Reviews for Of Snowstorms and Annoying Old Women by Mysticangeldust
Jess- Mon 23 Jun 2008
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next update!
moniq- Mon 23 Jun 2008
Yay a update, you are sooo mean to sesshy! i guess its for teh better, this is becoming a very good story that reflects on the choices we make and how we reflect on actions, Cannot Wait for the next one
Connie- Sat 14 Jun 2008
Please write more it was amazing.
Connie- Sun 08 Jun 2008
please make anoughter chapter this one is awsome, and please, i do not want him to leave her when he gets his memory back.
Lisa- Sun 08 Jun 2008
Just started chapter one, it's really good. I spotted one error, you use "bowels" instead of "bowls." Great story.
mely- Tue 13 May 2008
Hey i like were your fanfic is going so try to update please :)
cat copy- Fri 02 May 2008
this is a very good story. I cant wait for you to update.
SakeMan- Thu 10 Apr 2008
Man you got to love a man- er... youkai that can cook. This is so fun to read and I bet that the annoying old woman's going to be killed by Sess-sama after the fact. lol I can't wait!
lunaticneko- Wed 19 Mar 2008
^_^ i'm glaade its out in the open, and liked how you ended the conversation. can't wait to see what happens!
Inubabe- Mon 17 Mar 2008
I love fics where Sess looses his memories. This one is great so far!
Sweet_Dark_Silence- Mon 17 Mar 2008
HOLY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
You HAVE to update your story, and soon!
You HAVE to update your story, and soon!
iloveprettysilverhair- Mon 17 Mar 2008
I just read through all of what you had, and I'm very glad you took up your own challenge; the story is lots of fun to read!
n8tivegurl- Mon 17 Mar 2008
Oh, I really liked this chapter. I do feel sort of bad for Kagome because she is afraid of what Sesshoumaru will do to her once he gains his memory. Who wouldn't because it was her fault he lost his memory in the first place. I also feel bad for Sesshoumaru because here he is desperately trying to gain Kagome's attention while she is trying to push him away. Hmm, actually I feel bad for everyone right now. So will we see Rin & Jaken next? Hope so. Until the next update later.
lex1621- Sat 09 Feb 2008
I hope you update soon! I can't wait to find out what happens next!
danny- Fri 08 Feb 2008
hope you finish it is a very good story
n8tivegurl- Fri 08 Feb 2008
I really like it so far. I wonder how Kagome is going to react to Sesshoumaru as he showers her with gifts and affection. I hope he gets better soon and not decide to vent out his anger on her. How's little Rin and Jaken and what about Kagura and Kohaku? Hope to see another update soon!
DeathFrost- Fri 08 Feb 2008
Oooooh, I LOVE this story. Please please please don't stop!!! This is soooooo good!