
Love Letters From You by Prisket

Chapter 1

Love Letters from You

by: Prisket ^.^

disclaimer: don't own any of it, even for future chaps I dun own ne of the quotes, unless stated.

A/N: okie, so here goes my 1st Sesshoumaru and Kagome story, and quite frankly, my 2nd Inuyasha fic, so if I fuck up on nething, I don't care ^^;; it's fiction, you don't have to be completely true in fiction....kindda -_- but I know the rankings are right, I went online and checked it all out before I started writing, everything else....I'm not really sure...whoops if I'm wrong ^_^ and sorry if anything is misspelled b/c I wrote this when I didn't have my contacts in, so I'm partially blind, and I don't want to give myself a headache from leanin too close to the screen, I'll shut up now. Happy reading!

~Chapter 1~

His grasp tightened around the small silver locket as pain shot throughout his whole body.

His breaths were shorter, more weak, and he was trying everything to keep himself alive. He was

striving on a memory of her, he wanted to live just to see her again, the woman who possessed that

locket with her picture in it. He lifted up his other hand, his blood covering every inch of it, and he

winced in pain. The blood from the wound on his side seeped through his clothes and pooled in the

damp grass. He struggled to move, to get up, to at least do something. His head lifted up part way,

only to stare at his bloodied hand a little longer. He lost, he lost everything, only one strand was left

of his life. His head fell back onto the grass and he took his last breath, regretting that he couldn't

fulfill his last thought; he wanted to see her again just to tell her that he loved her. His hand fell at

his side, landing in the bloodied pool. The sounds of the battle rang out, gun fire, screams, and the

mist of the night blanketed it all. The mist of death consumed all.


Sesshoumaru looked up from the map sprawled out on the table in front of him.

"What is it? I'm busy."

The soldier entered into the tent, the flap closing behind him, the dim light from the lamps created an

ethereal look around the large beige tent. He saluted.

"Sir, the Sergeant's team just came back from the field."

Seeshoumaru straightened up,

"As you were. It took them long enough, their status?"

The soldier shifted, his hand finding its place back to his side. He cleared his throat,

" Five wounded and two dead, sir."

Sesshoumaru's defiant posture did not once fault as his eyes narrowed at the lanky man,

"Why is it, soldier, that you are making this report and not the Sergeant?"

As if on cue, the brown haired man shifted again,

"Sir, the Sergeant was one of the men killed."

For a brief while shock spread through the Lieutenant's face. The other two soldiers on either side of

him had the same expression. What was being discussed five minutes earlier was forgotten when

Sesshoumaru and the three soldiers walked down to the medical tent.

The flap closed shut behind the three of them as the scene unfolded in front of them. It was

more frequent seeing soldiers sitting on the beds with their heads in their hands, calming themselves

from the trauma, this was Nam, they started out sane, then they slowly began to unravel here. Others

were babbling, then others were laid on the beds, bloodied arms, legs, faces, stomachs. Then there

were two covered by sheets. Sesshoumaru made his way to the last two bunks. The other three

soldiers stood their posts. He heard the rants of the soldiers as he passed,

"Please, dear god, help me through this, please let me live to see my family...."

"You can't see them, man, they're everywhere, they are the night....."

"I don't want to die here, I don't want to die here....."

"I hate this fuckin' place, it's drivin' me insane...."

To him, they all started to sound the same, no one wanted to die, no one wanted to be there, no one

wanted to lose themselves. He stood in between the two beds, he turned to one and threw the blood

speckled sheet down, only to reveal the first dead soldier, half his skull missing and his arm

completely ravaged. He then turned to the other bed and repeated the same action, this time

revealing the sergeant, a hole residing in his side. Sesshoumaru stared at him,

'He must have bled to death.'

He turned his head to the side, noticing the sergeants hand clasping something. Sesshoumaru

reached out and pulled at his hand, prying his cold lifeless finger apart to reveal a stained silver

locket. He pulled the locket out of his grasp and looked at him,

'Inuyasha. You fool.'

Sesshoumaru had returned to his tent and sat down at the table he was at before. He tossed

the locket on top of the map and leaned back, his eyes never leaving the metal heart. Curious, he

leaned forward and picked it up, the cool metal touched his fingertips and the chain laced around his

fingers. Dried blood spotted the metal as it dimly shone in the light. He went to open it when one of

the soldiers entered the tent and saluted,


Sesshoumaru nodded at the husky blond haired man, and the soldier placed his hand at his side,

" Permission to speak freely, sir?"

Sesshoumaru placed the locket back on top of the map,


The soldier cleared his throat,

"I was just wondering, sir, you just lost your brother, aren't you going to do anything about it?"

Sesshoumaru leaned forward, putting his hands on the table, one on top of the other,

"Like what, soldier? I will inform the Captain about a replacement for the Sergeant and any of the

other men needing to leave and the other that is currently dead. If you expect me to grieve, you are

certainly mistaken. This is war, I do not have the time to grieve for every soldier that has passed,

relative or not."

The man nodded,

"Of course, sir...."

Sesshoumaru raised his brow,

"Was there something else, soldier?"

The blond grabbed an envelope out of his jacket and walked up to the table and placed it in front of

Sesshoumaru's hands,

"This, sir. It was lying on top of the Sergeants bag, he was going to read it when he got back, he

was...he was saving it for later. It's a letter from his fianc�. I know that the relatives of the deceased

are supposed to get letters in notifying them of their loss, but I was thinking, since you know her,

and that she was going to be your sister-in-law, that possibly you could inform her yourself. It might

make it a little more bearable than a complete stranger telling her."

Sesshoumaru straightened up,

"Now let me ask you, soldier, why is it that you care?"

The man did a small smile and a slight laugh,

"Well, sir. That woman is one hell of a cook and it was really nice of her to throw a big party for us

before we left for this journey into insanity. I'd hate to think about her reaction when she finds out,

but at least it gives me more comfort if you tell her than someone else."

Sesshoumaru noticed how quickly the soldier's expression changed to a more serious one, and he

cleared his throat,

"I must do what I am required to do, soldier. As I am your ranking officer, I myself have a ranking

officer that I have to report to, this matter is out of my hands after I tell the Captain."

The man slammed his hands on the table,

"But sir! Even you and the Captain have a good relationship. Hell, he would let you inform her, he

knows how to pull the right strings! I just hate to think about that sweet girl and all this shit she's

put up with lately only to have this on her head too....."

He was cut short when Sesshoumaru got out of his chair and was a few inches away from his face,

"You are out of line soldier! If I hear another word out of your mouth about this situation I will

report you to General Naraku for being a disturbance and have him deal with you. I will have no

tolerance for such stupidity as yours in my platoon. Do you understand?"

The soldier straightened up, his face became placid,

"Very well. Sir."

He saluted, and Sesshoumaru waved his hand,

"Dismissed. Get the hell out of here."

The large man turned on his heel and walked out of the tent. Sesshoumaru fell back into his chair

and sighed. He hated having control over idiots. He leaned forwards and picked up the letter. Instead

of having the curiosity to open up the locket, it opened the letter instead. Unfolding it's contents he

read it,

Dear Inuyasha,

Sorry, it's been such a long time since I wrote, I hope this letter finds you. I pray

that you are doing well, and that you are surviving each day. So much has happened,

and not all of it good. I wish I could write you a letter filled with something great this

time, but, yet again, nothing extraordinary has come to find me. I hope you're sitting

down for this one, it's the biggest tragedy. I have no simple way to put this, so I'll be

straight forward. My dear Inuyasha, I've lost the baby.

Three days ago, I miscarried. I've just collected the sanity to write you this letter,

I apologize for the tears and if they smudged any of the words, even when I think I am

better, I begin to cry. Everyone has been so nice, and it hurts me that they are straining

themselves for me. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that I will see you

again. Sango wants to put together a big coming home party, she's already planning it

now, even though we have no clue when it's going to be over. I'll promise you this, it's

going to be great, it's going to be the best time you ever had.

Oh, also, Rin says hello to your brother, I hope he is doing well too. She misses

him so much, I'm not even enough for her, I can't do some of the things he does to make

her happy, sometimes I think my hair is going to fall out because of her, but still, she's so

much fun to have around. Well, I hate to cut this letter short, but I have to run out to the

store before the riot begins again, they never give up, I swear it's seems like such a

waste, even though I want to be there with them and bring everyone home. I look forward

to your next letter. I can't wait until you come home, Inuyasha. I have faith in you that

you will return to me.



P.S. what do you think about the summer? Would a summer wedding be nice, or do you

think we should stay with spring? I'm just worried that it will rain during the spring.

Write back soon, please, before I start to think the worst.

Sesshoumaru threw the letter onto the table and growled,

"Naive twit."

He sighed, it wasn't his place to tell her and he was going to stay with that, even though he didn't

want to admit to himself that her words struck him, not to mention the dried tears on the paper. She

had been crying the whole time she wrote the letter, and her ways of changing the subject were so

obvious it was moronic. Still, still, she cared, and that's what made him sick, even more than when

she expected Inuyasha to return to her, her caring about him, Sesshoumaru. Even if she only wished

for his well being, it was the fact that she was taking care of Rin. She openly accepted to do it. It's

not like Rin wasn't used to it, he was in the army, he was always gone, but still, for this she wanted

to take Rin. The girl was his responsibility, not Kagome's, it was his cousin on his mother's side of

the family, no relation to Inuyasha what so ever, but still, that woman considered her as such since

he was in care of her. She considered her as her little sister, maybe even more like her own now than

anything. He banged his fist on the table. His own personal battle was beginning in his mind, he

knew it was out of his hands, but that damn woman.

The only reason he wanted to deny himself of being right was only for Rin's sake. That stupid

woman was already putting the girl through hell what with all of her problems, and now that she just

lost her child that was Inuyasha's, Rin must be suffering too. He didn't want to tell her. He didn't

want Kagome to know that Inuyasha was dead. He didn't want that fool making herself miserable

even more, and possibly hurting Rin. Damn her for taking Rin, if she wouldn't have, it wouldn't

have bothered him as much. He didn't want her fucking up Rin when she's not even hers to do such.

He didn't want to come home to a little girl that's mute all over again because of his brother's bitch.

He closed his eyes, for once, he didn't know what to do.

Damn Inuyasha for placing this burden on his shoulders. Damn Inuyasha for being engaged to such

a twit. Damn him.

a/n O.o, I dunno, for sum reason, the ending seemed repetitive, oh well. And I'm pretty shocked, this is the very 1st PG13 thing I've written, there barely isn't any violence, and no sex, maybe implications ^^, and a few foul words.....but wow, I amazed myself, I always write R stuff ^^;; hope you enjoyed! ^_^ btw- I suck at titles and I wish I could come up w/something that has more grandeur and more meaning to it >.< ok, and the other thing I just realized....they really treat Sesshoumaru like a general, but I mean, c'mon....u know how that demon is, wouldn't he have the utmost respect out of any one no matter what rank? I could be wrong ^^;;

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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