
Ripples in the Water by Amber Wolf


Title: Ripples in the Water

Author: Amber Wolf

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha character or Merry Gentry characters sad for me yes I know.

Well this story just sort of came to me I decided to do a cross over between LKH's Merry Gentry series and Inuyasha however there isn't to much of the LKH's characters in here since they are all in America. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Kagome goes back to her own time for good but finds that when one touches the waters of time ripples grow exponentially and the result is nothing what she imagined.


Kagome walked through the forest; patches of light fell onto her form giving light to the blue tints in her long wavy black hair. Her friends walked ahead of her glancing back at her every once in awhile. She sighed, her cerulean eyes closing briefly, 'why can't you understand?' She asked in her head.

A great rift had been brought between Kagome and the rest of the group after her last fight with Inuyasha. A couple of days ago she had been kidnapped, while her friends were searching for her the fujo was battling with Kagomes' aura.


"Why are you doing this to me?" Kagome asked the woman, as she lay strapped to a slab of rock. The fujo was like none she had ever encountered in her three years of traveling in the feudal era. She looked more like the hime from a western culture then the crone women that normally attacked her.

The woman remained silent as she added more foul-smelling ingredients into the cauldron and drawing strange symbols in the air.

Wind picked up in the clearing tossing the woman's long red hair behind her, revealing strange markings on the back of her neck. As Kagome looked closer she saw they were runes, she had read about them but for the life of her could not figure out what they meant. Clouds formed above the clearing, blocking out all the sunlight they began to swirl around and Kagome began to fear a tornado might form on them.

A flash of light caught her eye and Kagome turned her head to see a violet mist flowing from the cauldron and enveloping the fujo. She watched with wide eyes as it absorbed into the woman's skin making her shine a brilliant pink as if the a light was being shined from inside her.

Slowly the woman turned to her and their eyes met for the first time. Kagome knew she should've been frightened, looking into the swirls of green and blue lights that were the fujo's eyes she should've been terrified but instead her body and mind relaxed.

The woman smiled slightly and walked toward her, with a motion of her right hand the bindings disappeared and Kagome sat up rubbing her wrists. She was about to ask what was going on when she felt the auras of her friends coming toward them. They had come to rescue her and for once she was upset. She needed to know why this woman was here and why she felt calm and a sort of connection to her.

The barrier that enveloped the clearing came from Kagome instead of the woman and she watched as Inuyasha ran straight into it and flew backward a few feet. She cringed inwardly as he brought out Tetsuseiga and it didn't transform. She turned from his accusing eyes back to the woman standing before her.

"Who are you?" Kagome asked

"You are one of us, I did not believe them but it is true. Where did you come from?" The woman asked in broken Japanese, ignoring Kagome's question.

"One of you? I don't know what you are talking about are you a miko?"

"You are Sidhe and Dryad, a protector of nature, tell me who you are the child of," the woman demanded.

"You must be mistaken I'm just a human, my parents are Chio and Patrick Higurashi," Kagome answered.

"I do not know these Higurashis' strange, where do you live?"

"In Edo," Kagome said and cringed when the woman's' eyes narrowed.

"You lie, where is it that you come from? "The woman asked, her voice hardening.

"You wouldn't believe me," Kagome said softly.

"I would believe you if you spoke the truth and you had lied I will ask one more time where do you come from."

"I come from the town of Edo, but, 500 years in the future. I have been traveling between times for the past three years." Kagome answered, she didn't know why she told her so much but she had a feeling if she lied again things were going to be messy.

The woman's swirling eyes widened and she took a step closer inspecting Kagome. Warmth spread over Kagomes' skin when the woman came closer to her, she could feel their auras rubbing against each other. She looked to where the warmth originated and gasped. Where the woman was closest to Kagome a light seemed to emanate from Kagome's her pale skin glowed a white light that mixed with the woman's pink glow.

"What is your business so far in the past?" The woman asked

"I fell in a well and it brought me here, there was a jewel inside me, the Shikon no Tama and I shattered it by accident."

"So you have been collecting the shards since?"

"Well at first yes, but the jewel has been completed, and destroyed." Kagome replied.

"Then why are you still tampering with time?" The woman hissed.

"I'm not tampering," Kagome protested, "It's just I don't want to leave my friends behind and I can still do good here."

"Time is a fragile thing, you may be helping these people now but have you thought of what it could be doing to your future?"

" hasn't changed so far what if I'm supposed to be here, now." Kagome countered, this was wrong all the doubts, the concerns that had been running through her head all these years were being thrown in her face by some stranger that claimed she wasn't human.

"Fool of course it would not change because you still tamper with time, for it to be set right again you must return home and seal your means of returning to the past."

"I..." Kagome looked toward the tree line, her friends were watching her, tears sprung from her eyes, cascading down her cheeks. "I can't leave them, I'm not strong enough."

The woman followed her gaze then turned back to Kagome, her voice came out in a gentle whisper. "You don't have a choice, you must and pray that history was not altered to drastically." The woman took Kagome's chin gently into her hand and turned her face away from her friends and back to her. "My name is Ceara of the Unseelie court and what is your name you hafling?"

"Kagome Higurashi," she replied.

"Young Kagome, when you return to your time seek me out and we will continue our discussion. Until then your friends are waiting. Be warned some of what you are has been dormant with in you since you have not come in contact with your people until now. I believe since I have awoken your glow other things will follow." Ceara said.

"What do you mean other things what other things?"

"You are Sidhe and Dryad, what powers you have from that heritage have not surfaced yet. I don't know what they will be but they are there. Your priestess powers come from your soul not from your heritage."

"Oh...." Was all Kagome could think of, she watched as horse appeared beside Caera, it was pure black with green flames as eyes. Chills ran down Kagome's spine as it seemed to watch her while Ceara mounted it.

"Drop your barrier Kagome," Ceara instructed. The barrier disappeared and Kagome watched as Ceara and the strange horse took off into the wind.


Kagome turned toward Inuyasha apprehensively, "um hey guys."

~*~*~*~Flashback end~*~*~*~

Kagome had to sit Inuyasha twice in order to explain everything, when she was finished telling them why she had to leave she could feel the heavy sadness coming off of everyone. Everyone except that is except Inuyasha. She could almost see the flames of anger shooting off him. The fight that ensued was not one Kagome would ever forget.

They had been traveling for three days now, heading back to the well. Two days and Inuyasha refused to speak with her. It hurt her so much to know that when she left in two more days things may never be resolved between them. It wasn't as if she wanted to leave them but if she had possibly altered history and could further alter it; that was not an option. She had to go home no matter how much it hurt her to do so.

She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall, she had cried so much the last few days and the only thing that came from her tears was Inuyasha yelling at her.

"Why do you cry?" A soft voice asked from behind her. She whirled around to find no one there.

"What?" She whispered

"Do not cry." The voice said, it seemed to becoming from the tree line and Kagome began to walk toward the voice.

"Who are you, where are you?" She asked.

"I'm right here," the voice said.

"Kagome? Who are you talking to?" Sango asked.

Kagome turned to Sango puzzled, "you don't here him?"

Miroku looked at her questioningly, "We don't here anything Kagome."

Kagome turned back to the tree line searching for whomever was talking to her but couldn't find anyone. "I must've imagined it. But I could've sworn someone was talking to me."

"Feh whatever, let's keep moving." Inuyasha grumbled turning to keep walking.

Miroku followed him, and gave the woman some privacy knowing if no one followed Inuyasha he would start yelling.

Kagome and Sango trailed behind them, "I'm not crazy Sango I heard someone."

Sango looked at Kagome sadly, "I believe you Kagome but there isn't anyone there."

"Yeah," they continued to walk quietly until night came, Shippo had moved from his perch on Miroku's shoulder to sleeping in Kagome's arms. Tenderly she laid her adopted son in their sleeping bag and took her bow and arrows slinging them back over her shoulders.

"I'm going to get some water, I saw a stream not to far back, when I come back I'll make us all ramen.." She watched Inuyasha's ears perk up at the mention of ramen but he continued to ignore her.

"Okay Kagome, we'll have a fire ready for when you get back." Sango said.

"Thanks," she picked up her small bag of empty bottles and a flashlight and headed into the forest. She walked for a few minutes carefully to make sure she didn't trip on anything. When she reached the bank of the river she put down her flashlight, bottles and bow and ran her hands through the water. Then cupped some in her hands and splashed it on her face. Feeling the cool water run over her heated face.

"Help him, you must help him," a frantic voice came from the opposite shore.

Kagome jumped up at the sound of the voice, "help who? Where are you?" See searched the shore, but found no one.

"Help him quickly," this time it was a female voice.

"Who? Where is he? Where are you?"

"This way hurry!" The first voice said.

"I don't see anyone," Kagome said puzzled.

"Hurry!" Kagome picked up her flashlight and her bow she searched the shore once more for anyone but still found nothing. "Hurry, help him hurry!"

"I'm so going to regret this," Kagome mumbled to herself as she waded across the shallow river to the opposite bank. "Where is he?"

"Here, hurry," it was another voice deeper in the woods.

"This is not a good idea, not at all," she mumbled as she walked cautiously into the woods following the voices that came occasionally, urging her deeper into the woods. She was ready to turn around when she felt a strong aura not too far ahead of her. She knew the aura but couldn't seem to figure out who it was.

Quickening her pace, she soon stumbled upon a sight that froze her to her spot. There lying before her, slumped face forward against a tree, his long silver hair stained a dark wet red, his once white clothes in tatters that revealed nothing but burnt and mutilated flesh was Sesshoumaru.

Well that's the first chapter tell me what you think, sorry to leave you off at such a clich� ending but it was just such a good place to stop. It gets more non clich� later I swear.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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