Reviews for Such A Love Quadralateral by Fluffy
me579- Wed 27 Feb 2008
i hav allways luved ur story!!!!!i'v waited 4-ever 4 u 2 write a new chap and u write a small lil paragraph!!!;(*tear*hurry and write another chap!!!plz? ps:peac+luv+respect=happiness
me579- Mon 04 Feb 2008
OMFG luved this chap!!!!!!!hurry and make another and plzplzplz make them longer....cant wait 2 c wut happens n the nxt chap at the pool!!!ps:peace+luv+respect=happieness
sesslovespaine- Thu 31 Jan 2008
Real good so far... I do not want to sound like I am complaining but do you think the chapters could be a little bit longer? sorry if it sounds like complaining but I am not. just a curious thing
me579- Sat 12 Jan 2008
hurry and update! ! ! i realy wanna know wut happens nxt! ! ! peace:)
Minu- Thu 03 Jan 2008
That was awsome!I love how you made them short.I really injoyed reading it!