
Broken by Mollicia

Chapter One


By Mollicia

I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh

Humans were making him soft- plain and simple, no other explanation. Humans, with their emotions on their sleeves, had broken through his brilliant façade.

Naraku had been defeated, by Sesshomaru and InuYasha's group- which included the damn human wench. Kagome was her name... she had been the only one brave enough- or stupid enough- to try to talk to him and make him feel like a part of the group. To bad that this Sesshomaru-sama does NOT feel supposedly, at least.

The girl was a nuisance when she was around, always talking, smiling, laughing, and being painfully optimist. And she pined over InuYasha when he wasn't paying attention. Every time that would happen he would feel a large pang of jealously.

He had found out that the rumors about her being from the future where true- and he had questioned her many time about it. When he didn't understand something she would giggle and explain what it was. He had come to love her innocent laugh.

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

He had watched InuYasha hurt her whenever he ran off with his dead bitch. The pain was so obvious on her face and the demon slayer would suggest that she go home and relax. After she left no one would go out of their way to talk to him... except for Rin and sometimes Jaken.

Sesshomaru would not admit it to anyone, not even himself for a time, but when Kagome left he missed her and wanted to kill InuYasha for hurting her. After a while he had accepted his feelings- though he sweared to himself he would not act on them. At least not until she felt the same. And she was the only reason he had not killed InuYasha.

I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well

Kagome had brought a contraption called a 'camera' to their camp a few days before they had fought Naraku. She had told them she wanted to take 'pictures' of everyone just in case something happened to anyone. Everyone had been leery at first asking if the thing would steal their souls or something like that, but she just laughed and told them it was harmless.

She had taken pictures of all of her friends (most of the pictures being of Shippo and Rin) and she had shyly asked if she could take on of him. Not really caring he just nodded and stared at the camera like everyone else had, minus the cheesy smiles.

She had gone back ho her time through the well and had gotten the 'pictures' 'developed'. The most amusing ones had InuYasha about to use 'Iron Reaver' on the camera, Sango punching Miroku looking angry, and Rin and Shippo making faces at the camera.

Kagome had dropped one- it was of her and InuYasha. He cut in to where there was no InuYasha and slipped it into his haori where no one would see it.

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Sesshomaru had never hated InuYasha; it was just a heavy blow to his ego when he had gotten stuck with the Tensaiga and not the Tessaiga. But he had a feeling akin to hate whenever InuYasha hurt Kagome. The thought of ripping out someone's throat had never been so appealing. He sat in a tall tree contemplating everything that had happened and was happening.

Cause I'm broken when I'm open

Kagome was leaning against the side of the well. InuYasha had been with Kikyo again- and she was still intent on dragging him to hell with her. She had gone home for a little while just to think everything over. And to ask for her mothers advice. She still had a girlish crush on the hanyou but nothing more than that. What she felt for a certain taiyoukai was much different... like she was both flying and falling at the same time. Odd and very confusing.

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

She would have told Sesshomaru how she felt if she wasn't scared to hear that he didn't feel the same. There were probably hordes of beautiful and strong demoness's after him... why would he choose a weak human like her?

Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

She felt odd that he wasn't there to talk to. It wasn't like InuYasha where he would get annoyed when you said something he didn't agree with and the conversation was always about something other than the Shikon Shards. She felt... lonely.

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

It was weird to feel this way about the brother of a guy you fancied yourself in love with. But wasn't everything in her life bizarre since her fifteenth birthday? Kagome should have been used to this stuff by now.

The worst is over now and we can breathe again

The fight with Naraku was over therefore the worst was over. But for some reason she was still in the Sengoku. Maybe she had unfinished business or something, like ghosts who haunt the places where they die.

I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away

Whenever InuYasha ran off to be with Kikyo, Sesshomaru would always be there comforting her in his own strange way. It would always make her feel better just to talk with him... even if she was doing ninety nine percent of the talking and he was just nodding his head when she stopped to take a breath.

There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight

Talking to him was challenging- like talking to a Language arts professor. She has to think before she spoke and make sure not to insult him with what she would say. Men- or youkai males- egos are very fragile. Kagome giggled quietly.

I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain

He wanted to see her again. To see if she felt the same... if she didn't... Sesshomaru wouldn't let himself think of that. Running as fast as his feet would allow him to he looked for Kagome.

Cause Im broken when I'm open

Kagome felt his presence before she actually saw him. Sesshomaru was coming towards this clearing extremely fast.

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

The thought to jump through the well popped unbidden into her head. She wanted to she him, but was fearful of rejection. Throwing all caution to the wind, she got up and started to walk in direction he was coming from.

Cause Im broken when I'm lonesome

He could smell her near by coming towards him. Maybe she was coming to meet him...? He speed up.

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

Kagome stopped in a clearing a little ways away from the well. Sesshomaru must have been farther away than she thought. She would wait for him though.

Cause I' broken when I'm open

He entered the clearing where her scent was the strongest. She sat under a large oak tree eyes closed, but not asleep. For once he was unsure of what to do so he just stopped and stared at her. She was pretty but with her looks and personality combined she was beautiful.

"Konichi'wa Sesshomaru-sama." Kagome said quietly, and smiling as she got up to get him.

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

"Hello, Kagome." He replied having no idea, for the first time in his life, of what to say. They stood there looking uncomfortable for a few minute. The silence started to drive Kagome insane.

"Sesshomaru-sama is there something you need?" She asked politely.

Cause Im broken when I'm lonesome

"Yes. Stop calling me Sesshomaru-sama. Sesshomaru is fine." Sesshomaru said unsurely.

Kagome thought for a second. "Okay, Sesshomaru... is something wrong? You're acting kind of weird."

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

"Kagome... I love you." He said quickly. Then pulled her into a breathtaking kiss. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. After a few minutes Kagome pulled away thinking two things: Kami he loves me! And if it was possible to breathe while kissing someone.

He took her silence as rejection. "I will not say sorry for kissing you but I must go."

"Wait! Aren't you going to let me answer?" Kagome said running after his retreating form. He quirked an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "I love you to Sesshomaru." He kissed her again, this time deeper and more passionate.


Ah. The song is no longer stuck in my head. Well if it doesn't make alot of sense I'me sorry... but I had broken stuck in my head for three whole days and couldn't get it out. Anyways please R and R!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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