha What are Kagome's answers to the Western Lord's questions?rnAnd does Kagome have some questions of her own for Sesshoumaru?
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: General
Updated: 09-25-04 - Chapters: 2 - Reviews 1 - Words 1,721
Vampires. Kagome never thought they could be real and true, that they actually existed. But she'll soon come to learn that her life and her blood will draw them to her, throwing all that she thought she knew into chaos and darkness.....
Rating: R - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 04-19-08 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 44 - Words 18,226
Kagome's dream has always been to run her own cafe. Lacking the start-up money, she turns to Sesshoumaru, a private investor. Will he make her dreams come true? (Kag/Sess; AU)
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 01-16-06 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 3 - Words 3,339
I know I haven't finished my other story 'Another Teenage Sesshoumaru Kagome Love Sory' but I'll get to that later. But anyway... this story is about a girl named Kagome who was invited to her best friends Sango's bachelorette/slumber party, and she -Sango- bought some male strippers and has a suprise for the girls...Okay for those of ya'll or if there are any who liked my story 'Another Sesshoumaru Kagome Teenage Love Story' well i deleted that because it was going no where...
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 07-29-05 - Chapters: 4 - Reviews 2 - Words 1,071
Alone for centuries, wandering from coven to coven as one of the 4 master vampires, Kagome begins to tire of her independence. One day, she finds a remarkably handsome man dying in the forest, his blood spilling out upon the ground, and she turns him into one of her own kind. The only thing is, this person and his family have vowed for years to kill her. Warnings are for lemons, angst, mild-explicit torture scenes, and language
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 04-18-08 - Chapters: 7 - Reviews 41 - Words 26,002
One-shot. I wrote this Sunday night because I have heard this song a lot lately. It's based on the song Lady in Red. It's a very good song. I hoope you will read it
Rating: PG - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 04-28-05 - Chapters: 1 - Reviews 0 - Words 498
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