Reviews for Painfull Kisses by AnimeLover4evr
Maria- Fri 11 Jul 2008
Wonderful story but you do have a lot of spelling errors. Not trying to be mean or anything just thought I should let you know. I hope you update soon, I can't wait to read what happens next. :) I hope she goes with Sesshoumaru.
Emmilou- Thu 10 Jul 2008
I think this story is good, but that you should make your sentences shorter. And you gave away that they both love each other - what's the point of reading it now? Anyhow, it IS interesting still ^_^
I Love Sessomaru AKA FLUFFY - SAMA - Tue 08 Jul 2008
Love it and I hope that you continue it very soon:) when you have the time of course
MistressDiana- Mon 07 Jul 2008
OHMYGOD I absoulutely love just have to write more.
Usually I don't like the first person point of view but I like how this story is formatted. You have a bunch of spelling errors and words that aren't suppose to be there. Not wanting to be mean or anything, just thought that you should know. But definitely keep updating and I'll keep reviewing for you
Usually I don't like the first person point of view but I like how this story is formatted. You have a bunch of spelling errors and words that aren't suppose to be there. Not wanting to be mean or anything, just thought that you should know. But definitely keep updating and I'll keep reviewing for you