
An Unexpected Companion by Never Again

Chapter One

A/N: Hey guys, um if you're waiting for an update on Sesshoumaru's Flame I'm gonna have to apologize. I just haven't been able to write the chapter to my liking so... Forgive me. Instead I have this one I just finished this weekend! I had half of it written during the summer but then my notebook went: Ack THHP! on me. I hope you like this one and I'll have the next chapter to Sesshoumaru's Flame up as soon as I can- Promise!

Disclaimer: Don't ask me 'cause no I don't own it... **grumble-grumble-gripe**

An Unexpected Companion

Tears, he could smell them and attached to the was the scent of their owner. Sesshoumaru frowned, he knew exactly who those tears belonged to, and the fact that he was worried about her was simply baffling to him. He was well aware of the fact that he had grown quite fond of her, but to worry over a human was still a bit disconcerting.

"Jaken, take Rin back home and feed her. You stay there and watcher, make sure nothing happens to her, if something dose, I promise you shall be the one to feel the brunt of my wrath." Sesshoumaru turned towards the tears and walked slowly, preparing to do something that he had never wanted to do so much before in his entire life...

Kagome sat on a stump, she felt it was very appropriate (or at least this author did ^-^) for she was slightly stumped herself. InuYasha had told her that he wished for her to stay with him. Didn't that mean that he was in some way fond of her? Then why had she just walked in on Kikyou and InuYasha copulating in the forest? Wasn't she just a clay pot? It obviously didn't matter to him and nor did she. "It's okay, I'll get over it. I mean he never even said that he loved me, it was just my mind assuming things again."

She couldn't hold it back any longer, it didn't matter that, to her, tears were a sign of defeat and weakness, it just mattered that her body had decided that an emotional release was in order. Even though she had found someone to confide in, she had never used his shoulder to cry on. Her new and unlikely companion would more than likely show up soon, and she wasn't fond of the idea that he should find her crying and drowning in her own self-pity. So the only answer was to cease crying.

Unfortunately she found that the more she attempted to put a stop to her tears, the harder they would come. She gave in to just letting herself cry, if he was disgusted then she really didn't need him anyway. Oh, who was she kidding? She'd take any comfort that she could get. The sobs came harder and harder, they were becoming so harsh that she had stopped making any sound at all, so she easily heard the rustling of the bushes. Her head snapped up and her sobs were slowed to a low sniffle immediately.

"You called, fair maiden?" Sesshoumaru walked regally out of the bushes; well, was regally as anyone can coming out of bushes. To Kagome he was the most dashing person she had ever seen in her entire life, leaves in his hair and all. Coming towards her he smiled down at her, an expression that she had become rather fond of since they had begun their meetings, she knew he more than likely smiled for only one other, and that would be the very lovable Rin of whom he constantly talked. Looking up she tried as hard as she could to smile brightly back to him; needless to say she failed miserably.

"How do you always know when I need you, Sesshoumaru-sama?" She turned her head as soon as her query was out and stared at her hands. Yet upon hearing an unexpected chuckle come from the serious youkai her face shot up to meet his. He was shaking his head slowly and obviously enjoying her questioning look. He sat down across from her at the base of a tree, smile never fading.

"Surely you remember the first time we met like this?" he inquired leaning his face into his hand. "It was the first time we spoke without a war being waged between my brother and i. Quite interesting if I do say so myself." He looked down at the ground, deep in fond memories, as he spoke...


"InuYasha, just stop trying to explain away all of these things!!!! For the last time, I could care less what you do in your spare time!" Kagome walked away from the fight. She had just seen InuYasha and Kikyou together again; she was never quite sure what they were doing. For Heaven's sake did she even care?

"Kagome, no! Don't go away again! They're gonna yell at me for making you mad! This is the third time this week that you've stomped away like this and..."

"And who's fault is that?" she shot back to him.

"Yours for being so sensitive!" he was getting pretty angry, well good.

"Agggh, that's just because you're used to being around dirt all the time. It's not quite the same when you're with a live person!" She knew she had hit a sore spot when he flinched and she felt kind of bad. She was going to apologize when he had to go and open that big mouth of his.

"At least she's warmer than you, the Ice Princess herself," he whispered venomously.

Okay, so she wouldn't apologize, instead she could always: "SSIITTTT!!!" The crater that was created was fairly large and extremely deep, she had been very proud of herself as she walked off into the woods.

"Who needs him anyways? The big jerk is nothing but a handful, and I'm gettin' tired of his constant nagging. Argh, shouldn't that be the other way around?" Being as frustrated as she was she didn't even make it to the hotspring that she had originally planned to go to; no, she just found a nice spot beneath a tree and slammed herself to the ground. This of course caused much pain and she "humph"-ed when she went down.

A nearby youkai heard the heavy exhale and caught an oddly familiar smell, he decided to go investigate. He slowly and purposefully walked toward the sound only to stumble upon a girl; a human girl nonetheless. He mentally sneered, saying that he merely hated humans could get one killed, stating that he despised them wasn't much better. He was very strong in his convictions; well of course sometimes exceptions were made. He was quite unaware of the joy that could be seen straight through his eyes when he thought of little Rin.

He snapped out of his thoughts of Rin when the girl in front of him began to cry. He looked on in disbelief, only because he felt the sudden urge to go up and put his arms (yes, plural, arms, no thanks to InuYasha, he had to re-grow that one himself. And it hurt too!) around her. He mentally slapped himself when he realized he was thinking of comforting a human, A HUMAN!!! Blugh! He held back his impulse to go and comfort her but that didn't stop him from watching what she would do next.

She sat there crying for about two seconds longer then let out a frustrated growl. She suddenly stood up and socked the tree that had been providing a back rest not mere moments before. There was a slight indent in it now (meaning she had splintered the gosh-drned tree!), Sesshoumaru looked ahead, completely in shock, wasn't she a mere human? No, looking back he remembered an incident that she had fired an arrow at him and it had transformed the Tetsusaiga. So, she was a miko, interesting.

"Whoever is there, show yourself, I'm in no mood to play guessing games." So she had caught on to him, how, he wasn't quite sure. Stepping out from behind the numerous trees he looked down upon her, as if challenging her to say something about their situation. "Sesshoumaru? What are you doing here? And behind a tree no less," she looked up at him, serious in her questioning.

He mentally sighed; she really didn't know how to take a hint, did she? He started to walk away; he didn't need to waste any more time with the human than he already had. "Wait, please stay a bit. It would be kind of nice to have someone to talk to," she held her hand out as though she were trying to catch him before he left. He was really confused now, did she not know who and what he was? Was she really this oblivious?

"Human, I shall say this once and only once, I am above you and I will not lower myself by talking to something such as yourself. Do I make myself clear?" she looked at him incredulously, giving him an odd look did heighten his curiosity but he would not let that get the best of him. Turning, he walked away.

Kagome plopped herself down and waited about two minutes to shake the shock from her head. "Wow, Lord Fluffy is seriously arrogant, not to mention stuffy, and a complete jerk. Hmm, must run in the family." She sat there, done pondering to herself aloud, and just waited until she cooled down again before heading back to camp where she would have to face InuYasha. Maybe they would make up again, but perhaps not. She really was not too enthusiastic about finding out right at that precise moment. So she began to stare off into space.

Sesshoumaru had heard her little exchange with herself, he had stopped in his tracks. Arrogant, yes. A jerk, perhaps. Stuffy, not really. Lord Fluffy, what the h**l was that for?! He turned around and before he knew it he was heading back to the clearing he had just walked away from not two minutes before. He would not rush, so it would take him another two minutes, but he would catch her if she had left her spot, she would explain this "Lord Fluffy" crack.

When he got there she was still seated at the case of the tree, only this time she was preoccupied with her thoughts. He walked up to her, making no attempts to hide himself, meaning the noise he was creating. She still didn't seem to see him, so he stood right in front of her, but to no avail, 'If I had actually wanted to kill her she would have been gone long ago, but with no prior knowledge as to why she was departing from this world.' He didn't sit down, although he was tempted to, instead he squatted down and was on the balls of his feet. He was eye to eye with her, something he never thought he'd allow himself to be with a human.

"Oh, hello, you're back. I didn't even notice you," she shook her head.

'No kidding,' he thought.

"So, is there something you need?"

"Yes," he said, pulling her up, "who is this 'Lord Fluffy' you speak of, human?" he asked, knowing the answer yet wanting her to admit it to his face.

She looked into his eyes and saw the anger there, 'Well screw, how bad could this day possibly get? Whatever, insult him and run like you're being chased by the pauperize, does it even matter anymore?' "Come on, you know exactly who I'm talking about... Lord Fluffy!" She didn't even try to run, even after thinking it out, it really wouldn't matter anyway, he could catch her within three feet. Why not have some fun while she was here, tell him what she really thought of him. She smirked, yah, a little fun was in order.

His eyes grew (well, as much as they could, we all know how well this guy does surprise -_-v), did she just attempt to defy him? An interesting human to be sure, and even as much as he loathed humans, this one for some odd reason intrigued him. Eyes narrowing back to their usual glare/gaze he addressed her, "So human you seem to have noticed my tail, is there some reason y-"

"It's a tail?" Kagome interrupted the infamous lord. "You mean it's not a boa?"

"A boa? Why would I-" interrupted again.

"It's a tail?" she was becoming more excited by the moment. "An honest to goodness tail? LORD FLUFFY HAS A CUTE FUZZY TAIL?!?!?!??!! THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EV-" It was now his turn to interrupt.

"(Clearing his throat in warning) You were saying, human?"

She stopped laughing and glared at him, it was an intense little piece of eye-contact, and if he would have let himself he would have taken a few steps back. He had obviously been the one to add the last straw. "You demons and half-demons are all alike in one aspect, I swear! If I get called human or wench one more time, I'm going to shoot the nearest living thing with an enchanted arrow and blow it to itty bitty bits! The name is Kagome, KA-GO-ME!!! I would have even accepted a 'Hey you!' That would have been getting!" This was an unexpected turn of events, wasn't he supposed to be the one intimidating her? In the midst of everything, something had gone wrong, horribly wrong.

He smiled, she was an interesting being to be sure. "Then I suppose it's a good thing we're in a forest, now isn't it Kagome?" he said trying out the name, not bad. "That way you can avoid hitting me and aim for a tree instead."

She looked at him unbelievingly, 'Did he just make a joke, the great Lord Flu- I mean Sesshoumaru made a funny? And he's smiling too?!' She turned around to see of anything was coming straight for her head that only Sesshoumaru would be able to dodge, if so then the kidding around and grinning like a little kid would have made perfect sense, but there wasn't and it didn't. Whatever, didn't she just say she was going to have a bit of fun here? Well bring it on Fluff-mister...

"Are you... smiling?" she asked, acting surprised.

"I suppose stranger things have happened," he said, straightening out his face.

"Oh, well I was just looking for something to explain that odd creaking noise."

He looked at her, completely astonished, then he turned his head away from her... and started to chuckle. It was no evil chuckle either, it sounded like something an innocent child would have let out (but of course, for anyone who's ever had younger siblings or has had to take care of small children, we all know that they can laugh pretty diabolically too...).

She listened to the laughter for a little while before she couldn't hold hers in any longer, "You sound so adorable when you laugh... it's so-so- unexpected." It came out sorta like that but she was having technical difficulties when attempting to get everything out because she was laughing so hard.

"This is completely pth-unexceptable for a giggle-lord of my muf-ha-ha-stature," he couldn't stop himself, no one had ever attempted to "kidd around" with him, he was enjoying it quite a bit. When he was almost through with his polite chuckling (guffaws of laughter) he looked Kagome in the eyes and motioned for her to sit with him. "We should talk, Kagome, I wish to hear more from your sharp tongue."

**End Flashback**

Kagome smiled at the memory, "You and your cute fuzzy tail have never failed to cheer me up."

"I resent that statement about my tail, as you've seen it can be used as a lethal we-"

"First of all, no you resemble that statement, and secondly you just never were the same evil murderous fiend after I found out it was a tail. It doesn't matter what you can do with it, so deal with it." Kagome slowly chuckled.

Sesshouamru looked into her face and wanted so much to banish the sorrow from the picture of loveliness sitting before him. Standing up he walked towards her, perhaps he could. "Would you like to see what I can really do with it?"

She looked up, full of curiosity, 'Huh?' He pulled her up gently, taking her hands in his. He pulled her to him softly and held her within a tight embrace.

"What's th- Oh... I see," she was slightly confused at first as she felt a third limb wrap around her body but came to a realization when she felt something wonderfully soft caress her cheek. "Thanks Fluffy, I needed a hug."

"Fluffy?" he pulled away a little bit and cocked a brow her way. He smirked mischievously and leaned in, she was caught by surprise when she felt him brush his lips against hers. It was a chaste kiss, yet it was enough for her to melt into his embrace. He began to pull away, but she held him fast to her, not wanting him to go quite yet.

"Please don't leave," she let her head rest on his armor, luckily she was short enough that the spike were directly above her head instead of through it. He noticed this and withdrew a small amount so that he could remove the perilous armor. She looked up, and there he was as she had never seen him before, with his guard down. Sure they had laughed and talked, but Lord Sesshoumaru was always on the lookout for something, always ready to fight. Now as he stood before her, he was unprepared and offering her something that at that moment in time, she would readily accept from such a friend.

She ran at him, and in the short distance between them gathering quite a bit of speed. Sesshoumaru was not expecting her to do this and by the time she had jumped into his arms- they were flat on the ground. She laughed into his chest.

"What's so funny?" he asked gruffly.

She brought her head up to look him in the eye, "I just knock the great Lord of the Western Plains on his butt! InuYasha has never even knocked you down! I believe I have accomplished something today."

"Hm, yes, sometime I would like to know how you managed to do that, but at the moment I suppose I can deal with this." He put one arm under his head and leaned back onto it while the other one held Kagome to him, his tail also aiding him in the action. With that he closed his eyes and began to absent mindedly stroke her hair. In turn she reached up and began to caress his baby-soft cheek, unfortunately what she didn't know was that Sesshoumaru was enjoying this more than she could imagine and he began to (I'm sorry, so very, very sorry! But this needs to be in here! I couldn't help myself...) purr unconsciously (I told you! I know it's such I clich�, gomen ne! GOOMMEEEN NEEE!!!). Her head would have shot up in surprise if he hadn't put his tail behind her head to keep it from doing so. "Not... one... word..." she smiled and shook her head, resting it back on Sesshoumaru again, closing her own eyes and letting the low rumbling emanating from deep with in him comfort her.

"You never told me what was wrong Kagome."

She shrugged into his tail, "It's InuYasha again."

"Well, yes, I suspected as much. What is it that he did though?"

"It's doesn't matter, I can't stand the guy anyway, so why carry a torch for him?"

"You found InuYasha with Kikyou, didn't you?" she only nodded in response. "What is he thinking? Well unfortunately I have to say that they deserve each other, and that leaves you..." He desperately wanted to say "with me" but he couldn't bring himself to. She saw their relationship as a wonderful friendship, which it was, but the fact was that he had grown a little too fond of her for his liking, he was a demon after all, and yet, she was no ordinary human... He wasn't even thinking of her miko abilities, he was referring to the way that she made him feel, she had been able to burst through the barrier that he had worked so hard to build around himself. He supposed that he had grown to love her for that... His eyes shot open, 'LOVE?!? Well, yes, I suppose that I do love her.' Languidly shutting his eyes again, his purr became a little deeper and more contented.

Upon hearing someone approach he slowly sat up, he wouldn't let Kagome part from him so instead she shifted just enough so that she was comfortably straddling him, realizing what position they were in she began to blush furiously. "What's wrong?"

"Um well, we happen to be in a very interesting position..." she looked down referring to where her legs were positioned. He looked at her and smiled evilly.

"Too bad we have company..." he sniffed. "Unwanted company." He looked down to her again, "Are you sure that you're over InuYasha?" she nodded vigorously. "Well then, we shall show the little cad what you can do without him attached to your side." He pulled her as close as they could get without actually being inside of each other. "He's here."

Sesshoumaru claimed her lips in a matter of seconds. The kiss was enough to melt even the most enormous of glaciers, and needless to say, she gasped, seeing this as the opportunity of a lifetime he slowly began to explore the warm caverns of her velvety mouth. Slowly for two main reasons, one, he didn't even know if she would allow him to do this; and two, he didn't want to scare her away, he had too much pent up passion for her to unleash it upon her at first.

Just as Kagome began to lose herself in the kiss InuYasha slowly stepped into the clearing where he found what had to be the most unexpected sight he had ever witnessed. Kagome was straddling Sesshoumaru and they were quite obviously making out. InuYasha knew very well that Sesshoumaru could detect his presence, yet he did nothing to stop the scene. 'He's trying to get back at me for having the Tetsusagia by taking Kagome away from me. That ba-' He was cut off mid-thought when he heard Kagome let out the tiniest of moans. He cracked his knuckles, he was supposed to be the one wringing those moans from her... although he had just done that for Kikyou... But that wasn't the point! (Ahhh! Bad image!! She's dead dude!! >_<)

"Hey! What the h**l do you think you're doing Sesshoumaru!?" Sesshoumaru parted slowly form Kagome staying close to her face, locking eyes with her and touching his finger to the tip of her nose, meaning something along the lines of "We'll finish this in a moment." InuYasha could be heard growling as Sesshoumaru picked Kagome up with ease and set her lightly on a soft bed of moss.

"What is it this time, little brother?" Sesshoumaru asked lazily, it was true that he had only initiated the kiss for the sake of avenging Kagome, but she had obviously grown on the idea and it was becoming much more than a little enjoyable. He leaned back against a tree, telling InuYasha that he knew he could beat him with his hands tied behind his back, another blow to the ego that is InuYasha.

"Sesshoumaru get up! You're goin' down!" InuYasha proceeded to lunge at Sesshoumaru.

"Sit," Kagome stated simply, InuYasha went down two feet before reaching Sesshoumaru who had not moved an inch, even while he watch InuYasha hit the ground with such force that the crater reached the very tips of his toes.

"Hm, an entertaining trick if I do say so myself. Does he have any others, love?" arms crossed in front of him he turned his head towards Kagome who had just heard the endearment "love" being directed at her from Sesshoumaru.

She smiled slyly, "Perhaps you could teach him to rollover? I've been trying to do that forever but he just keeps lookin' at me funny."

Good, she had caught on, "No, no, dear, you seem to have it all wrong. That's just the way his face was arranged at birth, poor child." He shook his head and tisk-tisk-ed a bit.

"Heh, is this the best you could do? Selling yourself to Sesshoumaru, just because you know you've been replaced? That's disgusting, ya wanna know why? 'Cause I have someone to lean back on when this is all over, but you, heh, you just sold all of that for a moment's comfort of revenge. You're so cheap." InuYasha began to walk away but Sesshoumaru had him on the ground in a split second, hand poised and glowing the familiar green.

"I would like you to know that I love Kagome, yes, I said that I love her, and I would never leave her, unlike you. And now you will die for even insinuating the fact, that and the fact that you seem to think I'm so easily bought off." Sesshoumaru was about to end the life of InuYasha when he heard Kagome's voice ring out.

"STOP!" he did so, four centimeters above InuYasha's neck. Kagome stood from the place that she had been set by Sesshoumaru and walked over to the pair. Squatting down she faced the brother on the top. "Is all that really true? Do you mean it?"

Sesshoumaru kept his face down and squeezed his eyes shut; did he just say that aloud? Daah (Kelly Bundy, your lips are moving...)! Without even thinking he nodded his head. She put her hand to his face, hoping that it would tell him that it was all right to open his eyes, he did and he when he did he saw the brightest smile that he had ever seen on anyone (that's pretty drned bright... he travels with Rin for Heaven's sake ^_^). She was smiling? Of course she was, who wouldn't after hearing a love confession made for them?

"You know Fluffy, you really shouldn't kill him. He does need to collect the rest of the jewel shards," she winked at him, okay, so maybe he wouldn't kill InuYasha, but only because Kagome had requested it. He was not becoming soft!

Gracefully standing he looked down at InuYasha, "You live today, but don't count on it the next time we meet." Turning, he swooped down low to pick up his armor and disappeared into the forest. Both InuYasha and Kagome knew that he hadn't gone far, InuYasha could hear where he had gone; Kagome knew that if he left she would have to hurt him for leaving before she had a chance to talk to him. InuYasha looked at Kagome incredulously. "What the heck was that?"

Kagome turned her head to look at the one lying on the ground beside her, she was still smiling. "That was the man I intend to spend the rest of the day trying to make him admit he was wrong, you know why?" InuYasha shook his head. "Because he thinks I don't love him." Getting up she began to walk deeper into the forest, following the same path that Sesshoumaru had taken.

"I'll be going now," Kagome said to InuYasha, "Kikyou will be able to help you with the shards for now, we'll just see what happens though." And just like that, she was gone; InuYasha was still on the ground in complete shock over the scene that had just unfolded before him.

"Once again Kagome, you saved my worthless neck..."

Sesshoumaru was looking to the sky when he heard Kagome come up behind him, he ignored the sound, still thinking of how he could explain away the love confession away as a fake without giving himself away. True, he was a youkai lord and he was quite well practiced in hiding his feelings, but he had never felt them this deeply before. He let out a small sigh.

Kagome was well aware of the fact that she had been heard and she wasn't content to be ignored. How to get his attention without annoying him too much... Ahha! Backing up a bit she got an extra good running start this time, and when she deemed herself close enough- she leapt at him. Without a word he turned around swiftly and caught her by the waist. Raising an eye brow at her he question, "What was that for? Were you trying to knock me down again? It won't work a se-" He was cut short by two lips pressed firmly against his. Eyes widened, he gradually let himself get caught up in the kiss. She began to stroke his cheek again, the other hand slowly winding its way through his fluffy tail. He began to purr again (<.<...>.>...-_-V gomen ne), realizing that he was completely engrossed in what she was doing to him she smirked into the kiss.

Taking all of her weight and pushing as hard as she could into him, he was quickly caught off guard and fell to the ground with a loud "humph." "Now, what were you saying?" He glared at her, not saying a single word, merely letting his infamous gaze do the trick... unfortunately- it didn't. She just giggled and lay back down atop him as though she were content to spend all of eternity there. "No, seriously, what were you saying back there? Did you really mean it? Or was that just 'cause InuYasha was being a jerk?" She said all of this while still laying on his hard muscled chest (lucky-ducky...).

He no longer cared, she had done enough for him, he would now give her what she wanted, the truth. Taking her head in his hands he pulled her so that she was looking straight into his eyes, and he into hers; he wanted to be able to see what she was thinking when he finally told her.

As his eyes bore into hers she nearly lost herself within their swirling depths, she attempted to jerk herself out of the trance that the molten gold was putting her into, and almost failed. Luckily her determination was victorious and she was once again merely concentrating on what the great demon before her was about to say.

Sesshoumaru on the other hand was having a bit more difficulty with the pair of glowing orbs that he himself had set before him. For a moment he did lose himself within their entrapment, and for that split moment he had forgotten about the need to tell her about his deep burning feelings for her; for a split second he thought that he already had, and that what he saw reflected in those eyes was a love for him, equal in their blazing passion. But that wonderful feeling was gone as quickly as it had come, and he was left with anxiety still drowning him from the inside out. But no matter, he screwed up all of his courage and, "Kagome, I-"

Her eyes grew wider as she listened, "I-I...I need to be sitting up for this." Scooting up he pulled her back into the position that they had been in mere minutes before. He held her a bit tighter, as though afraid that he would lose her.

"Kagome, I-" he stopped again, she was growing eager but she didn't show it; she was well aware of the fact that he was having a hard time telling her the truth, and she was willing to wait as long as it took.

One more deep breath on his part and "Kagome, I love you."

Although she had been prepared for it she couldn't help the surprise that jumped onto her face. As said emotion washed over hers, a different emotion swept over the lovely features of Sesshoumaru's, he was filled with a deep and unrelenting sorrow. Rejection was not a new feeling for him, his mother had done the same to him after his father had left her, but for some reason this was worse. He started to pick her up so that he could retrieve his armor and go home to re-build the wall around him that he had worked so long and hard on. But instead of letting him move her like he thought she would, she held fast to his chest. He ceased the action and replaced it by rubbing his temples; she was a confusing female to say the least, and she was giving him a pounding headache, not to mention the pounding heartache.

"Kagome, I am going to tell you the truth once again," he said aloud. 'And hopefully I won't regret it this time,' were his thoughts. "I am a male, and being of this particular faction I come with certain traits that most women, excluding you evidently, are aware of." She continued to look at him, becoming slightly confused. "Being rejected in any way conceivable is a valid excuse for a man to go into hiding and lick his wounds, yet considering who I am, I doubt that I will take overly long, considering, of course, who I am. Do you understand now?"

If she hadn't been quite so confused she would have laughed at how arrogant that statement had been. Unfortunately, she was utterly confused; she hadn't rejected him- had she? 'And men say we're the mysterious ones.' Closing her eyes and letting out a considerable sigh she shook her head. "Men, they think they know everything, when in reality I can't really remember the last time I heard one get anything right." Sesshoumaru's head snapped up to attention as she berated him further, "I don't even remember replying to your confession; and in all honesty, I don't think I did. For if I actually had we wouldn't be having this conversation at this very moment."

Raising his eyebrow he questioned her calmly, on truth, on the inside he was feeling slightly giddy. Okay, more than just slightly, he was downright ecstatic; not that he would let her see, he would never live down the fact that he was wrong. "Oh really, and what pray tell, are you insinuating, that I was wrong? Just to inform you, the great lord Sesshoumaru is never wrong."

"Oh, so even in this instance you would prefer to be right?" Kagome countered teasingly.

Sesshoumaru feigned deep thought for a few moments, "Well I suppose I shall allow you this one victory."

"Oh, many thanks my lord," Kagome stated sarcastically, bowing as far down as she could while sitting in his lap, she wasn't about to give up her spot, it was all warm and comfy. In fact she decided that it would work out better for them both if she were to merely give into her sudden urge to snuggle deep into his lap. He noticed how willing she was to get utterly comfortable within his presence, even in his lap. He smiled tenderly down upon her and enfolded her gently into his arms.

"So, does this mean you accept my heart and soul?" he inquired. He was genuinely curious but he was hiding it as well as he was able.

Kagome peeped through an half-opened eyelid and grinned. "Well, let's see here... I suppose I could do that, but only if you accept my heart, soul, and... and my body; fair trade?" She was well aware of the fact that she was being considerably more brazen than she would even dare to imagine, but the all knowing and intelligent Sesshoumaru-sama just really didn't seem to be getting' it today.

In response, both of his eyebrows shot clear to his hair line, then came back down to form a mischievous gaze. She giggled when she saw his reaction. Although he could have listened to her pure melodious laughter all day and never tire of it, he cut it short, in the best was possible of course. He slowly began to kiss her, licking her bottom lip, and sensually suckling it, in his own way begging for entrance. She let out a quite moan, giving him access to what he so desperately desired- no, to what he needed, he needed her, he would admit it now, she was what had been giving him the strength to continue on these past few months. He had realized that before he had been a zombie, merely going about his daily routine, never varying, lest he falter. But as of late he had been filled with a mysterious energy, it was his love, his love for her; and he had just realized it.

He pulled away from the kiss to see her looking even more beautiful than she had the first time they had locked in this kind of embrace, 'She let her heart into it this time, as did I," he thought with a smile. Trailing a finger down her cheek, he beamed down at her, and when she opened her eyes she reflected his smile with an intensity that he never thought possible. She brought her hands to his face and traced his markings. Her heart was brimming with love for the being that held her so close and even closer emotionally.

'I love him more than I even thought imaginable.' She turned this thought over in her head for a moment and let out a small giggle when she realized just how immensely corny it sounded, but it was so darned true.

"What, may I ask, is so funny?" the great demon lord questioned, letting a bit of amusement into his voice.

"Do you really wanna know?" Kagome countered.

"I'm never quite sure with you, woman," he had quickly gone over the list of nicknames that she `had yelled at him for when they first met, and he was nearly positive that "woman" had not been one of them. She smiled; it seemed he had either remembered correctly or she had realized that he would never mean it in a derogatory sense towards her again, in fact it was meant as an endearment. Either way, he looked at her questioningly.

"Well then, you probably just really don't want to know." She was laughing as she attempted to get up, Sesshoumaru caught her smirking. Shaking his head he stood up along with her, only to hug her to him again. "So, where to, Fluffy?" she asked, glancing up at him.

Sesshoumaru acted as though he was cringing at the nickname (in truth he had actually come to like it, but if anyone else had attempted to use the name...), "Well I thought that maybe you should meet your adoptive daughter, but then again," he looked down at her pointedly, "I can think of several other things we could do before that."

Kagome looked up at him, a little shocked at first, but a slow smile crept across her face. "Rin is now my-my daughter!" she bubbled with laughter. "That's great! We're gonna have to do that be-" Cutting her off effectively and pulling her flush against him, he pulled her into a passionate kiss. She could feel his desire press against her stomach, so she deepened the kiss. If her lips weren't so busy she would have been smirking. This time she was the first to pull away, "Whatever you want."

Sesshoumaru let out a deep growl and pulled her to the soft moss beneath them, she was his, and now he could claim all of his love...

The end!

A/N: If you've been reading "Sesshoumaru's Flame" you may be wondering "Where's the fic?" (Tehe- "Where's the beef?" get it? Okay, so maybe I should stop there...), unfortunately I've had this horrid case of writers block so, gomen ne... Um, I'm pretty sure that I'd be able to continue this one with a little more ease, but that of course is up to you guys. I promise I'll go with whatever you guys choose, but I won't know what you guys want unless you tell me, meaning that when you tell me what you want you can also review this fic! Thanks for reading it anywho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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