Reviews for Captured Love by alakeshadow
Taiyoukai's Lady- Mon 07 Apr 2008
Wow!!! Hot. Very hot! Loved every word of it and I was begging for more by the time I got to the end. You really should consider doing another chapter to it, it's just that good. I usually tend to shy away from this type of crossover cause there is just so much to put into it and most of the time its never properly captured, but you have done a super fantastic job. Keep up the good work.
Lady Amaya Ken- Sat 05 Apr 2008
you are my idol!! I totally love Labyrinth! you made it so amazing and i wish you'll continue it because your one shot is freaken awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Kubira- Sat 05 Apr 2008
That was the most awesome one shot I have read in a long time. Being that I LOVE the Labyrinth. It was good. I enjoyed it very much.
Gentle Fist- Sat 05 Apr 2008
Oh my gosh. I love you, I love you, I love you!!! Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies. The very thought of Sesshoumaru in those same skin tight pants as David Bowie...Uh, it makes me want to pass out!
adea neri- Fri 04 Apr 2008
Wellthat was intense. didnt remeber that movie, but watched it a long time ago. well i wouldnt say it didnt have a plot it kinda did but the LEMON was freaking great wow tht was just great. ummmm. yeah.
BananaFlavoredEskimo- Thu 03 Apr 2008
Loved it.
Then again, perhaps i'm biased because anything to do with the Labyrinth = 3333 to the nth degree.
Honestly, once i read the word Bowie, i was clicking this link so fast your head would spin.
And i'm happy that i did. It's was a very insteresting twist on the classic. I wonder, would our dear Goblin King give the same offer to Sara? In my sick and twisted world, yes. Yes he would.
lol XD. I 3 Sesshomarou x Kagome pairings so this was fun fun fun and considering that it only coupled with another fandom of mine, well you made my morning! I'm going to have a brilliant time at school today.
Then again, perhaps i'm biased because anything to do with the Labyrinth = 3333 to the nth degree.
Honestly, once i read the word Bowie, i was clicking this link so fast your head would spin.
And i'm happy that i did. It's was a very insteresting twist on the classic. I wonder, would our dear Goblin King give the same offer to Sara? In my sick and twisted world, yes. Yes he would.
lol XD. I 3 Sesshomarou x Kagome pairings so this was fun fun fun and considering that it only coupled with another fandom of mine, well you made my morning! I'm going to have a brilliant time at school today.
Smittee- Thu 03 Apr 2008
I likes it so far. I was drawn in as soon as I saw the word "Labyrinth". I hope you write more, mostly because I want to see how she deals with this world....and the Demon King. ^.^
melony922- Thu 03 Apr 2008
this was really good, i love the labyrinth! It was an interesting cross of the two, you should write some more!
FleetingDream- Thu 03 Apr 2008
That was great! Really I mean fantastic so much lemony goodness and the story line leading up 2 it was awesome as well. I've never even heard of this movie but I surely will be checking it out now it sounds good. Well once again good job that was one hell of a read
Myaru- Thu 03 Apr 2008
... Wow. I've never been able to wrap my mind around Labyrinth fics like this, but Inu Yasha with a Labyrinth flavor? Amazing. I'm glad I took the time to read this. Much better than doing homework!
iloveprettysilverhair- Thu 03 Apr 2008
Wow...I have to say, this was a fantastic read. You did a wonderful job with this, I've never seen the movie, but damn if this doesn't make me want to! Thank you for the fun read!
katie- Thu 03 Apr 2008
holy crap...that was like fantastic...i never thought anyone would get around to writing something like that... especially the whole labyrinth thing, i love sesshoumaru and kagome in jareth and sarahs places it gives a whole new feeling to the story.