
Mysteries of the Opposite Sex by Gladiel

the game

Series: Inuyasha
Title: Mysteries of the Opposite Sex
Genre: Humor, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sesshoumaru, Kagome
Summary: He was a mystery, she was a mystery, so they decided to play "getting-to-know-you". Sesshoumaru x Kagome
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha � Rumiko Takahashi.

the essence of play side story

"Sesshoumaru, let's play a game."

That was when it started. With that single announcement from the woman, they started to play this game. That was why they ended up naked. On his bed.

It started yesterday afternoon when she went to his castle (again) for one of her visits. His day was always usual. Usually busy, usually about work, usually about the western lands. But whenever the woman comes, it means he has to prepare for anything wild. Or crazy. Or just unusual.

Apparently, she came.

He, at first, feared the disruption of his usual life. The woman did not have a schedule. He had one and he followed it faithfully. Once she thought of something, she'd do it regardless of her plans for the day (but she did not have a schedule to start with, he reminded himself). And it would disrupt his plans and basically, his day.

But he doesn't always mind.

He's gotten used to the change.

And now, her surprise visits were actually almost part of his monthly schedule. The only problem was, she never said when she'd visit next. So he never had the chance to prepare for her arrival, hide everything that might catch her attention, arrange a cell in the dungeon for her imprisonment-wait. He never thought of that before. Hm, it seems like a good idea.

But anyway, she came. Today. And now she's naked on his bed.

But before that, they were playing the game. Stupid game.

"Sesshoumaru, let's play a game."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Because, you know, I don't know anything much about you nor do you know anything much about me so...this would be a great opportunity to know each other! Isn't that a great idea?" She was giving him the biggest of all her smiles.

He remained silent.

"This is going to be fun! We can call it, 'Discovering the Mysteries of the Opposite Sex'."

Truth be told, he almost wanted to laugh.


"Let's get seated!"

He looked skeptical. Every time he cooperated with Kagome, something happens. Something that is not good, such as the time when she became more friendly with him after the teddy bear incident; and the time when he tasted this foreign food that was cold but melted when you taste it; or the time when she turned the Great Room to Children's Merry Hell.

Nonetheless, he sat down. Why? Because he did not know. He didn't bother to ask himself further. That was how he handles questions with the "why" in it when it comes to dealing with Kagome.

"Rules are easy. You ask me a question, I answer. Then it becomes my turn to ask you a question. Obviously, we can't repeat any questions. And we must answer honestly. Give your word."

"You think I would lie?"



"Promise you won't."



"I give you my word."


"And another thing, we can't repeat what the other asked, so it must be a new question every time. And we have a limit of ten questions so this game won't take too long. Agree?"


"Okay, you go first."

"No, you go."

"Alright then! Sesshoumaru, what exactly is that fuzzy, fluffy, fur on your shoulder? It's one of the great big mysteries in this world that I seriously need to know."

"Why do you absolutely need to know?"

"It's been bothering me since I saw you. I mean, it doesn't look like it's your tail. Definitely not armpit hair. It's not some stylish fur you parade around, I think. So what is it?"

Armpit hair? What kind of ideas does this woman perceive?

"To stop you from creating false and ridiculous assumptions, it's simply part of my body which was born with me. It is not my tail. I can will it to grow longer or shorter, to move by itself, and is necessary for my transformation."

"Oh. I seriously thought... Anyway, it's your turn to ask."

He looked thoughtful for a moment. Contemplating on the question? She asked herself.

"Why did you travel with my brother? Worthless as he is?"

"He's not exactly worthless, you know. I mean, he helped a lot. But well, you see, it was my fault the Shikon no Tama broke anyway and I was the only one who can sense where it is so obviously, I had to accompany them. Want to join us?


"Okay, it's my turn."

"It isn't. You just asked me a question."

"Huh? I did not!"

"You asked me if I wanted to join you."

Kagome looked quite defeated. "Oh. I did. Crap. Okay, your turn again."

"Why do you keep on visiting and insisting to go to my lands?"

"Your life looks boring, working with all those documents, etcetera."

"It does?" he asked, his usual monotonous tone.

"It is! I'm here to make your life different," she grinned.

"You mean to say, difficult."

"What did you say?"

"Your turn."

"Ohhh! It is, isn't it?"

"Pay attention to your game, woman."

"Third question: What will you think if suddenly you chance upon Jaken making out with this big-breasted youkai?"

"Are you sure that's the question?"

"Of course." She was still smiling.

"What kind of question was that?"

"It's a...reasoning type of question. You know, like what will you think when you see him?"




"Come on," she stared at him intently until he felt uncomfortable.

"Jaken is not as ugly as he looks."

Bouts of laughter suddenly came from the woman.

"Se-sesshoumaru! Really?" She managed to asked between laughs.

He looked annoyed and...embarrassed. "Why are you laughing?"

"Be-because," laughter. "It's-it's absolutely," laughter. "A honest," laughter. "Answer!"

"You get the idea, I get the idea, it's my turn to ask."

"Wait!" Laughter. "Let me-let me calm myself down!"

She took a few deep breaths and sat, back straight, and with recovered composure. "There, now you can ask."

"Third question: Did you feel any interest towards females before?"

Kagome's eyes went wide with surprise. "What kind of question is that? Are you deranged?"

"A getting-to-know-you question, as you nicely put what this game is about. Now could you please give an answer?"

She sighed. "Fine. Okay. I confess. I had a crush on my best friend once."

Sesshoumaru looked amused.

"It was once! I don't anymore!"

He still looked amused.

"They say having a crush on someone means you admire them, right? See? I just admired her."

He was smirking.

"Stop it!"

"Your face is very, very red."

"It's not!"

"Tsk, tsk."

"I said stop it!" she almost shouted, looking down on her lap. "I was just being honest, okay?"

His hand moved. She looked up, eyes wide when it hit her: Sesshoumaru patted her head.

"I was teasing," he was looking not at her face, but at the garden.

She grinned. "I know. Fourth question: when is your birthday?"

"We do not celebrate on the day we were born."

"But you know how old you are, right? So it must mean you know when you were born."

"The cold season marks the time when a year has ended and that is enough."

"Oh. I see."

"Fourth question: did you once feel hatred towards your mother or father?" he asked.

She was caught unprepared for the sudden seriousness of his question, because at first they were asking almost-worthless, good-time questions. But, in truth, she did not mind.

"Yes, I did. I think every child does, at least once in their life. I couldn't forgive my father."

Her expression changed, he noticed. It was somewhat...melancholic.

"The day he left us, mom and me and Souta," she continued. "I hated him. I think I even hated mom on that day. I guess...I guess I still hate him now. He never did visit us, not even once."


"Who-" Kagome was startled. Who is 'Meika?'

"Yes, my lord?" A dark figure materialized from one of the room's shadows.

"Oh! How cool!" Kagome commented gleefully.

"Bring us refreshments."

"Yes, my lord."

"Wow, I never knew there were youkai that hid in the shadows!"

"I assume you are amused?"

"I think it's very amazing."

"Stop grinning like an idiot."

"Aw, how mean," she teased him by making the puppy-dog-eyes she sees other girls do.

He seemed unaffected.

"Humph. You and your cold demeanor. Even puppy-dog-eyes won't affect you."

"How am I supposed to act after taking a glance at that ridiculous expression, well?"

"You're supposed to be following my every request after that. Or find cuteness as a weakness or something."

"I assume that conclusion is part of your fantasies?"

"Well, that's what usually happens in anime shows and manga."

"And those are?"

"Like theatre and plays, entertainment for the hopeless human kind," she sighed.

"Oh, so you finally admit humans are hopeless creatures?"

"Nuh uh, you won't get me this time. I still have the fifth question before you ask anything."

Shadows moved once more and Kagome found herself listening to a familiar voice of the demon whom Sesshoumaru entrusted the task of bringing refreshments.

"My lord, the refreshments."

With a bow, the demon put it on the table where they sat across, facing each other, and disappeared into the shadows.

"Thank you," Kagome said, directing it to the demon who was, by now, nowhere to be seen. She picked up the cup that was placed on her side of the table and she drank. Filled with curiosity as to what it could possibly taste like, she took a sip.

And found it tasting a bit bitter with a tad of sweetness, and awesome flavor.

She finished everything in one gulp.

"Sesshoumaru, this is very, very good," she nodded. "What are the ingredients for this?"

He took a cup himself and drank. "This is the sake of the Dog Demon Clan. Each sake is different for every clan. Meika."

"Yes, my lord?" was the reply of the creature who once again, suddenly materialized.

"Prepare something lighter."

"Oh, don't be silly," Kagome interjected. "I'm old enough to drink this!"

"Humans have never tasted sake made by youkai. I do not know the after-effects or if it is harmful for the human race."

"You'll know soon enough," she winked.

He raised an eye brow.

"I am doubtful of your vain assurances," he finally said.

"Oh please. Just let me drink this. You needn't bother yourself or Meika with other refreshments," she said and drank her second cup.

He still looked skeptical.

She poured more sake into his cup.


He did.

"You don't believe me? Why doesn't anybody believe me. Nobody believes me!" she looked as if she was on the verge of crying.

Which was not normal.

"Don't try to ask Meika for other drinks!" she suddenly barked.

"Meika, leave us."

"Yes, my lord."

He knew something was going to be terribly wrong.

He feared for his sanity.

"Why'd you make her leeeaave?" Kagome reached for the pot to pour herself another cup of the prepared drink.

He reached for her wrist and stopped her from taking hold of the pot.


"You meanie."

"I am afraid the sake is already showing its effect upon your drinking it."

"Fine. Let's continue the game then," her voice was slightly slurred.

"I do not think playing in your current state is the best of ideas."

"It's what I want to do and we're going to do it!" she said firmly. "Okay, fifth question. Do you think I'm attractive?"

"I, Sesshoumaru, do not like where this game is going."

"There's nothing harmful about asking that. Boys never confessed to meeee. And Inuyasha still thinks Kikyou is hotter."

"Honestly speaking, Kikyou holds more beauty than you, woman."

"At least I'm a woman. She's a dead, walking corpse."

He smirked.

"Well, what does she have that I don't?"

"Fifth question: do you finally admit humans are hopeless creatures?"

"I think half-demons are the most hopeless of all three. Think of Inuyasha. Everything makes perfect sense."

"I concur."

"Good. Sixth question: What does Kikyou have that I don't? You're pretty good with observing, I know."

"She has grace, skills, and intelligence."

"The way you put it makes me feel mighty inferior," she frowned and pouted. "Meanie."

"I believe the rule of this game was to answer every question with honesty. Did I not follow it? What reason do you have to accuse me of being mean?"

"You could have said it in a different manner that was less hurtful like, 'She is more graceful, more skillful, and more intelligent.' The way you put it seems that I truly lack everything."

His lips curled and his face turned into that of an arrogant demon lord who wanted to laugh at lesser servants.

"Well, I was right, wasn't I?"

"It was simply a truthful answer. Sixth question: Do you have feelings of love for my half-demon brother?"

"Why the sudden interest?"

"A lord's curiosity."

"Well, I admit I did once but I guess the feelings faded into friendship after everything that happened. But of course, I love him, yes. But as a friend. That makes it even better to tease him, fufufufu!"

She was acting very, very strange indeed.

"Seventh question: do you think if I press my boobs a little, they actually look bigger?" Kagome asked, placing her fingers between her breasts and pressing them gently.

He narrowed his eyes. He did not like this question at all.

"Woman, you are undoubtedly drunk."

"I am not! I feel perfectly fine! But you have to tell me. Do they look bigger?"

He was silenced for a minute or so before he nodded.

"Hm, thought so."

"I personally think it was an inappropriate question."

"What you think doesn't matter," she smirked.

"You are not Inuyasha's woman."

"Of course not! Are you kidding me? I'm not his woman!"

Sesshoumaru shook his head. "I meant that you, woman, are not yourself."

"How could I not be myself when I am me? I mean seriously, this is me right? I'm not Kikyou or some other girl. How could I not be myself?" she continued rambling.

"Woman, your current state may have just exceeded my forbearance."

"Then could you just ask your seventh question?"

"When will you leave?"

She pouted. "How mean. The game's not yet finished and you're asking me when I'll leave? I'll leave when we're done with the ten questions! Okay, my turn!"

She eyed him devilishly. "You know you're not a little good lord, don't you?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I could not comprehend the point of your question."

"Oh, that's not the question. My question is, are you a virgin?"


She was laughing at him. "Come on, you naughty lord, tell me!"

"I have no obligations to confess if I am or if I am not."

"Why? Are you shy?"


"Is it embarrassing?"




"So what is it?" She stood up and walked closer to him, sat down again, and stared at his eyes.

"Did anyone tell you that it is not polite to stare, woman?"

"Name's Kagome, you senile old man."

A glare.

"Well, tell me. I'll look in your eyes to see if you're lying or not. You know what they say. The eyes are the windows to the soul."

He looked cocky. "Oh really?"

"Yes," she said as a matter-of-factly.

"I am."


"The answer."

"OH MY GOD," she backed away, eyes wide.

A glare. "Why do find the truth impossible to believe, human?"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? Just last week you pulled a dirty trick on my by pulling my underwear and you're saying you're a VIRGIN?"

"I have not mated and have not engaged myself with any unnecessary sexual activity."

"SESSHOUMARU IS A VIRGIN! He said he's never engaged himself with any UNNECESSARY sexual activity!"

"Shut up, woman. You need not shout!"

"What was your answer to the question again?" Kagome was already suppressing her laughter.

He looked exasperated.


"If you do not stop shouting I shall throw you out of my lands."

Now Kagome was really laughing. Hard. To the point that tears were spilling from her eyes.

"I-I just never expected it!" Laughter. "You-you looked like a total bishounen it's almost impossible to believe that some woman have never tried to get herself to your bed." Laughter. "And your naughty! I thought the play you referred to was-" Laughter.

"Humph. I do not think it is such a big deal."

"But it's just so surprising. I mean, you're a VIRGIN! I always thought Sesshoumaru is a sex god or something."

"Watch your words, woman."

"Okay, to make it fair, I'm a virgin too."

"And so?"

"I think you have gorgeous hair."

"Your point being?"

"And your voice is sexy."

He shot her a fierce look.

"Oh? Angry because I'm telling the truth?"

He did not reply.

"You know what," she stood up, "Let's play another game," she said, grinning.

"I do not want to. You're in an unusual state of mind, you have-don't pull that, woman!" he said as Kagome started to pull his cloud-like fur that rested on his shoulders.

"I want to play a new game with Sesshoumaru," she smirked.

"I will not move from my seat."

"You think I'm a pretty boring type of person, don't you?"

"Do you know how much disorder you have brought to my way of life? Because if you do, you shall realize that you are not."

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?"


"Hmph, there you go again. Not answering at all." With speed, she went on her knees, leaned forward, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

He was caught unprepared by her sudden course of action.

She did not pull away, however, and her body remained close against his, her weight slighty resting on his chest.

"You're a bad kisser."

She was not able to elaborate on that remark for the demon lord proved himself otherwise.

Now, things happened as how they probably would have happened and now he had the woman naked on his bed. Her dark hair spilled on his chest, an arm rested on his stomach and the other at his side.

Daylight filled the room and as she let out a small snore, he smiled. It made her look even cuter, more peaceful, tamed yet not at the same time.

A gentle breeze entered the room and closing his eyes, he pulled the blanket over the sleeping miko.

The Essence of Play - END

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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