Reviews for Her Protector by Crystal (Briana_D)
may- Wed 23 Apr 2008
Wow, not many fan fics can hold my intrest to where i cant leave my computer till ill finish it. You should really think of maybe change'n the names and trying to get it published. I think many people would enjoy reading this as i have.
may- Wed 23 Apr 2008
Wow, not many fan fics can hold my intrest to where i cant leave my computer till ill finish it. You should really think of maybe change'n the names and trying to get it published. I think many people would enjoy reading this as i have.
moonlit marauder- Sun 20 Apr 2008
hey its me, just wondering where u vannished 2, lol oh btw whats up with the different chapter updates ?? oh and how is the writing of your story going cya.
oh and ur the family still over protective or kool now? cya soon smiles.
oh and ur the family still over protective or kool now? cya soon smiles.
Ice_Angel- Sat 12 Apr 2008
Uh oh! Kikyo's back! Lolz what's she going to think? Haha lolz can't wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work!
Ice_Angel- Sat 12 Apr 2008
Lolz! Kag's is getting a little brave isn't she? Haha can't wait for the next chapter!
Fluffy Angel- Wed 09 Apr 2008
no none of my friends have reviewed. i tell them about it and they all want a copy of it. I have 1-13 os far. and we cant want for 14 good lick and you know we will help if we can.
your friend
Fluffy Angel
your friend
Fluffy Angel
Jackthekipper- Tue 01 Apr 2008
I could just hug you to death right now--I have a positively -disgusting- cold right now and I feel miserable. But then I saw this was updated and I feel wonderful! Arigato! I would give you chocolate, but I'm sick. But I'll give you chocolate next time!
starwindess- Tue 01 Apr 2008
like it, can't wait for the next chapter.
The Happy Hentai- Sun 02 Mar 2008
YOU SLAY ME!!!!!!! You have made me scream like a schoolgirl! I have not ever, EVER read something like this! Your dialogue and your situations! Great Kami above! Gorgeous, just gprgeous. I await ypur next chapter with baited breath!
So in your debt *swoons*,
So in your debt *swoons*,
flully angel- Thu 28 Feb 2008
Love it!!! Me and my frineds love it and can't want for chapter 13.
LoveIsAMovement- Thu 28 Feb 2008
Great chapter, loved the Kagome/sessh interaction! Kouga is a sleaze ball, I hope Sango kicks his ass!! to be honest I kinda skipped the middle with rin and the random convo with inuyasha and all that but the interaction between Kagome and sessho was GREAT!!!! can't wait for more.
Saffron- Wed 27 Feb 2008
I was reading this fiction the other day and stopped because it was basically a Rin fan fiction with everyone else as side characters. I was about to leave a comment about how you should refocus and then I read that others had the same opinion as me so I didn't bother but I didn't come back and read the rest until today. It got better for a while but this chapter you reverted back to focusing on Rin. Kagome had about as much a face time as Sango. You say that this focuses on Sesshaomru and that she is a big part of his life. While that may be true, I find that even he takes a backseat to Rin for most of the story. I'm just trying to give you some constructive criticism. If this story is going to be about the main pair then you shouldn't showcase the side characters for more than 50% of the story which you've clearly done with Rin. Kouga, by the way is VERY OOC. He acts almost like Sesshaomru, you should fix that. This is a good concept but you really need to try and focus on the main pair !!!!
Lady Kubira- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Now you make me wanna kill something. Cliff hangers are bad! I wanna read more! Please get the next chap out soon and check out my stories when you get a chance!
vae- Wed 27 Feb 2008
Loved it. But man, what a cliff hanger!! Can't wait for the next one, keep up the writing!!
LoveIsAMovement- Fri 22 Feb 2008
Thanks for the reply and explanation, I have read the rest of the story and although there is still too much Rin for my taste, it's still great! I love the "Kikyou" Kagome interaction, that is genius. One thing that does confuse me is the notion that Sesshomaru was planning on seducing Inuyasha while in the form of kikyou... Am I right? anyway great stuff when the focus is actually on the main pair. Good Job!
shikon goddess- Tue 19 Feb 2008
All this drama, I like it I can't wait to see how they resolve this.
LoveIsAMovement- Tue 19 Feb 2008
Hi, this story has some great ideas but I have to agree with Novalisbelle. WAY TOOOO MUCH RIN!!!. Don't get me wrong, i usually love Rin but.... I only read up to the part where Rin was seducing sesshomaru and i got disgusted and stopped so maybe you started to focus the story on the lead characters (and not Rin who I find to be very annoying in this story as well) in later chapters. Anyway, this story is WAY TOO RINCENTRIC!!!! I suggest refocusing on the main pairing or changing the category of this story from "Sess/Kags" to "Rin/??".
Violetcarson- Wed 13 Feb 2008
Well, isn't that...interesting. I wonder how Kagome reacts to such a fascinating statement...
Anyway, OhmyGod!!! Yay! I finally get to figure out who Sango's man is. I have an idea, though I'm not quite sure. But hey! It makes me long for the chapter all the more.
Anyway, OhmyGod!!! Yay! I finally get to figure out who Sango's man is. I have an idea, though I'm not quite sure. But hey! It makes me long for the chapter all the more.
NovalisBelle- Wed 13 Feb 2008
Hi, I would first like to ay that this is a well-written story. I do however; have a HUGE problem with Rin being pretty much the main character. This is a Sesshomaru/Kagome website and as such the stories are required to revolve around that pairing. Rin is essentially the lead character here even overshadowing Sesshomaru and that’s just annoying. Rin’s character is also extremely annoying; I stopped reading during the party scene because it/she was just SOOOOO IRRITATING!! I found myself wishing Someone would kill her!!! Where is Kagome by the way? She’s had almost NO role in the middle chapters. Another thing is that vagueness of Rin and Sesshomaru’s feelings for each other…are they in love? Did they sleep together? This story is good but one might say that it belongs in the “general†category and you have no business posting a “Rincentric†story on a Sesshomaru/Kagome website. I honestly have no idea how you attained such a high rating for this on a webpage that caters to Kagome/Sesshomaru.
tilayha- Wed 06 Feb 2008
this story is priceless! Sesshoumaru as Kikyou, pure genius. This has to be the best plot twist i have read so far. through all the comedy you manage to keep his character true. very well done.
Fluffy Angel- Mon 04 Feb 2008
I love it! I can't wat for to see waht happens! You go!
deleteriousmouse- Thu 31 Jan 2008
I really like this story!! The characters are all very interesting. You fit so much personality into all of them. They are all still in character, but with a modern update to their general behavior. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
clavira- Thu 31 Jan 2008
well, this should be interesting...
i really enjoyed you story so far, so i hope you'll update soon!!!
do you have an update list or something?
i really enjoyed you story so far, so i hope you'll update soon!!!
do you have an update list or something?
starwindess- Thu 31 Jan 2008
While i think that your story is great (love the plot idea), and your writing is really good (it puts me in the story), the only thing that bothers me is that this story is seeming to revolve more around rin and her relationships, than sess and kagome. And i am totally not bashing rin's character at all (love her), but this is ASS, and it is a website that is devoted to the sess/kag pairings. I do enjoy the story, and would like to see what happens next, i just wish that it would focus more on the characters that you had expressed in the summary, rather than the supporting characters. Just thought that i would let you know.
Mutnodjmet- Thu 31 Jan 2008
Awww...I was so surprised and honoured that you dedicated this chapter to me. I feel so special. ;)
It was a very wonderful and interesting chapter. I don't know how Sess is going to keep it together sharing a room with Kags. I'm looking forward to the next chapters...this is getting good. did good on the martial arts scene. I don't know that much on the arts myself except for what I see in the movies :) *winks*
Well written...
*many hugs and smiles*
It was a very wonderful and interesting chapter. I don't know how Sess is going to keep it together sharing a room with Kags. I'm looking forward to the next chapters...this is getting good. did good on the martial arts scene. I don't know that much on the arts myself except for what I see in the movies :) *winks*
Well written...
*many hugs and smiles*
rowdysgirl- Thu 31 Jan 2008
very good chapter. i really love that kagome thinks kikyo is a lesbian, too funny. your writing is improving as the story goes along, at first it was a bit incoherent, but it is flowing much more smoothly now. there were two things that made me a little crazy: up to is 2 words, not one; and the same is true of at least. i'm anal...
Sirinya- Thu 31 Jan 2008
"Chapter 11 will tentatively be posted in the last week of February."
I have to wait one month!?!?! T_T!
I wanna know what happens.... and it left us at the good part toooo! omg -rolls around already on withdraw- I'm so addicted to this story .... please update sooner then mentioned! lol
I have to wait one month!?!?! T_T!
I wanna know what happens.... and it left us at the good part toooo! omg -rolls around already on withdraw- I'm so addicted to this story .... please update sooner then mentioned! lol
angel- Wed 30 Jan 2008
Hi. There I loved your story. Can't wat for more to come!
tilayha- Sun 27 Jan 2008
This is the part of the story I have been waiting for!!! The visuals of the ritual were wonderful, but the look on Sesshoumaru's (oops Kikyou's) face in my head was priceless! I am going to enjoy the squirming that is to be going on while he/she struggles to keep his hands to himself!!!
iliketoeaticecreamonrainydays- Fri 25 Jan 2008
i love your story so i have to say one thing: is the chapter really supposed to be that short? if so, i'm depressed : (
Fluffy's CaGe of Wonders- Fri 25 Jan 2008
I think someone stole the rest of your chapter... >.> (it wasn't me...)
Nadine- Fri 25 Jan 2008
Hey there!
I would like to start by saying that I love your style of writting. It's a beautiful mix of humor, wit and elegance. Now please don't take this as a flame... I would rather you think of this as constuctive criticism or a simple comment meant to better your story because I really love it. There's just one small thing that keeps me from enjoying it fully. You see... you must keep in mind that you are posting on a Kag\Sess fan based site. I understand that you want to develop other pairings and caracters, as you should! But take care not to let them overshadow the main one as you have beendoing. I'm aware that this is still the begininng of the story but i've been reading so much more about Rin than Kagome... a peculiar feat for a story posted on this site. Lastly, I don't know if the problem stems from my computer by I can't access the full version of the ninth chapter. It cuts off at "face-to-face with the one she kissed so passionately." I was hoping you could let me know if I'm the only one whou couldn't see the full chapter. Anyway, no matter what was said before, I really do love your story and I am anticipating the next chapter :D.
Take care!
I would like to start by saying that I love your style of writting. It's a beautiful mix of humor, wit and elegance. Now please don't take this as a flame... I would rather you think of this as constuctive criticism or a simple comment meant to better your story because I really love it. There's just one small thing that keeps me from enjoying it fully. You see... you must keep in mind that you are posting on a Kag\Sess fan based site. I understand that you want to develop other pairings and caracters, as you should! But take care not to let them overshadow the main one as you have beendoing. I'm aware that this is still the begininng of the story but i've been reading so much more about Rin than Kagome... a peculiar feat for a story posted on this site. Lastly, I don't know if the problem stems from my computer by I can't access the full version of the ninth chapter. It cuts off at "face-to-face with the one she kissed so passionately." I was hoping you could let me know if I'm the only one whou couldn't see the full chapter. Anyway, no matter what was said before, I really do love your story and I am anticipating the next chapter :D.
Take care!
Odango- Fri 25 Jan 2008
;,; was so looking forward to new chapter but 9 was short...really short try reloading again please...
Odango- Fri 25 Jan 2008
;,; was spp looking forward to new chapter but 9 was short...really short try reloading again please...
Bre- Fri 25 Jan 2008
that was short. but interesting
rowdysgirl- Thu 24 Jan 2008
girl, the person you should be writing for first is yourself. we, your readers, are fortunate that you choose to share your stories with us. something we are all guilty of is forgetting that none of the authors who post on these websites is getting paid. so don't let us browbeat you.
girl, the person you should be writing for first is yourself. we, your readers, are fortunate that you choose to share your stories with us. something we are all guilty of is forgetting that none of the authors who post on these websites is getting paid. so don't let us browbeat you.
Mutnodjmet- Wed 23 Jan 2008
Chapter 8...nice reading. Looking forward to more updates. I like this story even though it took me a minute to 'get it'. I think Yasha/Rin would make the perfect couple in this story. It seems that hey have a lot in common.
Great job!...*hugs and smiles*
Great job!...*hugs and smiles*
pacsha- Fri 18 Jan 2008
Hi. I love your storys. I hope there are more to come.Your Friend :pacsha
iloveprettysilverhair- Fri 18 Jan 2008
This is a very interesting fic! I just started reading it today and I'm glad I did ^_^ I can't wait to see what happens next.
Mutnodjmet- Thu 17 Jan 2008
Excellent chapter but why did Sess choose Kikyou as his cover name as a girl? Is this something that will come up later in the story?
Great job...*hugs and smiles*
Great job...*hugs and smiles*
Fluffy's Cage of Wonders- Thu 17 Jan 2008
Evil..... ( I love it) Hmm... Can't wait to see what evil things you have in store for these poor unfortunate characters. (YAY) And thank you for the update!! :D Can't wait for the next!!
Mutnodjmet- Thu 17 Jan 2008
Wow...Sess as a woman. It's not working for me yet andwhy would he want to seduce his own brother? I guess I'm going to read on to find out. This is getting confusing but I suppose it will all worked out in the end but I still don't get it.
Well...*hugs and smiles*
Well...*hugs and smiles*
Fluffy's Cage of Wonders- Wed 16 Jan 2008
Wait... what? I am so confused. Sesshoumaru is going to try to seduce Inu-Yasha while he's trying to hit on Kagome and while Inu-yasha is getting into rin's pants? Right? AWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!! Can't wait for the update!!!
swasdiva- Wed 16 Jan 2008
It was worth devoting the first hour of my workday to shameless fanfic reading with an ending line like that.
Sesshoumaru as KIKYO!!!!!!!!! Absolute. Genius. He looks like Kagome but is cold as hell. I ADORE it!! Only thing is, will Inuyasha fall in love with his own brother in disguise? There are so many twists to shameless fandom clichés...GAH!!! I can't wait to read more of this hysterical, sexy, angsty, menacing, and did I mention sexy trainwreck!!! LOVE IT!!
It was worth devoting the first hour of my workday to shameless fanfic reading with an ending line like that.
Sesshoumaru as KIKYO!!!!!!!!! Absolute. Genius. He looks like Kagome but is cold as hell. I ADORE it!! Only thing is, will Inuyasha fall in love with his own brother in disguise? There are so many twists to shameless fandom clichés...GAH!!! I can't wait to read more of this hysterical, sexy, angsty, menacing, and did I mention sexy trainwreck!!! LOVE IT!!
green_eyed_phan- Tue 08 Jan 2008
You should definately make him a girl! lol
Lissa- Mon 07 Jan 2008
Either way you go, you can have a lot of fun wreaking havoc. LOL I don't think I have ever seen a fic where Sesshomaru has played a female. But, then again, it does boggle the mind a bit.
Love this fic though. I hope to catch an update soon.
Love this fic though. I hope to catch an update soon.
Lady Kubira- Mon 07 Jan 2008
*grins flashing her fangs* That was a shocker for This Kubira. I say stick with it. I would love to see this play out with Maru having to pose as a female. I have not read anything like it, though I am sure they are out there. Do not change a thing. Its really good. I look forward to your next update. *goes to find breakfast in the moonlight.*
Mutnodjmet- Mon 07 Jan 2008
As interesting as it may sound, I can not see Sess as a girl mainly because of his stature and personality. As one reviewer previously said, they could be co-ed roommates and since they have already 'met' this plot twist could be interesting after what occurred between them at the club.
However, it is your story and you can do with it as you see fit. I will still read it because I've become engrossed with it.
Update soon :) Good writing!
*hugs and smiles*
However, it is your story and you can do with it as you see fit. I will still read it because I've become engrossed with it.
Update soon :) Good writing!
*hugs and smiles*
krazy4 kag/sess- Mon 07 Jan 2008
Sess as a guy and please for the love of God do not make him bisexual. I hate stories like that, and PLEASE no rin and sess love grap. Do not make Kagome a hoe either I hate when writers do that.
Trice- Mon 07 Jan 2008
Even though it probably be funny to see Sesshomaru be a girl I just can't see him play that role. You will have Kagome question her sexuality could be funny as well. I think since she is going to the University it not uncommon to live in co-ed dorms or housing. So Sess and her could be roommates and we still could have our henti lime content. Either way you choose I will not be offended. It is your story and you should write your story how you envision it. You are not going to please everyone. I know you want your story to be well received but you also should also be happy with your work. I know whatever you decide the story will be entertaining and I will not be disappointed. I look forward to reading your next chapter.
Little Girlie- Wed 02 Jan 2008
full of suspense and intriguing.Update! update!
Zoku- Tue 01 Jan 2008
So far so good! I really enjoyed the first 3 chapters and I look forward to reading the rest as you load them! Keep up the good work. ^_^
Trice- Tue 01 Jan 2008
At first I did not think I was going to like the story but as I read the story more I wanted to read more. I was sad that I did not have more to read. I look forward to reading more of your story and do not worry about reviews your story speaks for itself. I look forward to reading what this evil is and what exactly is Kagome.
morgansgirl27- Tue 01 Jan 2008
I think this story is very original and is off to a good start. I can't wait to read more so keep up the good work!
Kula- Tue 01 Jan 2008
Love your story, seems like there are going to be some interesting twists to it. Looking forward to the next chapter.
moonlit marauder- Fri 28 Dec 2007
please update soon and would you mind sending me an e-mail when ever you update it would be greatly welcome i love the story e-mail adress is
Violetcarson- Fri 28 Dec 2007
Ah Sweet!! I was just thinking the other day that you should post this story on A. S. S. Which is, coincidentally, the MOST awesome fanfiction site, EVER!!! And I was also thinking some more, and I have a new theory on Sango's guy!!! But I won't write it here, I'll tell you some other time. Anyway, I'm really happy you're posting it here! I LOVE THIS FIC!!!!! Squee!!!
frookerxscene- Wed 26 Dec 2007
omggg. i love it i love it. i FREAKIN LOVE ITTT!
Lady Kubira- Thu 20 Dec 2007
Very amusing and interesting. I cant wait for more. I love these types of stories where it gets away from the traditional story. I like the modern setting and Maru a little out of character yet not is cool. Keep it going!