Moonlight Way by Shadow_Sesshy_lover_forever
The shocking surpise
I know I know..Kagome is supose to be the recencarntion of Kikyo..I got tierd of kikyo so i decied to rearange it a little. You'll like it...i promise..if you don't then don't read it.....
"What?! But that impossilbe....Im a recarntion of someone else then Kikyo?" Kagome said in shock. "It appers so kagome." Sango said to calm her down. "But.....Everyone says im the recarntoion of Kikyo..not this other person." Kagome felt tebblier being mastaken of being the recarntion of someone else instead of Kikyo. She looked to Inuyasha. Inuyasha was Disgusted. He turned his back to her and walked off. Kagome wanted to go after him but did' stead she walked off in the other direction.
Sango felt the need to go talk to inuyasha but did'nt. "He'll ahve to learn." She said.
Kagome walked to the Bone eaters well filled with sorrow and pain. She sat on the edge and thinked. "im the reccarntion of the powerfule wolf demon and princess of the southern lands..Shadow?...No...this can'tbe right?" Shaw sat there and thought for a few mintues.
Not too far away..Sesshumaru was in the forest resting up from the last battle he had. He heard Kagome over talking. He got a bit closer to her but not in sight.
"no..this can't be right.." She then got up fast ans said. "im the recarntion of Kikyo..Not Shadow.Princess fo the southern lands...!"
Sesshouamru was stuned when he heard that name. Even thought he was injuerd he could still rn. He got up and ran to her and looked at her coldly. "woman? What your saying? Is it true?"
Kagome jsut looked at him..afriad of wht he might do if she said yes...She thinked then fianly nodded her head. 'yes...its' true..." She looked down..Now afraid to look at him> "isee." Then he grabbed her by the waist and ran off.
Kagome was shocked then frought to get free> 'Out me down!" He ignored her and contuied to run towerd the western lands caslte. He got there nad fell to the ground because of his wounds. She looked at him and went o him to looka t his wounds. "These wounds are very deep....I know your a demon but...I mihgt be able to help heal these wounds faster." He looked at her and nodded his head in agrement ehn he thinked. 'what am i doing?...' Then he shook it off and allowed her to wlak him to his room adn liad him down. Rin and Jaken soon came in. "Oh...m'lord? what happen?" Jaken said a little worried. Rin looked at the new person that was here.
Kaogme lookd at them. "He gots oem wounds but he'll be fine." Jaken got a good look at her. "Your..You....can't be died." Rin looked at him? "how..lord Jaken?" Jaken looked at her then was about to say something but was cut off.' She here to ehlp me and to be a guest aroudn this castle. And jaken..she may be dead..but some how...she aas recarnted into this human....." Jaken looked at him and nodded his head the left the room. Rin went to her own room.
Kgome blinked then loked towerd sesshoumaru which ws in pain. She got her bag that she had with her an dgot her first aid kit. then started to treat his wounds. HE smiled...but not to where she could she it. "just like how she did it." He mumbled. "Whos she?...Shadow?" He looked at her and nodded his head. "May i ask...How she died..even thought she was a demon.?" He looked away. She looked at him and put her head down. "im sorry..i should wait untill your ready to tell me."
When she was down..He told her that there wa some extra bedrooms down the hall. She nodded and went out the door and looked for a room. She got a room that was by rins. She went in and lied on the bed...Then she soon fella sleep.
I know..its a little crappy but hey....ther emore chaptuers to come...PLZ REVIEW??? Thanks....