Business Venture by kyttin1985
Chapter 1
Business Venture
Chapter 1
By: Nekokyttin
I do not own Inuyasha or the characters therein; all rights go to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz. Productions.
She sat alone in her room, staring blankly at the screen before her. "Such a strange e-mail..." she said, running her slender fingers through her midnight locks. She couldn't remember meeting any S. Taishoki, her brown eyes closed as she sighed. She looked again at the e-mail.
Ms. Higurashi,
I am sure you do not remember me. We met years ago and I had the impression from the first time that you would have a powerful grasp of business in these modern times. I have looked over your resume, I apologize, but I sent for any on file. Your dossier is quite impressive; your grades are impeccable, as is your sense of worth. You have proved again and again through school and multiple absences that you academic prowess is beyond reach with so few students urging to excel, though few do.
I am sorry; I do believe that I am prattling on. Now, to the point: I would like you to take part in a Partners Internship Program we are starting here at Taishoki Industries. If you like, call me at the main office and attain an appointment, or you may reply and we can discuss and questions you may have about the program. Just give your name to the front desk.
S. Taishoki
Kagome skimmed the eloquently typed letter again, unable to remember ever meeting anyone with such a unique last name. She sighed as she clicked on the reply button. Maybe this was just what she needed. She hadn't thought of Inuyasha in two years, when the battle with Naraku ended with her sobbing over the broken body of the silver haired hanyou. He hadn't stopped until he crumpled brokenly and gave in to exhaustion and was impaled almost immediately. She'd screamed, and lay over his body, trying to purify the miasma for almost an hour. Sesshomaru was the one who finally pulled her away and tried to use Tenseiga to revive his fallen brother. That was the only time she's ever seen tears fall freely from the Inu no Taisho's eyes as he swung Tenseiga again and again trying to return Inuyasha's life. He'd sobbed brokenly, and Kagome crawled over to him, suddenly realizing that, maybe, through all of the snide comments and putdowns, Sesshomaru was actually trying to show his hanyou brother that he actually cared; she wrapped her arms around him and he flung Tenseiga across the field, roaring his anger to the heavens and she sobbed. The small group of people who'd traveled with the hanyou swiftly gathered and mourned his loss and Kagome swiftly lost her tenuous hold on her sanity, throwing herself on top of the Hanyou and screamed her heartbreak into his bloodied chest, begging him to come back to her, saying all of the things she should've said to him before this happened. She was pulled away and into a strong arm against a hard chest with a pounding heart just beneath her ear as she sobbed. She didn't know who she was cradled to, but she didn't care anymore. She almost hoped it was Inuyasha, but cracking her eyes revealed that there was no way that it could be her beloved hanyou. She screamed into the chest as she clenched the fabric of a tattered haori in her fingers. She glanced down and realized that it was the other Inu brother that was holding her. She sobbed and begged the Kami to take her with him. It seemed that the Kami were turning deaf ears on the scene below them. She was inconsolable and she felt the tears of a tortured Inu youkai falling on her hair. As if the Kami felt the pain of everyone present, the sky cracked and the rain began to pour torrentially upon the group, rinsing the blood from the battlefield and creating a look of sleeping in the hanyou's still form. She leaned over him, finally calming enough to reach out and touch his cheek. She leaned over, whispering "I love you." then kissed his lips.
She had returned to Tokyo, with a heavy heart. Inuyasha was dead, and she felt like she was as well, except the Kami refused to answer her pleas to make it right and kill her, too. Before leaving, she told Shippo to seek her out in 500 years if he could, all he had to do was find the Higurashi shrine in Tokyo.
She had stayed in her room for a week, not eating or sleeping, just staring blankly at books and trying to force herself to study. Shippo had never shown up, and it broke her heart that he wouldn't come to her. Of course she basically abandoned him in a difficult time of his life. She couldn't fathom the urge to look for someone who left you in tears by a broken down well and said to find them in 500 years either. So she still held hope that maybe he was still angry but he was all right. She sighed and began to type back that she would consider the internship and would make her appointment the next day because it was too late to do so that night. She had a nagging feeling that she'd known this mysterious S. Taishoki. She shrugged and sent the e-mail. She made her way to the bed in the center of her room and laid there and slept fitfully. Dreams of blood on a patch of green grass with rain pouring down and the blood not coming from her fingers tormented her as she tore the sheets off of the bed.
She sat up screaming as she dug her fingers into her hair and sobbed as she curled up against the cruel dreams. She sobbed brokenly as she felt the familiar ache. She didn't want to hurt like this anymore, but she still had to get on with her life. She couldn't give up Inuyasha wouldn't want that.
She managed to slip back off to a nearly dreamless sleep and she awoke to the sun shining through her window. Somehow, she still harbored the hope that Inuyasha would be there. Two years had passed since he'd died and left her alone to protect herself. She'd taken Tetsusaiga from the battlefield, and had placed it lovingly in its scabbard against her bedroom wall, which is where he would put it if he had to leave it there. When she'd tried to give it to Sesshomaru, he scoffed at the sword as if it had offended him. She had asked why, but he looked away. She'd thought he would want it. Thinking he wouldn't give her an answer, she began to turn.
"This Sesshomaru has realized that he spent too many years fighting for that foul sword, and not enough time doing the important things. I plan on going home and taking care of those that I care for, Miko, and telling them just how much they matter to me. I will never again search out power like the beast I am. The loss of my brother has made it clear to me that there are more important things than being able to wield a sword not meant for me, but for my brother. Do with it what you want." And with that, he was off, his head bowed. So she had brought the sword to her time and placed it where he would've placed it had he set it there himself, and there it stayed for two years. Kagome couldn't bear to touch it again, but it was a reminder every day to live for the moment, and not for the dead.
She got her phone off of the nightstand and dialed information for the number to Taishoki Industries. She set up her appointment for later that day and headed into the shower. She stood under the heated stream of water for a moment before she began to wash off the general grime she would get from going to her classes. She didn't really feel dirty, but it was a habit that she'd had since childhood. She got out after a few minutes and got dressed, choosing a silk camisole, and a wrap dress that flattered her curves. Then she put on a business jacket and grabbed a purse that looked professional, and she went outside. She pulled out the keys and got into her car. She'd never felt a use for the vehicle she'd gotten for her birthday last year, at twenty-one, she didn't expect to be driving around much, and she didn't have any friends to drive around. She only used it for school and grocery store runs on days that were too cold or too hot. She pulled out and drove down the streets of Tokyo. She followed the directions to the immaculate building of Taishoki Industries. She pulled into the immense parking lot and turned off the old clunker. It looked really nice, but ran terribly. It was in the shop more than it was on the road.
As she entered the large building, she realized that quite possibly, she could move on and reclaim her sanity. She walked up to the receptionist and smiled as she informed her of the appointment she'd made that morning, and she was told to sit in the office waiting room and she'd be ushered up to his office briefly. As she waited, she felt the energy of multiple youkai around her, and she focused, trying to see if it were possible that she recognized anyone's youki, no such luck. When the door opened and she was ushered in, she felt her nerves begin to stand on end when she was escorted into the elevator and they shot to the top floor of the fifty story building. She walked out of the elevator, and nearly froze at the amount of youki permeating the single office floor. It felt almost familiar to her, but she didn't think it could be him. She was ushered into an office and told to take a seat before a large oak desk with a plush chair turned to view the landscape of Tokyo. She didn't see the man in the huge chair, his silver hair, and his dark golden eyes. She sighed and was suddenly surprised by a somewhat familiar voice.
"Ms. Higurashi." Was all he said, startling her as she sat up straight.
"Yes, Mr. Taishoki?" she asked as she seemed to stare at the chair, seeming more like she was trying to look through it to its occupant. Since it didn't seem to be working, she sat back and waited.
"I have looked over your dossier, it's quite impressive. I'm sure you've not met me in a long time. But I would like to say, that should you want the spot in the internship program, I will gladly add your name to the list. We will work around your class schedule, and we can also do a co-op with any business classes you may have, which will work in a way that you earn class credits by reporting to work." He said.
"I would appreciate that." She said as she smiled, it shouldn't be this simple.
"Now, do you have any questions?" he asked as she sat up straight.
"Yes. You employ youkai?" she asked simply.
"You are quite observant." He smiled, though she couldn't see his magenta stripes tighten and his blue crescent moon wrinkle slightly.
"How many?" she asked, "It's not like I don't like them, but I didn't think any had survived to this day and age." She explained.
"There are about 2,000. Most of the lower level youkai never survived to see modern Tokyo. We have all kinds, wolves, Inu, kitsune, and other higher level demons." He replied, almost bored.
"Wow!" she gasped as he smiled.
"So..." he started, but never finished.
After a brief moment of contemplation, she decided. "I'll do it." She said.
"There will be orientation next week for interns." He said as he bit his tongue while her scent assailed him, assuring him that this was indeed the miko from 500 years before. He didn't know if he should tell her who he was. He didn't want to dredge up the memories he'd manage to finally suppress, but the memories of her... they wouldn't stay down.
"Thank you!" she said, feeling like she had finally done something to turn her life around. "Is there anything else?" she finished.
"Yes, Miko." He said, finally turning the chair and taking in her shocked expression.
"S--Sesshomaru?" she stuttered as she looked at him, her brown eyes wide with the realization that he was still living. "I--If you're still alive then... Shippo--" she never finished as she searched his expression.
"Is working for me. He's quite the business man. Though I've had him stationed in North America for a few years now. I don't think he's quite sure how long it's been since he's seen you." He finished for her.
Tears filled her eyes and she walked around the desk and hugged the very surprised Taiyoukai. He startled for a moment, but wrapped his arms around her gently. "I--I never thought I'd see any of you again!" she said as she fought back the tears that began to choke her.
"I knew of your survival, Miko, but I couldn't understand why you didn't just stay in the past." He said.
"The well... how do you know about it?" she asked, wiping away her errant tears from her cheeks.
"The kitsune." Was all he said, and she nodded.
"I can't believe you're alive!" she said as she looked at him.
"Kagome, do you still want the job?" he asked suddenly.
"Yes! Will Shippo be coming back anytime soon?" she asked.
"I call all of my employees home for the holidays." He said, noting that it was only September.
"Does he know?" she asked almost sadly.
"He kept disappearing for a while, that's why I sent him to the US. It turns out he was following you around, waiting." He said simply.
"I know that you find it difficult to face me again." She said as she felt his youki recede at her comment.
"It brings up a lot of memories, Kagome." He said to the miko kneeling next to his chair and hugging him.
He stood and said, "How about we talk over lunch? I don't need to look like a fool before my employees.
"Will I make you look like one?" she asked.
"Just the memories will, Kagome." He said, already looking sad.
They walked downstairs to the parking lot and he spotted her car and smiled. "Nice car... I watched you pull up." He said.
"Runs like shit." She said as she looked up at the youkai walking beside her.
"I heard." He almost laughed. "Ride with me, and we'll go out to a caf� or something." He said as he led her to a black Jaguar and clicked the lock button.
"Really nice car!" she said as she let him open her door for her. "Thank you." She finished as he closed the door and walked around and got in himself.
He pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to a fairly secluded caf� on the outskirts of Tokyo, with small tables with huge umbrellas shading from the elements. "I like this place." He said as he walked around to let her out. "The food is good."
Kagome and Sesshomaru took a seat at a table just outside of the door, the smells coming from the kitchen inside were wonderful. "I thought you didn't eat... human food." She said.
"I've gotten a taste for it over the past couple of centuries." He said.
"Sesshomaru... " She didn't know how to broach the subject of his little charge. "Rin?" she asked.
"She is actually alive and well, she mated your little kitsune, but since he's in the US so is she and I don't get to see her as often as I'd like." He smirked as she got this shocked look on her face. "They have twelve children, though most are grown and out of the house." He said as her eyes somehow got bigger.
"I--I missed it!" she almost yelled, but ending up only speaking in a normal tone.
"They are expecting again, to be honest." He said as he looked at her. "I know he's like a son to you, if you want we can call him back to Tokyo for a couple of months so they can have their child here." He said.
"You would do that?" she asked.
"I realized once you disappeared that the kit didn't quite fit in at the village, and took him in." he said as she sighed, she didn't think he would.
"Is he angry with me for leaving?" she asked suddenly, that constriction in her chest had started again, realizing just how much she'd missed by leaving.
"He was, until I explained to him that you were hurting and depressed to the point of near death." He said.
"Oh, so now he thinks that maybe I came here to die?" she asked.
"He did for a while, but decided to wait to find out." He replied.
"I felt so bad, but I didn't think that it would help matters if I made him mourn me too, even if I was alive. Sengoku Jidai was not the place for me anymore, without--" she didn't finish her sentence, embarrassed to have brought up something so painful to Sesshomaru.
"It never felt right afterwards." Sesshomaru said as she looked up at him.
"Even here nothing felt right to me either. I still dream about him." She sighed, remembering how she'd sobbed endlessly at first, but just became numb to the pain.
"Me too." He replied, the sad twinge in his voice causing her to look over his face, he hadn't changed, he looked so young, the stripes on his face never wandered, but his clothes had changed, he no longer wore the traditional kimono, nor the sword, she wondered if he ever picked it up after he tossed it away that day.
"You look so different, yet the same." She said as she looked at him.
"Well, the only thing different is the clothes, as they say now, 'The clothes make the man.'" She smiled, seeing him like this was surprising and she couldn't believe that she saw the look on his face.
"You have emotions now, and we can see them." She said, reaching across the table and stroking the mark on one cheek. It was soft and smooth. He leaned into her touch and smiled.
"I'm sorry I couldn't bring him back, Kagome." He said as he looked into her eyes. She shivered as he took her hand in his. "I tried so hard, I broke the Tenseiga when I threw it. I haven't had the heart to seek out Totosai." He said as he stroked the back of her hand.
"I didn't have the heart to give up his sword to anyone." She said, "It's been in the same place in my room for two years." She admitted.
"Something I guess is normal." He said as she blushed while his fingers brushed over her knuckles.
'His hands are so soft.' She thought as he flipped her hand over and suddenly a realization hit her... "Your arm!" she gasped as she realized he was holding her hand with his left one.
"It regenerated after a century or two, the rest of the time has been rehabilitating it to do the things it needs to." He said as she ran her fingers over his, and traced them up his wrist, since he'd taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He looked at the miko, she didn't realize what her touch was doing, his vision was going a bit foggy at the realization of her touch's affect.
"Kagome..." he whispered as he looked at her face.
"I'm sorry!" she said as she realized that her touch seemed so personal and blushed.
"It's all right, but--I do feel the need to tell you something." He said as he leaned over the table and looked into her velvet pools. "I feel that maybe I should--" she'd never seen him this dumbfounded.
"What is it, Sesshomaru?" she asked as she looked at him.
"IthinkI'minlovewithyou!" he blurted out in a very un-Sesshomaru like moment.
"What?" she asked as she looked at him, he was blushing... she almost couldn't figure it out.
"I realized it when we were there the day you tried to give me Tetsusaiga." He said sheepishly, he really had opened up a lot. "You were the only one I didn't get to tell how much they meant to me... and you were gone. I thought that maybe you'd died." He said, "Then the kitsune told me of your well and the magic it contained. Kagome--even if you don't love me, I do... love you." He finished.
She was flabbergasted to say the least... Sesshomaru... in love... with her? Where were the hidden cameras? This had to be a joke! "Se--" she never got to finish her sentence as she felt his lips touch hers gently, without thinking, she leaned into it, putting more pressure into the chaste kiss until it took a turn towards utter passion. He'd somehow made his way around the table and wrapped her up in his arms, deepening the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck, not wanting this to end. 'I love you, miko, I should've said it centuries ago when I had the chance.' He thought as his fingers tangled into her carefully combed hair.
A/N: For one, *eep* don't kill me for killing Inuyasha, but I had to make something bring them together... I've never written a Sess/Kag fic before, but be warned lemons will eventually follow... lots and lots of citrusy goodness! I also realize that this is not the Sesshy we all know and love, but I had to take some liberties! Plus, if every man had five hundred years to proclaim their love to a woman, everyone would be happy, cuz eventually they'd find a way to get it right.